Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 565: Mysterious old man

Turning into a winged man, he rose to the sky and looked around. He was startled by the rain and night, and his face was dumbfounded.

It is clearly stated on the map that this is an island? And it is a smaller island.

But why is he suspended in the sky and can't see the edge of the land at a glance? Can't see a corner of the sea.

Is this still an island? how is this possible?

All kinds of landforms exist, forest? High mountains? lake? Low-lying is not so much an island as a miniature continent.

That's right, to meet the gathering of so many sacred beasts to form a biological chain, a single landform is definitely not good, it must be the more complex the better.

The rainy night carefully avoided the flying beasts in the sky, flying all the way, measuring all the way, modeling this small land in my mind all the way.

Mythical beast? legend? epic? There are beasts of all levels; flying, terrestrial, crawling, and aquatic beasts are also available.

Rainy night remembered them one by one in my mind. This is the best time to raise the posture, so I dare not miss it.

A few minutes later, a rainy night discovered a problem that was so severe that it could not be ignored and must be solved:

At his current speed, it would take at least three days of sleepless driving to reach the edge of this land...

This is already his fastest speed.

What if there are accidents and dangers on the way? Then this time has to be extended indefinitely.

Originally, Yu Ye Tian really thought that he only needed seven or eight days to complete the task and return to Town No. 48? But now it seems that he has to stay here for a long, long time.

Originally Yuye thought it would be difficult to save the sundial god, but now it seems that the hardest way is to hurry.

No, no, "Wing" only gave himself one month? If you waste time on the road and can't rescue the sundial **** on time?

No, you have to think of a way to get the best of both worlds.

Yuye wants to use the space portal to directly teleport, but God knows what the coordinates of the teleportation are?

What if it is teleported to the beast's nest? Werewolf residence? Or teleport to another Jedi?

Yuye didn't dare to bet, the more the number of deaths, the greater the possibility of his exposure, and the greater the possibility of exposure of the Guild Resurrection Stone.

This method decisively gives up...

Rainy night is very tangled, very tangled...

After the entanglement, his eyes gradually lost focus on the rainy night, and the whole person was lost in thought, but under this situation he was still flying.


I want to be fascinated by things...

Fly like this, 100% will go wrong.

Is it okay to hit the mountain? What if you bump into a beast?

Sure enough, something happened on the rainy night...

The unconscious rainy night ran into the little silver dragon who was practicing flying during the flight...

Boom, a slight noise sounded.

Little Yinlong had nothing to do, but Yuye was directly knocked out and his blood volume dropped by 10,000.

Mythical beast cub? Even if it is just born, it is not something that humans can contend with.

The rainy night that flew upside down recovered, and after seeing the scene in front of him, he quickly lowered the height and landed on the ground.

The puzzled little silver dragon looked around in confusion, then flapped the fleshy wings on his back to continue to practice flying, as if nothing had happened.

The little silver dragon is not to be afraid of, but Yuye not only saw the little silver dragon, but also a sturdy, terrifying big silver dragon hovering behind it, whose power and power were far from the previous black dragon.


This is the only thought in Yu Ye's heart...

Da Yinlong turned his head, his eyelid piercing eyes fell directly on Rainy Night.

For a time, the rainy night felt like being stared at by the wild beasts, and his body became cold and almost stiff.

Although not under the oppression of power, the rainy night still dared not move and turned into a sculpture.

After three seconds, Yinlong looked away at will, rainy night, this ant is not worth it to waste more time.

Feeling the pressure passing, the rainy night panted in relief, his back was wet, and his calves were a little trembling. Fortunately, he escaped.

After resting for a few seconds, he swallowed a spit on the rainy night to maximize the amplitude of his attributes, and ran in the jungle to avoid it.

Although Yinlong doesn't care about himself, it is better to have insurance.

After staying away from this place, Yuye only wiped out his sweat and lifted off again.

No, what should I do when other races cross continents? You don’t rely on flying like yourself, right?

Yu Ye keenly caught this point, and he felt that he had touched something.

There must be a large space portal connecting the islands.

Yes, there must be, he must be hiding at a certain point on this island.

With an idea, it is natural to start implementation.

Rainy night began to consciously search, not missing any place.

Six hours later, the sky gradually darkened, and the beasts returned to their nests, and it happened to be discovered on the rainy night.

He saw a dilapidated building, and the architectural style should be...

Uh, rainy night can't be seen, this is hard to pretend.

This building has a small floor area, only 50 square meters, and the decoration is also very general, but there is a dim light inside, which attracts the attention of rainy night.

Rainy night cautiously slowed down, and gradually approached the building was approaching, and he could see everything inside.

There is only an old figure and an item similar to a portal.

At first glance, the old man should be close to ancient thin, with gray hair and beard, and deep wrinkles on his face, like a ravine.

Very thin, it can be described as skinny, with sunken eye sockets, like a skeleton.

He was wearing a tattered armor. Seeing the trace, it should be caused by monster bites.

His eyes were muddy, and he sat blankly and looked in one direction.

This is a warrior and a warrior who has experienced many battles.

This is Yuye's inference...

Yuye put his eyes on the equipment, trying to infer his rank from his equipment, but as time passed, the spirituality of the equipment had passed away very seriously, and it was still turned into a shattered iron.

There was a fire in front of the old man, and a rhizome similar to a sweet potato was roasting on the fire.

Smell carefully, you can taste a hint of sweetness.

Following the old man's gaze, he was looking at the prop that resembled a portal.

The sudden appearance of such a building, the rainy night did not dare to drag it, and called a clone to go, while he was lurking not far from the building.

"Grandpa? What are you doing?"

Rainy night entered the room softly and politely bowed slightly and asked.

The old man kept silent, but kept looking at the portal.

Seeing that the old man ignored him, the rainy night began to look at the building carefully.

The building has been abandoned for a long time, and high weeds have grown where the ground is broken, crickets sing softly in it, and toads are singing for it.

It is a building, but there are only a few more air leaking walls than the outside.

After looking at it, Yuye refocused his attention on the old man. He was the breakthrough point. There were definitely some secrets hidden in his body.