Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 567: Successfully robbed eggs

To the waist of the golden tree, the rainy night glides directly down.

Tune the tiger away from the mountain? Could it work?

Several methods appeared in Yu Ye's mind for him to choose from.

Uh, what idioms have you learned these days on the rainy night?

You must know that the most indispensable thing in this area is the beast, if it can attract a battle with Bifang? There is still a good chance under rainy night in troubled waters.

but? Which sacred animal do you choose as your goal?

The strength cannot be too low and the distance cannot be too far.

Rainy night searched for the target mythical beasts in my mind, searching one by one. This day's effort was not in vain, he modeled the places where he flew, and inhabited mythical beasts and monsters.

Yu Ye's head is not like a human being, it is so terrifying.

Ok? This god-the three-winged poisonous python seems quite suitable.

Ding, Yuye found a suitable target.

First of all, it and Bi Fang are deadly rivals, and often want to steal Bi Fang's eggs, but every time it is bullied by the two Bi Fang.

What if the two sides meet? It must be endless.

Secondly, it is not very far from here. The short-range rainy night feels that it has a chance to escape and will not be killed by the three-winged poisonous python.

Determine the goal, rainy night did not hesitate, and started to act.

Yin Guai? There is nothing difficult, a group disaster can be dealt with.

The rainy night transformed into a plague mage directly in the sky, and then threw a plague bomb into Bi Fang's lair and detonated it.

Boom, the plague bomb exploded.

Bi Fang in the lair sensed the danger, and quickly spewed out flames, trying to ignite the plague and sweep it, avoiding its erosion and avoiding the baby from harm.

But obviously, they are doing useless work.

The plague bombs were not only not ignited, but on the contrary, they assimilated the flames they ejected.




The damage floated instantly, even the three plague eggs were no exception, so the hatred was instantly attracted to the rainy night...

A majestic Bi Fang flew out from the lair, and after a cry, he looked for the culprit everywhere. Soon it locked on the rainy night when it was nearly 100 meters away.

Bi Fang? Birds and beasts, its speed is very terrifying, and soon came behind the rainy night...

On rainy night, he forced himself to calm down and run fast in the dense jungle, designing obstacles for Bi Fang behind.

Bi Fang's volume is very large, with its wings spread out to be a full ten meters in size. It is not easy to play in the dense forest, plus the obstacles of rainy night design? It slowed down.

But it still spit out flames, trying to turn the ant into ashes.

Be careful to avoid rainy night, not to be distracted.

Near, near, ten seconds away.






At the last second, there was a touch of anger and impatience in Bi Fang's eyes, and he directly launched a huge fireball.

This time, it must attack Yu Ye.

Take two breaths in the rainy night, pinch the time and use the blight of the crowd on Bi Fang, reducing his attributes by half.

At the same time, another plague bomb was thrown again to force the three-winged poisonous python out of the dark.

After doing all this, Yuye opened his hands and greeted death with a flat expression.

Puff, the fireball is coming, the rainy night is dead, the passive nihilization starts...

There was one blood left, and it turned into nothingness and floated around.

Yuye did not choose to resurrect, but the ninja moved in pain.

The next second, the three-winged poisonous python hissed and appeared in front of Bi Fang.

It can feel the weakness of this Bi Fang, an unprecedented weakness, and it feels for the first time that it can swallow a complete Bi Fang.

The three-winged poisonous python quickly launched an attack.

Bi Fang tried to escape in a panic, but it was too late.

It may be able to escape in its heyday, but now? It's impossible.

The three-winged poisonous python appeared in front of Bi Fang at an extremely fast speed and entangled it, and then directly strangled its throat with its fangs without mercy, and injected venom into it.

This Bi Fang couldn't think of it. It originally came out to kill an ant, but in the end it sent its own life in?

‘Bi Fang’, ‘Bi Fang’, this head screamed weakly and wailed, as if playing an elegy for himself again, his eyes looked at the lair in the distance, as if he was thinking of three unborn babies.

The three-winged poisonous python didn't think so much, and directly opened the blood basin and swallowed the extremely weak Bi Fang into his abdomen.

As the main planner of the rainy night, he was shocked to see this scene, so **** and violent.

Soon after leaving this area, the rainy night gathered again and began to run towards Bi Fang's lair.

The three-winged poisonous python originally didn't want to chase it, after all, it had already had a full meal.

But at this moment, the flu of the rainy night raged and launched, cutting off 10% of his blood.

This time? The three-winged poisonous python was angry and chased towards the rainy night.

Rainy night continues to kill...

But the jungle has always been a paradise for pythons, and there is no advantage in rainy nights here.

In a few seconds, the three-winged poisonous python will catch up to the rainy night.

Yu Ye's heart sank, uh, oh, it seemed to be a bit playful.

But his eyes were still calm, and he didn't see any panic. He still had a way to come back.

At this moment, Bi Fang in the lair sensed the death of her husband and uttered a mournful cry and rushed towards the rainy It will crush the corpse in the rainy night, and he will use the three-winged poisonous python Shred completely.

They are certainly beasts, but they also have human emotions.

The two sides have been together day and night for so many years, how deep is that feeling?

Now one of them is dead? The degree of grief and anger of the other can be imagined.

No, it's too late.

Yuye had already sensed Bi Fang's breath, but the three-winged poisonous python on his body was already in front of him.

The next second, when the three-winged poisonous python is about to attack the rainy night?

A mocking smile appeared at the corner of Yuye's mouth, and the invincible effect was activated.

Yu Ye's figure instantly stagnated in place as if it were gilded, no matter how the three-winged poisonous python attacked, it could not attack.

The three-winged poisonous python hissed in anger and kept attacking.

But invincible effect? It cannot be broken.

One second.

Two seconds.

Bi Fang is here.

And the invincible effect of rainy night has the last second.

Seeing the three-winged poisonous python's mouth belonged to Bi Fang's Lingyu, Bi Fang raised his head and screamed, and then launched an attack on it, bursting flames appeared out of thin air.

The two great beasts quickly scuffled together.

In three seconds, the rainy night's invincibility effect ended, he quickly took out the invisible feather into the invisible state, and then activated the nihilization to leave the battlefield.

Rainy night transformed the breath of the whole body into a winged man and flew into Bi Fang's lair.

Take one? Or three? This is a problem?

Why do you think so much? In the next rainy night, all three Bifang eggs were loaded into the backpack and taken away.

Bi Fang felt that he wanted to get rid of the three-winged poisonous python and kill the egg thief Yuye.


Yuye didn't run away for the first time, but turned around to release the skill-the bane of the crowd, and weakened its attributes by half.

Both ends are destined to be a Chinese dish for the three-winged poisonous python.