Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 568: Death, resurrection, infinite repetition

But things are often not that simple. The group disaster quickly spread to the three-winged poisonous python without explanation, causing high amounts of damage.

   There is no way, after the advancement, the evil of the group is no different.

   For a time, the rainy night became the biggest hatred of both sides.

   It's impossible to abandon the past, but it is still possible to chase Yuye together.

   The rainy night is terrible...

   Can he escape this disaster?

   When the rainy night reacts? Two divine beasts have surrounded it in tandem.

   There is a fierce light in the eyes, and the sharp claws are raised high, full of force. If this claw is shot firmly, the rainy night will undoubtedly die.

   At this moment, the two sacred beasts looked even more hideous against their wounds.

   Yuye’s heart was cold for a long time, and I missed the disaster of a single body.

   At the same time, Rainy Night quickly untie the resurrection symbol.

   He wanted to use the Guild Resurrection Stone to avoid this attack.

   This is the only way at present, and it is also the best way.

   Can it happen on rainy night?

   Of course the answer is...

   Bi Fang's eyes reddened, and he wailed and released the strongest single-handed control skill—in-place imprisonment.

   In-situ imprisonment-by this skill, you will be imprisoned in the same place for three hours, during which death will resurrect in-situ.

   Note: The level is higher than Bi Fang, or equal to Bi Fang to get rid of.

Uh? Seeing this skill, Yu Ye rolled his eyes and wanted to quit the game directly.

   This is too abnormal.

  This skill? This skill? As if it was specially designed for him?

   I really don’t know how the designer designed it? Did he anticipate that someone would arrive in advance...

   Well, that's right, after all, there is such a task.

   A pit dug by a designer a year ago, now I jumped into it on a rainy night.

   Rainy night I only feel that I can't move my body, I am uncontrollable, but it is warm and comfortable.

   Yuye wanted to directly attack Ling and behead the two beasts in front of him, but after thinking about it? It didn't seem to be very profitable, so I cancelled this idea.

   "Auntie? I'll send you something, you accept it."

   Before Bi Fang’s attack came, Yuye urgently dialed the number of Changjian Henge.

"Mmm Good."

   Rainy night sent three Bifang eggs first.

  With its existence, this task can be completed, and his sacrifice this time is not in vain.

  Ding, need thirty thousand gold coins to send? Whether to continue?

   Yuye only felt my heart was pulled, my head was hit with a heavy hammer, it was painful and dizzy.

   At this moment, breathing seems so difficult.

   30,000 gold coins? Three million Chinese coins? How could it be so expensive?

   But in the end, the rainy night still gritted his teeth and sent it to Changjian Hengge.

   After receiving the three Bifang eggs, the long sword Hengge at the other end suddenly burst out a foul language.

   "Fuck, three sacred beast eggs? Rainy night, did this rob Bi Fang's lair?"

   Uh, don't tell me, it really is.

   glanced at the other items in the backpack, let out a sigh of relief on the rainy night, and immediately felt relieved.

  The legend and epic of a backpack, and that set of god-level equipment? Before Yu Ye came, he had given them all to Changjian Hengge and asked her to help sell them.

   Equip this column? There is nothing to cherish, there is almost nothing in the backpack.

   Next is the potion? If the value is not great, it will burst.

   Some cheap props? Forget it, no mailing, the price is equivalent to the postage.

   As for the precious props such as the final chapter ceremony, they were all mailed by the rainy night at a high price.

   Another blue dragon? Xuanwu and other divine beast eggs? It was also collected by the plague god, not in the backpack.

  These equipment? cloak? The helmet and sickle are all bound and cannot be dropped. Others are of little value.

   The rainy night had just been transferred, and Bi Fang’s attack came as scheduled, he immediately killed him without any discussion.

  Ding, you are dead, you have lost 30% of your experience.

  Ding, is it resurrected?

   Rainy night did not want to resurrect, but the warm current in the body pulled it up forcibly in the next second.

   This time, the three-winged poisonous python spit out a poisonous mist to kill it in seconds.

  Ding, you are dead, you have lost 30% of your experience.

  Ding, is it resurrected?



   Rainy night began to repeat like this...

   In the Dragon Touring Guild on the other side, Changjian Hengge looked at a few items in his backpack, and his entire mind buzzed in place.

   Xiao Ming has called her several times, but he just can't wake up.

   God beast eggs? Zhong Zhangyi and so on, everything made her lose her perception of the surrounding things.

   This is too scary.

   God beast eggs? That's...

   It’s been more than two months since I started serving? How many sacred beasts appeared?

   "I am Suzaku" has a head, so she rushed into the top ten of the ranking list with a strong attitude, and firmly ranked in the top five.

but now? There are three Bifang eggs quietly lying in the backpack of Changjian Hengge, that is, three "I am Bifang". How terrifying is this?

   There is a final chapter?

   Changjian Hengge originally thought that fifty towns and more than a thousand novice villages are already very big, and it takes all her energy to conquer these.

   But open the final chapter? Changjian Hengge suddenly felt like sitting on a well and watching the sky.

   Original? Is her structure so small? original? The place she wants to occupy is so insignificant, except for the town? There is more space.

   "President? President? Fat girl?"

   Xiao Ming exhausted all his methods, but failed to awaken the Changjian Hengge, so he could only call her nickname.

   In the next instant, Changjian Henge woke up and recovered from the sluggishness.


   She was stunned, and looked around, her eyes still full of confusion.

   "President? What happened to you before?"

   Xiaoming asked puzzledly, full of curiosity. UU Reading

   It has been a long time since she saw her desolate expression on Changjian Henge's face.


   Changjian Hengge still did not respond, his ears buzzed as if he could not hear Xiao Ming's speech.


   Three minutes later, Changjian Hengge finally recovered, and sent screenshots of all the items Yuye had previously sent him to Xiao Ming, something? Let's carry it together.

  Sure enough, when Xiao Ming saw such an item, he couldn't help himself for a long time like Changjian Hengge, falling into infinite sluggishness.

   This, this is too scary...

   "Said Xiaoye? He is going to the sea? But the sea is more than one hundred and eight thousand miles away from our town? How is he going?"

   Xiao Ming was surprised, but he still thought of rainy night and the sea for the first time.

   "Uh, brother, your focus seems to be so missed."

   Changjian Hengge sighed, sighed secretly in his heart, and then spoke, wanting to bring back Xiao Ming's values.

   "Xiao Ming? Xiao Ye just asked me to accept it? You said I can handle it?"

   Er, Xiao Ming's face was full of shock when he heard Changjian Hengge's words.

  Boss? Are you too shameless?

   Do you trust you when someone sent it to you? Now you have to deal with it?

   "Is this bad? Would you like to ask the person's opinion?"

   Xiaoming said nervously.

   "That's right."

   So Changjian Henge dialed the call on Rainy Night.