Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 569: Title-Final

Ding, you need one hundred gold coins for one minute of talking. Do you want to continue to dial?

   Uh, so expensive? Dial through.

   "Saya? Are these things for me to keep or?"

   straight to the point, Changjian Hengge doesn't like roundabouts.

   "Auntie, leave me a Bifang egg. You can handle the other two by yourself. You can use the other things, but you must remember to return it to me."

   Yuye quickly sorted out his thoughts, and fell into death again after finishing talking.

   Before every death? There will be a muffled hum on rainy night, after all, it is painful.

  Resurrection? death? The gap is only one second.

   So Changjian Hengge wanted to crooked...

   Everyone fills up this picture by themselves.

   Changjian Hengge wanted to criticize Yuye, but in the end he hung up the call without saying a word.

   vulgar, bah.

   "Xiao Ming, summon the members of the guild, mainly those with sufficient financial resources in their pockets, to discuss the ownership of these two Bifang eggs."

After    hung up, Changjian Henge coughed slightly and ordered to go down.

what? okay.

   Xiao Ming was taken aback obviously, and then ran out quickly with joy.

   This is a major event, enough to bring the guild to a higher level.

   The first person Xiaoming informed was Lao Niu. At this moment, Lao Niu was looking in one direction and thinking:

   Hey, eight hours have passed? Why is there no response from "Di Zhang"? It shouldn't.

   Whether it succeeded or failed? There must be a message, right?

   Lao Niu is very puzzled.

   "Lao Niu, tell you something."

   Xiaoming looked around cautiously, and then quietly spit out a word into the old cow's ear.

   "What? Is it true?"

   The reaction of the old cow was great, and after a second he quickly ran towards the guild hall.

  What is "Di Zhang"? He was immediately left behind.

After a few minutes? Long sword hate song closed the guild hall, and no fly could get in.

   Rainy night will have another windfall in a few minutes.

   And the cost of this windfall is extremely heavy.

   At this moment, a player who was watching the ranking list was shocked.

   Rainy night still occupied the first position with absolute advantage in the first second, but the next second he became second, and after another second, he became third.

   The player rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and Yuye's level had fallen to tenth.

   "Fuck it? You look at the ranking list? It's weird."

   Just the player uttered in horror, he felt that he had encountered a supernatural event.

   "Huh? It's fine."

   The player beside him took a glance and said nonchalantly.

   "Hey, no, where's the name of'Holy Dragon'?"

   Another player found the problem and asked aloud.

   "I just watched his name fall from number one to tenth with my own eyes."

   The players were just a little shocked, and then stopped paying attention.

   After all, this list has nothing to do with me.

   "Ah, where is the Holy Dragon?"

"do not know."

   "Oh, leave it alone, brush our monsters well."

   This is the normal psychology of players, but for some people, this matter is not that simple.

   such as "real man, real man".

   He just finished brushing a purple-gold boss and gained a lot of experience points, and then he opened the rank list to compare the gap between him and Rainy Night.

   Then, he was surprised to find that Yu Ye was not on the list?

how is this possible?

   He was here an hour ago.

   So ‘real man, real man’ opened all the lists and started searching one by one.

   Finally, he found the trace of the'Holy Dragon' from a hundred thousand kilometers away. At this moment, the rainy night was only twenty-ninth level.

   He wanted to call Yuye and ask him what happened?

   However, the rainy night's level continued to drop until it was cleared after ten minutes...

   "Real Man, Real Man" watched the whole process, but he didn't understand it.

   What did the "Holy Dragon" do? Will his level be reduced to zero?

   In the next second, ‘real man, real man’ activated his privileges and asked about rainy night.

  Ding, "Holy Dragon" is currently all normal.

   This is the reply he got.

feeling bad.

   Uh, finally met such an opponent? Could it be that it is gone?

   Want to know more than two months? The talents are worthy of raising the level to thirty-five six.

  Rainy night this time the level is reset to zero? When he raises his level again, he will not be able to catch up to the first echelon.

   And the selection of the whole district will start in three days...

   at his current level? It is impossible to get any good results.

   Selection in three days? What it is?

  Uh, this is just their wishful thinking.

   Yuye didn't care about this, don't forget that he also had a level reset accident in the Wing Man Realm.

how about it? Hasn't it become the top ranking list?



   Other players also quickly discovered that the level of the "Holy Dragon" was cleared to zero, and began to discuss.

   "Have you watched it? The rank of the first "Holy Dragon" has been cleared."

   "What? Fuck? It turned out to be true?"

   "I can't believe it, how did he do it?"



   and others like Longjian Henge walked out of the enclosed guild hall, and soon she also got the news.

   She instantly puts the beast egg? The two things of level clearing are linked together.

   Uh, it turns out that it cost such a big price to get these two mythical beast eggs Rainy Night?

   The price code just now? It seems to sell cheap...

   Forget it, internal price, so be it.

   After a brief ideological struggle, Changjian hate the song and went away, not to worry about rainy night.

   The screen turns and returns to the land of the sea.

   On the rainy night, my face was like dead ashes and collapsed on the ground like a dead body, not wanting to move at all...

  He has died nearly one hundred and fifty The level has long been cleared.

   Hey, rainy night is very annoying, the level has been cleared?

   Why didn't these two bosses let them go? The world is really getting worse.

   Logically speaking, he should have been forced to quit the game long ago, but this time the system seemed to be malfunctioning.

   In the beginning, it hurts, the pain that goes deep into the bone marrow, after all, it is death...

   But now? Yuye was almost immune to this pain, almost numb.

   The attack of the three-winged poisonous python landed on him, and the rainy night was only a slight tremor in his figure, and he faced the death with an expressionless and calm face.

Ah? It's not very painful...

   Pop, a warm current passes by, and the rainy night is resurrected.

  噗, a faint pain like electric current emerged, and the rainy night died again.

   This death is completely different from before, this time a long-lost system prompt sounded.

   A ray of hope appeared in Yu Ye's eyes, he tried hard to hear clearly, and wanted to end this nightmare.

  Ding, congratulations on successfully completing the achievement and winning the title-the worst person in the mainland.

  Ding, congratulations on your success...

  Ding, congratulations...

   Uh, rainy night is very hard.

   These system prompts were originally three beeps, but this time they rang five times.