Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 57: The cement keeps on, the wall sticks on

Ding, the first-tier boss is coming soon, please prepare the team for ‘slap in the face’.

The expressions of the ten people in the dungeon were as usual. There was not much surprise about this, but there was something else in the eyes of the player's ‘why tm so so’, something different.

To be honest, this team is a wasteland reclamation group of other guilds that this little brother has spent a lot of money to invite, in order to be the first pass of the tenth level dungeon. There is only one agreement signed: fully obey the order.

It is well-known that the people in the wasteland group have high strength, and the high strength brings naturally disobey orders.

Even with the constraints of the contract, a few people still don't take this little brother into their eyes. After all, they have died many times under the leadership of the president, and they do not believe that such a novice can pass the level...

However, the reality of face-slaps made them unable to prevent them. The green poisonous fog is simply not too scary...Even the nine people filled with a ridiculous idea: whether to kill it and take its treasure.

This idea was rejected by them as soon as they appeared in this world, joking that the green poisonous mist was in front of them, how to grab it? Are you going to die or am I going to die?

The thoughts of the rest of the players watching the live broadcast at this moment:

"Grass, this live studio doesn't even have the video recording function turned on. The anchor is really cheap."

"Hahaha, it's okay, I made a video, and it's high-definition, who wants to watch? Who wants to watch it? A ten yuan is worthy of no deception."

"Uh, are you a bit off the track? The point is that poisonous fog, poisonous fog, poisonous fog, and important things are said three times. Does anyone know what it is? Solve it. Solve it."

"According to the analysis of the old man, this group of poisonous fog should be a green mist born when the chaos first opened. Its name: Luluo, the effect must be seen by everyone, so the old man will not repeat it."

"Ball, this is not a fantasy novel, there is a pit in your mind, what do you think about every day?"



"I have a question? Since this team has such a killer, why build a fortress? Isn't this dragging pants and farting?"

"Sharp, sharp."

"Same question, same question."

"Grass, anchor, are you dumb? Lao Tzu will give you a reward for two cruise ships and come out to reply."



"It's fun!" This reason is simply not too strong, and the crowd onlookers are instantly speechless.



There are not a few people who saw the poisonous fog, but no one knew it, and even reported it directly by taking a screenshot, saying that it was a plug-in.

In this regard, the reply to the final chapter is simple: the game progress is all normal.

The group of people who watched the live broadcast happened to be a player from the Dragon Touring Guild, and hurriedly transmitted the name of the team, the id of the main members of the team, and the appearance, etc., back to the Dragon Touring Guild, and at the same time let the long sword hate song pay attention here. Case.

The screen returns to the Dragon Touring Guild:

In the past few days, the construction of the Dragon Touring Guild has not fallen at all. Several buildings have been roughly formed, and people can live in a few days; there are a lot of sharp weapons on the wall, and the defense and attack power have been greatly improved. Developing in a good direction.

As for the most important stone monument, it has been well protected. So much cement is not white, layer after layer, and there are still many people still putting cement on it. Changjian Hengge gave a death order: the cement keeps on, the wall sticks on...

Previously, this stone monument was only about two meters, but now it is three times fatter, and its defense power has greatly increased. Next time the rest of the guilds and crazy monsters want to destroy the Dragon Touring Guild, it is not that simple.

It is estimated that it will take three hours to destroy this layer of stone skin...

At this moment, the major members and important backbones of the Dragon Touring Guild gathered in front of the stele, but their condition was very wrong. They squatted in front of the stele and looked at the long sword hate song like a grieving young woman. Big grievances.

Note: After the previous statistics were completed and the Long Sword Hate Song went through some precise calculations, they vowed to tell them that they had understood the situation in the dungeon and 100% could be overcome. Several people instantly beamed their eyes and followed the Long Sword Hate Song to enter. Unexpectedly, the third wave of heroic warriors killed instantly.

Changjian Hengge saw Tian's pretending to be stupid and evaded it was a mistake. Several people believed her evil and went in again. The result was the same, it was still a mistake...

They were scared from the bottom of their hearts about Changjian Hengge, and she would not believe anything, especially when she saw the look that she was still studying. God knows what this fat girl figured out?

Changjian Hengge originally used a small notebook to make serious calculations, but when she saw the news and the figure in the screenshot, she exclaimed: Hey, isn't this my little brother? He also went to clear the dungeon? TM too?

Ah, a few people exclaimed, never heard that Changjian Henge has a little brother, what is going on? You know, as the backbone of the Dragon Touring Guild, they have been with Changjian Hengge for no less than five years...

Changjian Hengge retracted the previous expression like a face change in Peking Opera, and continued to pretend to calculate as if nothing had happened. However, this action can make everyone's heart like a hundred cats troublesome, very itchy, I want to know this little Changjian Hengge Who on earth is my brother...

After a while, Changjian Hengge swiped a big pen like a general on the march and said, "The plan has been determined, and the attack will continue."

"How do you continue? President, you order." Gemini immediately leaned over and brushed a wave of presence righteously. They were really bored, and they had to enter the dungeon for whatever they said this time.

"Yes, President, let them go, let them go."

"Yes, yes, give young people a chance."

"Yes, yes, Gemini I am optimistic about you, you are a role model for my generation."



Lao Niu and the others stood up in an instant, they were very sincere in their words, and their attitude was very clear, as if they would be desperate to prevent Gemini from entering us.

Gemini was unidentified, so he cast grateful eyes and thanked all the big brothers for giving us the opportunity and clasped his fists.

Note: Gemini has always been in the guild station and does not know.

"Go and buy all the speed-up equipment in the auction At least the speed can reach 60 before you can participate in the plan." Changjian Hengge gave her request.

"it is good."

Gemini rushed to open the auction house and searched for it. After all, the additional speed of the breastplate and leg armor is rare. Obviously they were lucky to find a few after a few minutes, and quickly put on the viewing attributes:

Siwei is very scumbag, can't bear to look straight, only the movement speed reaches 55, but it is still close to the requirements of Longjian Hengge.

The two were a little dejected, looking at Changjian Hengge with hopeful eyes, hoping that she could ease.

Changjian Henge nodded and patiently explained her plan to the Gemini and expressed her own thoughts at the same time: sincerely hope that they can join, be able to shine for the guild, and contribute their own strength.

"President, my stomach hurts, I slip away first, bye."

"President, my aunt is here, I'll go offline first, and see you later." I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature" to read novels, talk about life, and find friends~