Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 58: Rare equipment: simulated professional h

After listening to the Long Sword Hate Song's plan, the two Geminis looked terrified and went off the assembly line quickly, as if they had seen a ghost. They did not give her any chance to react, because the Long Sword Hate Song's plan was too Too thrilling, no, thrilling.

Long Jian Henge's face didn't matter, and then he looked at other people, there are others without you, cut.

Seeing such gazes, Lao Niu and the others quickly avoided turning their heads and pretending to retreat carelessly, retreating and saying:

"Ah, I suddenly remembered that my house is still stewing soup, I'm leaving first." The old cow was the first to flash, evacuating from the pot.

"Huh, I want to shit, I'm leaving." Shit escape

"Yeah, forgot, forgot." Wuming escape



In just three seconds, two hundred masters all went offline without exception. They didn’t stay for a moment. Well, dozens of people had the same excuses. That scene made Changjian Henge's memory still fresh, so she brushed her face. It's dark.

You must know that when Changjian Hengge talked about the plan earlier, several people were listening to them and horrified.

"A group of unplanted goods, counsel the eggs." Seeing the ruthlessly leaving Changjian Hengge with a gloomy face, gritted his teeth and ridiculed them wildly, and finally wanted to strangle them all, but then saw the distance The figure of Yu Ye suddenly changed into a smile like a spring breeze, and said harmlessly:

"Xiao Ye, do you want to continue the battle with aunt? Auntie has already figured out a way."

Uh, Yuye turned his head and only felt a cool breeze passing by, and his body was chilly. It seemed that something bad was waiting for him, and he was very puzzled, maybe he was cursed.

Note: He was helping Grandpa Li and the others repair the building before, and he didn't hear the plan of Changjian Hengge.

"Well, wait for me, Auntie will come here." Xiao Ye put down a piece of wood taller than him, and ran in the direction of Long Jian Henge.

Seeing success, the smile at the corner of Changjian Hengge's mouth is more sunny and harmless. As for plans, how can there be plans? Nothing.

So Yuye was fooled into the tenth-level copy by Changjian Hengge without knowing it:

"Auntie, how about Uncle Niu? Aren't they going with us?"

"They have something, this time we two went to touch the enemy's situation, Xiao Ye is likely to continue to die this time, are you ready?"

"Hmm, it's okay."

Changjian Hengge's voice: Look, I explained the situation to Yuye, and he agreed.



Ding, welcome to the tenth level dungeon, whether to enter the second and third wave of progress.


With a flash, the two reappeared in the gray space during the scene change

Ding, the third wave of heroic warriors is coming soon, please prepare your team:

After entering the dungeon, Changjian Hengge quickly explained the whole plan to Yuye:

"According to the last words of the twenty dead men, I have probably figured out the birth point of these three hundred heroic warriors. As long as we stay away from these points, we will be able to obtain at least three seconds of reaction time, Xiao Ye, You have to use these three seconds to add as many individual disasters to the heroic warriors as possible.

The more you attach, the greater our chances of winning. Well, time is not waiting for anyone to run with me now. "

Xiaoye nodded, and immediately started to run with Changjian Hengge, and said as he ran Changjian Hengge:

"Xiao Ye opens the map and I will mark a few points for you. The positions of those points cannot be said to be absolutely safe, but at least they will receive the least fatal blow. Then we will look at luck. If we are lucky, we will not be killed in seconds. It passed."

Three black lines appeared on the forehead on the rainy night... Could this be the plan that my aunt had vaguely heard in the guild just now?

No wonder the uncles and sisters ran so fast one by one, with a fatality rate of 90%. It is already burning high if you can resist it, let alone the least need to resist...? Hey, my aunt didn't seem to say how much to resist.

After that, a feeling of being trapped spontaneously emerged from the heart of rainy night.

Yu Ye just wanted to talk to Changjian Henge, and wanted to inquire about the detailed plan and figure out what happened. However, a system prompt came from a place of nothingness:

Ding, the third wave of mobs is here...

Yuye hurriedly shut up, and hurried forward with his little feet even harder.

"Look at the picture on the rainy night." Changjian Hengge didn't seem to hear it, and he still marked the rainy night.

Yes, my aunt has no skills and no equipment to resist, what should she do? Could it be that Auntie came to die with me? Hey, I misunderstood my aunt. How could my aunt hurt me?

Uh, our Xiaoye is really kind.

He didn’t know that there was also a rare piece of equipment extracted from the treasure chest hidden in the backpack of Longjian Hengge: a simulated professional helmet

Level: None

Additional attributes: none

Simulated occupation: You can spend 500 gold coins to switch occupations three times in one day, and the duration is ten minutes.

Uh, experience fifty thousand Hua Xia coins once. This is a piece of equipment specially prepared for local tyrants. Is it possible to systematically understand Changjian Hengge? Give her these expensive equipment?

This piece of equipment is usually not used, but at this time, it can be... Next to the simulated professional helmet is quietly placed a shiny golden staff with a golden ~In other words, the pitted person this time: only rainy night.

Rainy night hurriedly modeled the map in his mind, and at the same time quickly searched for it in his surroundings. After a while, he found the points mentioned by Changjian Henge.

The howling of the wind rushed towards his face along with the deadly air, and the speed at his feet on the rainy night was as fast as a dragon. He did not dare to look back, and could only throw away the disaster of a single body and the raging flu by feeling.

With a bang, the rainy night entered a state of nothingness, and when he threw out more than thirty single calamities, a fatal blow from the sky also came.

I saw Changjian Henge unhurriedly turn on the golden body, using the skill of 2.5 seconds to block these fatal blows, intact.

Rainy night sighed slightly like an old wise man, looked up at the golden fatal blow on the horizon: Hey, it's free to return to the city again.

Before his death, Yu Ye glanced at Changjian Hengge on a whim, and the expression on his face suddenly became rich, his eyes were round and bloodshot, and his small mouth was so big that he could put down his fist. I wiped it. , Rainy night's short life is the first time to speak dirty words.

At this time, there is no other way except swear words to ease the mood of the rainy night.

Absolute defense, absolute countermeasures, and the same sorrow of heaven and earth, rainy night played all the skills in an instant, he now has only one idea: he must live, he must live, and confront Changjian Hengge face to face... this shameless ...

The screen turns, in the Dragon Touring Guild:

The figures of Lao Niu and others emerged like bubbles converging. The first thing everyone came to the game was to probe their brains to observe the surrounding situation. I want to talk about "{?$article_title?}" with more like-minded people, follow "Excellent Literature" on WeChat, read novels, chat about life, and find friends~