Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 589: Shocking artifact data

Feeling the powerful force flowing in the body, the body stretched out in the rainy night, like a sunflower in the sun, the whole person was intoxicated and unable to extricate himself.

This powerful feeling? It's not too wonderful.

This artifact is so terrifying, far beyond Yuye's expectations.

Yu Ye originally thought that this artifact would be like a soft artifact staff, sealed for nothing, she didn't expect...

"By the way, I have removed the toxins of the three-winged poisonous python in your body, and you must not lose the chain at the critical moment, causing you to fall short."

Even if the Plague Magic God is just a clone, with low strength, it is still no problem to dispel the toxins left by the three-winged poisonous python.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

Hearing this, Yu Ye nodded, agreeing with the master's approach. Indeed, if he sneaked into it and died suddenly? The impact is indeed great.

Don't you say it exposed? Is it possible to attract the attention of the gods? Caused all losses.

"Thank you, Master."

After thanking him, Yuye set his sights on the artifact again, and he couldn't wait any longer.

Strictly speaking, this should be obtained on a rainy night, no, it is the first artifact that can be worn on a rainy night.

And it is an artifact of growth, which is terrifying.

After the lucky bag incident, a small number of players obtained growthable equipment, which was able to upgrade their ranks to artifacts, er, to the level of first-tier artifacts.

To know? Get such a piece of equipment? This means that there will be his figure at the **** level, and the China Hall of Fame may have a place.

Artifact? Is that an artifact?

This shows the horror of growable equipment, and the horror of artifacts.

Although I don’t see it as strong for the time being? But as time goes by, it will get stronger, more and more surprising and exciting.

But Yuye’s artifact is directly a first-order artifact of growth, if it is possible? It can be elevated to the level of a ninth-order artifact.

Uh, your end is actually the beginning of others?

This feeling? Are you irritating? Is this a human thing?



Tier 9 artifact? It seems that only two high-level gods have been successfully forged from ancient times.

One is Wutian, the forging ancestor of the human race, forging a pinnacle of existence, and the other is the ancient dwarf forging king Aoting...

These two gods? It is equally famous in ancient times.

But these two gods at the end of ancient times? They all disappeared.

I wonder if it is deliberately hidden? Still other factors. Since then? No one has seen these two gods again.

Since the disappearance of the two gods? The ninth-order artifact has almost become a swan song, out of print, and has never been forged again. The fastest updated novels https://

From ancient times to today? Some ninth-tier artifacts are damaged, and some ninth-tier artifacts are missing, so the number of ninth-tier artifacts is decreasing...

It can be said? The ninth-order artifact is basically the pinnacle of the final chapter continent, and even some recent ninth-tier gods do not have the ninth-order artifact in their hands.

How about the Celestial camp? They have a direct gift from the God of Creation, and there is no shortage of Tier 9 artifacts.

But the ordinary camp is far behind, there are known that there are seven or eight Tier 9 gods who do not have their own Tier 9 artifacts.

Want to know the ninth-tier **** who has the ninth-tier artifact? There is a big gap with the 9th-order gods who don't have the 9th-order artifact, and at least they can be suppressed to death.

The lack of high-end combat power and high-end equipment is also the reason why the ordinary camp is losing ground.

No way, there is no creation **** behind the ordinary camp.

And now? An invincible piece of equipment that can become a Tier 9 artifact is placed in front of the rainy night.

It is no exaggeration to say that if this equipment is obtained in the ordinary camp, it will definitely cause a lot of gods to **** wildly.

After handing over the equipment to Yuye and giving him some advice, the plague law **** stopped speaking.

Equipment name: Plague overlap boots are sealed

Equipment introduction: The plague method **** extracts ten high-level plagues and combines the god-level material sensitive gold, which takes one minute to forge. It is an artifact of growth and has huge potential.

Uh, I rolled my eyes when I saw rainy night here.

This introduction? Too fake, right? So perfunctory? One minute? Can you forge anything good in one minute? Yuye fell into deep doubt.

But these ten high-level plagues are quite scary, high-level plagues? That is far more terrifying than the plagues such as a and b on rainy nights.

Look at the equipment attributes first.

Equipment type: heavy armor

Suitable occupations: Plague Mage, Plague Mage.

See here? Rainy night fell into contemplation again.

Plague Mage? The plague god? Are there two professions? Isn't the Plague Mage the advanced version of the Plague Mage? Is there any secret in this?

In the rainy night, he was thinking a lot...

Wearing level: zero

Durability: None

Quality: The artifact is currently a Tier 1 artifact and is sealed

Grade: Supreme

Additional attributes:

Power: 10000 is sealed

Agility: 10000 is sealed

Spirit: 10000 was sealed

Constitution: 10000 is sealed

After watching Siwei, Yuye was a little surprised and was sealed? Is it possible that four dimensions can continue to increase?

That's right, no matter how it is said, it is also a complete artifact. It is indeed a little bit to add only such four dimensions.

You must know that Qingtian's incomplete artifact, keel, Libra, is nothing more than this.

Uh, such a high four-dimensional? In the eyes of the rainy night is called the word less?

Is it rainy night?

But how should it be unblocked? Will it be upgraded again after unblocking? Yuye I don’t know I can only continue to look down, hoping that there is a way to lift the seal below.

However, no...

Physical defense: 10000

Magic defense: 10000

Health value: 100000

Magic value: 100000

Evasion rate: 20

Physical crit rate: 20

Magic crit rate: 20

Hit rate: 20

Lucky value: 2

Looking at the addition of the whole body, Yuye was very excited and awesome.

This equipment? Terror is not enough to describe.

If you turn on all amplitudes? Rainy Night is definitely able to wrestle with the legendary boss, and it's not even suitable for crowds to kill him.

Additional skill one: Ignore the field.

Effect: Ignore all god-level domains under the eighth-level gods.

Activation requirements: any plague.

Depending on the plague level, the duration is different, and the minimum can last for 30 minutes.

Cooling time: one minute.

The first item, the master has already said, Yu Ye has a bottom in his heart.

But seeing it with my own eyes, the rainy night still feels terrifying, thirty minutes? This time shouldn’t be too long, I don’t know how the master forged it?

And the cooling time is only one minute?

One minute? This time shouldn’t be too short, well, it can be compared with the raging flu.

But the gap between the two is vastly different.

Additional skill two: Ignore the prohibition.

Effect: Ignore all god-level restrictions under the eighth-level gods.

Activation requirements: any plague.

Depending on the plague level, the duration is different, and the minimum can last for 30 minutes.

Cooling time: one minute.

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