Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 590: Infiltrate "Infinite"

  嚯, when he saw this, Yu Ye was shocked and his eyes filled with disbelief.

   This skill is as terrifying as the previous one, ignoring the prohibition? Ignoring the field, only these two skills? The value of this piece of equipment far exceeds the first-order artifact of the same level.

   No kidding? Although it is a first-order artifact? But these two skills? It is not inferior to ordinary seventh-order artifacts, and even worse.

   Additional skill three: Ignore the coercion of the gods.

   Effect: Ignore the coercion of the gods under the eighth-order gods.

   Activation requirement: any plague.

   Depending on the plague level, the duration is different, and the minimum can last for 30 minutes.

   Cooling time: one minute.

   Hey, have this skill? Rainy night can throw away the props that I bought to ignore the coercion of the gods.

   No, no, you have to sell it, or you will lose money.

  Additional skill 4: Can not be detected.

  Additional skill five: Can not be detected.



   Additional Skill Ten: Cannot be explored.

   Ten additional skills, very scary.

   As for special effects? More.

   Additional skill damage, additional skill immunity rate, additional flat A damage, etc., etc., no less than five, and each of them is extremely scary and practical.

  Note: This equipment is a growth artifact, and the required conditions for upgrading the artifact level:

   One, a high-level plague.

   Two, a second-order artifact promotion stone.

   Three, a second-order **** soul.

   Three conditions are indispensable.

   High-level plague? Rainy night is already there, a white puzzle is enough.

   As for the second-tier artifact lifting stone, it is sold in the grocery store with a price of 500,000 gold coins.

  50 million Chinese coins? The price is very high, and the rainy night is currently unaffordable, but next month’s dividends arrive, and the rainy night can be purchased.

   As for the second-tier **** soul? Yuye didn't know where to buy, so it seemed that he could only pin his hopes on the ‘final chapter of the mainland’s first merchant’.

   Hope it's not too expensive.

   To put it simply, Yuye now wants to upgrade the plague boots to the second-order artifact, which is basically impossible.

  Note: Additional skills and special effects can be activated by upgrading artifacts.

   Hey, it looks like the fourth skill? The fifth skill is currently not related to him.

   Forget it, don't think so much.

   Two plagues A and B were injected into the overlapping plague boots, and the two skills of Ignore God-level domain and Ignore prohibition were activated. The rainy night took a deep breath and settled his mind and strode into it.

   Invisible Ling can prevent the guard **** from being inspired by rainy night, and ignoring the realm can further shield their perception.

   It can be said that the rainy night nowadays has turned into a gust of wind, and they can't detect it anyway.

   The mechanism in "Wu Jian"? Rainy night is well known, as long as you be careful, you will hardly be overthrown by the agency.

   As if entering the land of no one, it is the rainy night at this moment.



   After a short while, Rainy Night successfully sneaked in and came to the first level of darkness. First release https://https://

   However, the situation within "Wu Jian" is far more terrifying than rainy night imagined.

   All kinds of tragic conditions make people feel chilly; endless wailing makes people tremble.

   There are all races here, dwarves, giants, elves? Almost all have.

   Looking at such a scene in Rainy Night, I only felt that my head was hit very hard, and I felt nauseous, my head was dizzy, and my heart was hit.

   It’s really ‘infernal hell’...

   The first time I saw such a tragic situation? Yuye was frightened silly, and found a safe place, just as soft as mud.

   Rainy night feels very stuffy, some can't breathe, even if he takes a lot of breath, he still feels unable to breathe, this feeling is so uncomfortable.

   Yu Ye's face turned pale in an instant, like white paper.

   He didn't dare to look, he didn't dare to listen, his mind went blank.

   At this moment, Yu Ye realized that he was just a... ten-year-old kid, he was just an ordinary person.

   Facing such a scene? He simply couldn't bear it.

   In a word, the rainy night is still too little, too little.

   "This is a game, this is a game, this is not true, neither is true, calm, calm, don't panic, don't think about it, don't think about it."

   was paralyzed on the ground for ten minutes, Yuye thought of this way, and kept lying in his mind.

   There is still a little effect at the beginning, the rainy night’s heart is quiet, but...




   The screams in the prison came again, Yu Ye's heart, hands, and even the whole body also trembled. This method... failed, it was useless.

   At this moment, Yu Ye suddenly realized that it was not the hardest thing to sneak into it and save the "Sundial God", and it was the hardest thing to overcome this hurdle in his heart.

   Can only rely on Rainy Night to walk over? Just walk over? Successfully rescued the "God of the Sundial", can't get past? He is also likely to get in.

  Since there is no escape? Then we can only deal with it positively.

   Three minutes later, Yuye wanted to understand the truth, took a deep breath and widened his eyes to look at the scene closest to him.

   only glanced at it, and turned his head on the rainy night, feeling vomiting spontaneously.

   But he can only hold it back forcibly. Invisible Ling can help him hide, but the vomiting object? But it won't be invisible, when the rainy night will only expose this way.

   Four minutes have passed since the time to ignore the realm, and there are twenty-six minutes left. There is not much time left for rainy nights.

After    calmed down for a few seconds, Yuye turned his head to watch again, overcome, must overcome.

   Yuye repeated these words in his mind again.

   After repeating this a few times, the rainy night feels a lot better, at least my breathing is a little normal. UU Reading

   So he turned his gaze to the other side, and the scene on the other side was more terrifying than this one.

   One second later, a strong smell of blood was smelled on a rainy night.

   Vomiting, rainy night almost couldn't help vomiting again, and breathing became stagnant.

   closed his eyes on a rainy night, forcing himself to calm down, but every second of the horrible scene when he closed his eyes would emerge, circling before his eyes.

   "Not afraid, not afraid, they are all fake, they are all games, be brave, be brave, calm, I am calm."

   Rainy night comforted myself again and kept cheering myself up.

   After a few seconds of calming down, the rainy night turned to watch again.

   Repeated this way nearly a hundred times. After ten minutes, Yu Ye's complexion returned to a trace of blood. Now he can finally watch the horrible scene before him without changing his face.

   God knows what has been experienced in the ten minutes of rainy night? God knows what kind of struggle Yuye's heart has gone through? God knows how much horror Yuye has suffered physiologically? New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

   exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale, repeating this several times, the rainy night's legs finally regained consciousness, stood up from the ground, and started to go to the second floor.

  The scenes on the second floor are similar to those on the first floor. Even if some of the scenes are too scary, the rainy night is just unsuitable and still within the tolerance range.

   Strictly speaking, the situation of the first ten floors is almost the same, and the rainy night passed quickly.

  From the eleventh floor, the scene is harmonious and normal.
