Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 600: Minus 99

   In the RH zone, players are also very interested. They have made it a hot topic, and they have begun to speculate about how the battle of honor will proceed? What is the reward? Where will the final battle point be placed?

   Players in the RH zone are like this, there is no absolute advantage, favorable conditions? They will not act.

   And once the conditions are favorable to them? These people will be like a pack of hungry wolves, always ready to choose someone to eat.

   Hehe, maybe this is the root of badness hidden in the bones.

   After all these years of fighting experience with the RH zone, there is only one. These white-eyed wolves must be killed first, and they should not be given a chance.

   This is recognized by the entire China District and even the six regions...

   Many players in the OM area have already geared up and are eager to try. Players in the other three regions also showed strong enthusiasm.



It can be said? This system prompt quickly set off a storm in the six regions, a storm large enough to hold all players. Every player was involved, and every player was looking forward to it.

   However, the confidentiality of the final chapter was done very well. No information about the battle of honor was leaked, whether it was the website? then what? No information can be found.

   Let the players guess, the final chapter has no additional information, only eight words:

  The battle of honor is about to begin.

   "I feel like siege of the city, just like the gods and the common people occupy the town with each other. To be honest, my blood hasn't been this hot in a long time."

   "I don't agree with your point of view, it is impossible for the siege to come out so early, I feel it is related to the arena."

   "Huh? Brother? I agree with your point of view. I also feel that it is related to the arena. After all, the arena has just opened for a few days, and it is still very novel. It must be a wave of enthusiasm."

   "Do you think it is possible? Randomly draw a hundred people and put us in a strange environment? Let us fight? When there is one person left? That person wins?"

   "Huh? This guess is more novel, but how is it considered honor?"

   The speculations of players are diverse, and some are even close.

   had to sigh, the collective wisdom is endless.



   The battle of honor is more important and more passionate than the occupation of No. 9 town by the Dragon Guild.

   Within a few minutes, the enthusiasm of the Dragon Touring Guild was suppressed, and there was no tendency to rebound at all.

   There is no way, honor is more than everything.

   Even though Yuye was sealed on the "Eighteenth Floor of Wujian", such system prompts still came to his mind.

   His heart seemed to be touched, and the word honor made him feel like a mountain.

   is like? This honor originally allowed him to inherit and let him lead.

   But I am trapped in it now?

   Uh, don’t know when will the Battle of Honor begin? Can I catch up?

   Rainy night exits the game and tells grandparents the news.

   "Quickly enter the game, the final chapter just released a big news: the battle of honor is about to start, but I don't know the specific content." First release https://https://

   Rainy night brings big news...

   Lao Zhangtou and the others were stunned for a second, and then glanced at each other, and they could see the heat in the opponent's eyes.

   Battle of Honor? Isn't this their strength? Isn't it the goal they have been fighting for?

   "I will enter the game to take a look, it must be very lively now."

   Old Zhang head casually found an excuse to return to the room to enter the game. He had to enter and arrange something first.

   Although Huaxia Guild is the chairman of the rainy night? But who keeps him trapped now? Everything has to be discussed with the old Zhang heads.

   As if afraid that Lao Zhang's head can't hold the scene, Lao Zhao Tou and others also enter the game.

  Only two people were watching TV in a gentle and rainy night.

   "Brother? Can I not go to school tomorrow? Or call the family teacher back?"

   ate the potato chips gently, with bitterness on his face.

   "No, gentle."

   "No, I'm going to get back the login ring and enter the game gently..."

   Soon, Rainy Night was left alone in the room.



   In the final chapter continent, after eight hours, the guilds that purchased the information of Longjian Hengge didn't notice that there was nothing wrong, and on the contrary, they agreed with the information of Longjian Hengge.

  Because they can't even pass the first level so far...

   Even if there is a strategy, but not enough? This is also a big problem.

  After several attempts, many guilds decided to upgrade their equipment, and then conquer again after upgrading their attributes.

   The information bought for hundreds of millions? It must not be wasted.



   At the headquarters of the final chapter, many designers and managements couldn’t believe the fact that the Dragon Touring Guild could occupy the town.

   Many designers have checked the system for a full day, but the final result is that everything is normal.

   Things are already moving in an uncontrolled direction.

   In order not to let this matter continue to ferment, Tao Yuan discussed with the general managers of the six regions and chose to open the honor system to attract everyone's attention.

   The lively game world is in sharp contrast with the quiet rainy night.

   September 7th, September 8th, two days passed like this.

   Nothing big happened these days.

   There is still no news of the ‘War of Honor’, and everyone is still waiting.

   This matter did not become cold with the passage of time, but the fermentation became more and more mellow.

   It is not an exaggeration to say that there are very few people in the Huaxia District who did not know about the "War of Honor" in the past two days.

   Even the children in the rainy night and gentle class are discussing this matter.

Gentle and Rainy Night are very serious in class these days, and the teacher's impression of them is getting better and Also right, with gentle personality and porcelain doll-like cheeks, you will be caught everywhere you go Hold into a treasure.

   At 11 o'clock in the evening on September 8, enter the game on a rainy night before going to bed.

   I saw that his level was stuck at negative ninety-nine, and I waited boredly for nearly an hour on the rainy night? But this last level is not falling...

   In desperation, rainy night had to give up, quit the game and choose to rest.

   September 9th, it happened to be Saturday, and there was no need to go to school, but the rainy night still pinched a gentle nose.

   "Be late, gentle."


   Gentle eyes opened instantly, and then quickly started putting on clothes.

   "Hee hee, today Saturday, no need to go to school."

   Qingrou has rushed to the door, and then said leisurely in the rainy night.

   heard this? Gentle anger rose up, vowing to fight Yuye to the death.

   Have fun, wash up, eat breakfast, and enter the game on rainy nights.

   waited all night, wondering if this last level has been lowered?

   After the rescue incident on the rainy night, the eighteenth-layer defense has increased by more than one strength.

   A seventh-tier god, three sixth-tier gods, and 199 fifth-tier gods guarded together.

   always open the field, looking around intently.


