Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 601: Rules of the Battle of Honor announced

   Rainy night was sealed with the surrounding senses, so he didn't know how terrifying the defense below was?

Huh? It's still level ninety-nine? How is this going?

   Rainy night is very confused? so long? According to the inference, his level should be -100, why is it still negative ninety-nine?

   On the task panel, there is no response, rainy night staring blankly in one direction, thinking fast in his mind?

   Is it possible that something special is needed for assistance?

   "Master? Can you make me die again?"

   After thinking for a long time, there was no other way, but the rainy night began to shout ‘Plague God’.

   "No, with your current physique? You die ninety-nine times at most? If you die again? Then you will collapse and you will not be able to enter the final chapter."

   The ‘Plague Dharma God’, who had been silent for a long time, finally uttered his voice, but it was not good news.

   Yu Ye's heart shook, and continued to ask:

   "How to increase physical fitness? Master?"

  " At present, there are three ways:

   The first type: once again comprehend a plague emotion, in this way I can give rewards to improve your physique, so that you can easily reach -100, -150 without any problem;

   The second type: Promote your Winged Vice-Professional to Four Winged Winged. In this case, "Wing" will also give rewards to improve his physique;

   The third type: Having a third hidden profession comparable to the "Wing Man" and the "Plague Mage", and successfully changing jobs, in this way you can also improve your physique. "

   Hearing these three plans, I was helpless in the rainy night.

   None of these three options seems so reliable.

   "Master? Do you think I lowered my level to below -100? Can I get out of this seal?"

   Yuye stopped thinking about those three ways, and instead asked other questions.

"do not know."

  -100 level? The "Plague Law God" was also the first experience, and he didn't know what it would become in the end.

   Yuye sighed leisurely in his mind, and then quit the game.

   At 8 o'clock in the morning, the final chapter released the system prompt:

  Ding, the rules of the battle of honor have been set, please prepare for many players.

  Ding, the rules of the battle of honor have been set...

  Ding, battle of honor...

   The system prompt sound also sounded nine times, attracting all the players' eyes.

   Not only in the game, the outside world also set off a wave of the rules of the battle of honor for the first time, and the overwhelming news covered everyone's attention.

   As if agreed, the major live broadcast rooms, major websites, etc. will be released at the same time and at the same time as the game.

  Honour battle rules:

   First civil wars in the six regions, the top 100,000 in each region, and then a melee in the six regions.

   Civil War Rules:

   All members of the Huaxia District can participate without any fees.

   The first round lasts for one day and twenty-four hours. All players will enter the arena for pairwise battles to determine the winner.

  Note: Players can match themselves within three hours to determine the winner. After three hours, the system will match randomly to determine the winner.

  Note: Self-matching cannot be forced, and it must be voluntary.

   Twenty-four hours later? That is, on September 10th, the second round will start:

   Similarly, in the first three hours, players can match by themselves and decide the winner. After three hours, the system will randomly match and decide the winner.

   The second round ends, the third round begins, and so on, until there are 100,000 winners left.

  The selection methods of each district are different, and the Huaxia District is the arena selection.

   The OM area is composed of the presidents of the major guilds? Or a famous person named the most powerful million players, and then voted for the top 100,000.

   This way? It may not be fair to some people, but it is the most democratic way.

   As for the RH zone? The method used is the same as that of the Huaxia District, fighting to determine the top 100,000.

The   YD zone stipulates the same mission, and the top 100,000 with the highest mission completion are the players participating in the melee.

   As for the task? All players must receive it.



   The process is different, but the final result is the same:

  Six districts, each district can decide the top 100,000.

  The civil war lasted for seven days, and the top 100,000 must be decided after seven days.

  Melee rules:

   600,000 strongest players from all regions gathered together, using the latest method-the scourge circle to determine the top 100,000.

   Thousands of people in a circle of condemnation, decided the first, and in the end, the top 10,000 were left.

   These ten thousand people should all be the strongest in the six regions.

   Among these ten thousand players, which region has the most players left? Which district won the final battle of honor.

  The rules are very simple, nothing difficult, almost everyone can understand.

   Understand the rules? Then the battle must start next.

   "Match on your own in the first three hours? MD, I did it, Zhang Laoliu? I saw you not pleasing to your eyes a long time ago, dare you dare to fight with Laozi?"

   "Cut, save you two or three? What can't you dare? Come on, now enter the arena."

"it is good."

   "Chen Ergou? How about you? Dare to have a trick with Lao Tzu?"

   "Come on." First posted https://https://

   "Who will fight me? I don't bully, this is my four-dimensional, come with confidence."

"I come."



   Many players in Huaxia District have already started, but most of the players who choose to enter the arena either have grudges, or have had grievances before, or are confident in their own strength.

   As for true friends? There is no civil strife.

   Can you find an opponent? Just fight, if you can't find an opponent, you choose to wait silently.

   Battle in the arena? The town on the forty-eighth burst into an upset:

   ‘Batian’ publicly provoked Changjian He wanted to make an appointment with him, and the victory would be determined by one battle. Changjian Hengge also satisfied him, and then quickly beheaded him. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   There was a hope of hitting the ‘top 100,000’, and even the last ‘10,000’ players were disqualified in this way, even the initial screening was not conducted.

   Not to mention, this is a big upset.

  'Batian' was originally very confident, for this he specially prepared forbidden spells, equipped with invincible equipment, etc. equipment and props that were helpful for singles.

   But it was useless at all. The equipment of Long Sword Hengge was far beyond his imagination, and the props of Long Sword Hengge were even more terrifying.

   As soon as the two played against each other, the'Batian' knew that he had lost and was crushed by all sides.

   Self-inflicted, not to live.

   The Tyrant Guild is now completely over.

  'Batian' originally wanted to defeat Longjian Henge head-on, and gave the Decepticon a shot.

   But now the reputation has been reduced to Ice Valley, and players who want to retire have hit a new high.

have to say? 'Batian' played a bad move.

   After several times of triple-experienced blows, the Tyrant Guild probably couldn't breathe this breath, and it would be difficult to stand up again.



   Three hours passed quickly. Players decided some of the winners by themselves, but more players chose to let the system perform random matching.

   After the rainy night got the news? I was full of expectations.
