Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 602: Plague Bag

   Can the system send itself out? It might work.

   So the rainy night began to wait quietly in the game.

   The fourth hour passed...

   The fifth hour passed...

   The sixth hour passed...

   The rainy night is still not waiting.

   But Yuye did not give up, but chose to continue to wait.

   Seven o'clock in the evening?

Nine p.m?

   11 o'clock in the evening?

  I didn't do anything on a rainy night, just waiting stupidly, uh, it seems a bit stupid.

   Early in the morning of September 10th? This may be the most lively night in the final chapter.

   Because there are no double moons in the sky tonight, even if it is early in the morning, the moon does not rise. On the contrary, a bright red sun shines brightly.

  The **** of the sundial? He walked out of the ‘Canghai Continent’ and came to the Final Chapter Continent.

   What is he going to do his way...

   Although it is early morning? But the monster's attributes have no amplitude, as usual.

   Now? Players won't go offline easily, they have to level up, otherwise it will be wasted?

   "What do you guys say about this? It's against common sense."

   "The first two days? Didn't the Celestial camp also cover a curtain? This is probably the counterattack of the ordinary camp."

   "What are you doing with so many things? Just spawn monsters."



   Although the computing power of the final chapter company is terrible, it is impossible for hundreds of millions of people to fight at the same time, so it can only be divided into stages and batches.

   By the early morning of September 10, there were still more than ten million people left.

   Yuye explained the strong relationship with his grandparents, so it is specially approved that Yuye can be offline later tonight.

   a little...

   There is no audio.

   Finally, at two o'clock in the morning, when the rainy night was irritated, the system prompt sounded in his mind:

  Ding, do you participate in the battle of honor? Whether to go to the arena.

   Yuye smiled, and then chose yes.

   The shadow of the rainy night disappeared in the next second, which could make the guards of the "Eighteenth Floor" dumbfounded.

  What are you kidding? Can this also work? Is it possible that someone who is good at space makes a move? Forcibly move the rainy night away?

This? This is too scary.

   Several people did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported the information here.

   Hearing the news, "Zhu Rong" was very calm, as if he had expected it.

   "Don't worry?'Holy Dragon' will come back."

After    finished speaking, he waved his hand to let him go, but he was lost in thought:

   That power that appeared earlier? It seems to be similar to the power of the creation god? New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/



   I wonder if the system deliberately arranged it? Or is it a choice of fate? When the rainy night appeared on the arena? It turned out that his opponent was ‘real man, real man. ’

   "Real man, real man" when I see rainy night? First, he was stunned for a second, and then his body exuded a strong fighting spirit, pushing his own defense to the extreme.

   Rainy night glanced at the arena, and couldn't help but start thinking: Did you escape?

   "You only appeared on the arena temporarily. After the battle, you will still be thrown back and sealed."

   Uh, heard the master’s voice? A heart in the rainy night is silent again.

   "This battle? You can't lose, if you lose? Enough for a hundred deaths? You will be kicked out of the final chapter forever."

   Uh, another serious blow.

   "Hey, forget it, just release the A plague and end this battle."

   Rainy night drooped his eyelids, and in a bad mood, he directly released ‘A plague’.

   Since I still can’t escape? Then end this battle as soon as possible.

   hit, start.

   However, this time ‘A Plague’ didn’t make any contribution. "Real man? Real man" still stood on the spot, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

   Sure enough, he was right.

  "Real man, real man" raised his head, looked at Yuye calmly and said:

"I have studied your skills. Last time you should have killed me by the plague, so I researched a lot of information, searched all areas, and killed countless bosses. I finally got this equipment: Sub-Plague bag."

   Just as ‘real man, real man’ explained Yu Ye, the voice of the plague **** also sounded in Yu Ye’s mind:

   "What? The plague bag? It fell into his hands?"

   Plague Magic God's mood fluctuated slightly, and then he continued to add:

   "Apprentice? Maybe this time your opportunity is here. As long as you can get the sub-plague bag, as a teacher, you can guarantee that you have five levels of assurance to escape alone."

   Yu Ye’s heart was agitated, although I don’t know how the master helped me escape, but the five layers of hope? This is already high.

   Seeing that ‘real man, real man’ wanted to attack, Yu Ye hurriedly stopped him.

   "Big brother? Wait a while, I want to discuss something with you."


   "True man, true man" whispered and looked towards the rainy night.

   "Big brother? Can you sell me your child plague bag? I can pay a high price. I have both legendary equipment and **** equipment."

   said, Yu Ye began to contact Changjian Hengge...borrow money.

  Note: In the arena, all those restrictions are lifted.

   Changjian Hengge readily lent 300,000 gold coins to Rainy Night.

  ? ? ? ?

   "Real man, real man" smiled, this kid? Are you kidding me on purpose?

   I give you the only item that can compete with you? Then you kill me with a backhand? Does he look so stupid?

   But after thinking about the deeds of "Holy Dragon"? "True man, true man" decided to talk to "Rainy Night".

   "One hundred thousand gold coins? Can you take them out?"

   "True man, true man" quoted a high price, obviously wanting to embarrass the rainy night, ten million? How could this kid get it?

   However, the rainy night’s eyes were bright, and a contract was quickly edited, and one hundred thousand gold coins were pushed together with this contract to ‘True Man, True The content of the contract is very simple, probably meaning:

   Pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other.

   "True man, true man" was stunned. This is the first time he has encountered this situation. Isn't it a bit... too trivial?

   But those 100,000 gold coins are right in front of you? This can't be done.

   "Do you really want to buy?" First published https://https://

   "Real man, real man" asked for the second time.


  Huh, ‘real man, real man’ exhaled and said:

   "The content of the contract has to be changed, and one added: After the purchase, you must not release the plague to me and kill me in seconds. Let's fight with our true strength."

   "Yes, there is one more thing please: behead me in a while, let me die once."

   Yuye nodded, and said words that made "real men, real men" puzzled.

  Arena? It's not a slaughterhouse, it can stop at the end and choose to surrender. Why does he make such an...excessive request?

   Soon, the two sides signed a contract, and the rainy night received a plague bag, and the "real man, true man" received one hundred thousand gold coins.

   "Master? How does this work?"

  "Plague bag? It is the test product I practiced before the plague bag. It does not have as many functions as the plague bag. It has only one point: it can store and collect plagues.
