Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 614: Enter the central continent

After getting a definite reply, Yu Ye came to the mansion of the "God of Azure Moon", installed the Guild Resurrection Stone in a safe place, and urged the "God of Azure Moon" to protect it and make no mistakes.

"As long as I am not dead, no one can move this stone."

The God of Cang Yue patted his chest to make sure.

With such a guarantee, the portal was installed and entered on the rainy night.

Looking at the disappearing rainy night, the "Cangyue God" sighed again.



The light flashed, and the figure of the rainy night appeared on the outermost periphery of the central continent.

Ding, congratulations on reaching the central continent.

There are no monsters around, and there is no need for a defensive posture in Rainy Night.

As soon as he appeared, Yu Ye felt a strong oppression, and an inexplicable force penetrated Yu Ye's body like a soul.

However, the next moment, the rainy night opened the source of the plague-evil mode.

Black energy rose for a second, isolating that energy.

The black energy only persisted for three seconds, and that energy penetrated Yu Ye's body.

Ding, you are dead...

The radiated energy is so terrifying, a trace is enough to kill the rainy night.

Ding, rainy night resurrected on the spot, reduced to level 120.


Rainy night naturally did not expect that he would die so quickly.

"Master? Isn't the plot developed like this?"

There was a trace of complaint in Yuye's words.

The plague **** did not speak or move...

When the rainy night was resurrected, black air appeared automatically, but it still couldn't hold it for three seconds, and the rainy night died again.


Black air emerged and died in a rainy night three seconds later...


Black air appeared, but there was a touch of luster in it, and five seconds later, he died on a rainy night.


Black air appeared, and the luster in it deepened for a few minutes. Seven seconds later, he died on a rainy night.



Repeat this twenty times. After the rainy night is resurrected again, the black air contains six colors, forming a perfect fusion, forming a circle to block all the inexplicable energies outside.

Uh, Yuye’s current level has reached 139...

After eleven deaths, the rainy night will permanently quit the game.

Yu Ye felt a little flustered in her heart...

However, in the outermost periphery, as long as the rainy night does not go to death by himself and the building of the Canghai clan, he should be able to protect himself and not die.

Able to resist the invasion of inexplicable energy, safe and worry-free, rainy night began to look at the surrounding situation.

"According to the instructions on the information here? It should be Area C, surrounded by some searched sea buildings. There is no danger. As long as you keep walking along this road, you can go to the central area."

Rainy night murmured, and then found a way according to the map.

Rainy night took the first step tentatively...

There is no danger, the rainy night began to stride forward.

The six brilliances are circulating on the body, and the rainy night is completely fearless...

Seeing rainy night without hindrance, and successfully comprehending the cycle of the perfect unity of the six plagues, the plague magic **** directly turned into black energy and disappeared.

The plague magic **** has been watching this continent for a long time, and now he can finally appear openly and explore it.

There are six plagues circulating in Yuye's body, and there are thousands of plague magic gods' bodies.

Thousands of plagues form a perfect circle, and the plague magic **** directly enters the most central area.

Uh, the biggest guarantee of rainy night is away from him, and he doesn't know it yet.

Even rainy night silly enters some of the ocean buildings to investigate.



The outermost architectural restrictions were destroyed, and the valuable items inside were naturally emptied.

But there are some exceptions, such as some gadgets that the seventh-order gods don't like? It's cheaper rainy night.

In just a few minutes, the rainy night explored several rooms and harvested many legendary and demigod props.

For example, there is a legendary flame lamp that can spit forbidden spell flames after it is activated for three minutes and cause -900,000 damage per second.

How many tens of millions of the gods would hit them? How can you look at such a tattered?

In the legendary props-invisibility charms?

God can see through at a glance? It's also tasteless.

Rainy night is very happy, almost every minute of every second harvest, at twelve o'clock in the night rainy night backpack has been filled.

Hey, the lattice of the backpack is still too small.

Looking at the sky on rainy night, he sighed like this.

Time passed slowly, and the rainy night approached the central area while closing.

The area of ​​the Central Continent is not smaller than that of the Common Continent and the Celestial Continent. Even if the rainy night's attributes have skyrocketed, it will take him three days to reach the central area.

It's twelve o'clock? Rainy night can only choose to quit the game...

When Yuye walked out of the nutrition warehouse, Gentle and others had already been eating supper downstairs.

"You didn't call me? Steal your own food"

Yu Ye pointed to her soft little nose and deliberately blamed...

"Hey, brother."

Gentle quickly finished a chicken leg, revealing two tiger teeth.

Sitting down on the rainy night, he suddenly felt something wrong and the atmosphere was wrong.

In the past, the old Zhang talked the most, and he would definitely tease softly, but today? Old Zhang did not say a word, just silently drinking porridge.

No, this is abnormal? It is absolutely impossible for Grandpa Zhang to drink porridge when he has meat.

Grandpa Zhao is not normal. Although he looks very happy while eating the chicken thigh, the corner of his eyebrows keeps jumping...

Grandma Sun's eyes were a little dodgy, she would peek at me from time to time? She is a little absent-minded...

Grandpa Li buried his head very low and couldn't see his expression clearly, but he usually eats? Old Head Li would not lower his head so hard.

Yuye, who has the modeling ability, remembered all their expressions in his heart for an instant, and doubts arose in his heart.

What seems most normal at the moment is gentleness? But Grandpa Zhang once said: Everything can't be confused by appearance, it seems the most normal? In fact, it is the most abnormal.

So Yuye began to observe closely while drinking the porridge, gently...

When drinking porridge gently, the corners of her eyebrows would frown, but she didn't...

When she gently eats chicken thighs, she doesn’t care about the Gobbles it up, but she doesn’t...

She has the habit of sitting softly on the chair mountain, and she doesn’t...

And the soft eyes will not be like this, the eyes have changed...

After just one viewing, no fewer than dozens of problems were discovered in the rainy night.

Yu Ye's heart slammed, and his head hummed...

This girl is definitely not gentle, who is she? Where did Gentle go?

"Grandpa Zhang? Do you remember the'venomous snake incident' three years ago?"

Confirming that Gentle is no longer Gentle, Yuye asked Lao Zhang tou this question, and he had to confirm Lao Zhang's identity.

"Remember, if I didn't **** the poison out for you, how could you still be..."

Determined, Grandpa Zhang or Grandpa Zhang.

"Grandma Sun? Do you remember the thunderstorm day a year ago?"

"Remember, you were late that night. There was thunder and rain again in the sky. Old Li and I were really worried, so we went out to find you.

Old Litou fell at the entrance of the village, leaving the root of the disease and now he is limping on foot. "

"Grandpa Li? Can you show me the wound?"