Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 615: Crazy money

   Old Li head lifted up his legs helplessly, and lifted his trousers up.

   "Grandpa Zhao? Remember..."

   "Remember, that day..."

   Although everyone didn't know why Yuye asked this, they still cooperated one by one and answered his questions.

   After the confirmation, the grandparents have not changed.

   Then there is only gentleness now...

   "Gentle? Do you remember the snake we caught in the village two years ago? You caught it or I caught it."

   Yuye looked at her soft eyes, waiting for her answer.

   "Of course I caught it. Gentle was great at the time."

   Hearing these words, a drop of tears came out of the corner of his eyes on the rainy night.

   looked softly, and said in a cold voice:

   "You mimic it a lot, but you are not gentle."

   said, the rainy night will gently hold it down like a goshawk attacking, and subdue it.

   "Grandpa Zhang, go get a rope, tie her up, and ask Genrou where she went."

   Yu Ye said that he was very anxious, but none of Lao Zhang and others moved, looking at Yu Ye with complicated eyes.

   "Grandpa Zhang, hurry up, this is not gentle, this is definitely not gentle, I want gentle, I want to come back gently."

   Rainy night has never been as irritable as today, the whole person seems to be crazy, tears from the corners of his eyes keep streaming down.

   Old Zhangtou and others were also frightened by him, but none of them moved.

   "Brother? It hurts."

   A soft and painful voice sounded, but the rainy night seemed to ignore it.

   "Grandma Sun, help me."

   Rainy night brought a grief, but the voice was still so decisive...

   "Sao Ye? She is really gentle."

"she is not......"

  Rainy night roared again, like an angry tiger.

   At this moment, Yu Ye suddenly became soft and his consciousness sank into darkness.

   He was in a coma...

   Rainy night fell to the ground, and it was the head of the old Zhao who attacked and knocked him out.

   stood up softly and looked at the rainy night lying on the ground. The pear flower, who was already crying, was crying with rain and could not cry.

   The scene was so silent, no one spoke.

   After a long time, Gentle stopped crying and said to Lao Zhangtou:

   "Adjust my memory, go back to two days ago, and adjust my brother's memory to make him forget what happened today. I hope it will start tomorrow, and it will be the same as before."

"it is good."

   Grandma Sun agreed to a gentle request...

   "What about the China Association?"

   "I don't care, I don't care, I only want my brother, I only want my brother."

   Gentle also became hysterical and roared loudly.

   After calming down for a few minutes, six people went to the second floor room together.



   The red sun on September 12 has just risen, and the rainy night wakes up from his sleep, looking at the softness still sleeping, a smile appears on the corner of his mouth.

   "Gentle, wake up, I'm going to school today."

   "Huh? Don't go gently."

   kicked the quilt softly and crazy to express his dissatisfaction.



   At half past seven, rainy night, Gentle and Xiao Li went to school together.

   In the car, Gentle is very unhappy, but when rainy night put the login ring in front of Gentle? Gentle suddenly became happy.



   In class today, it was rainy night and softly lying on the table at the same time to enter the game, but it was invisible.



   Rainy night continued to sweep the outermost periphery.

   Have to stay at the outermost periphery for several days, looking at the equipment and props that the gods have missed? Yuye decided to mail these equipment and props to Changjian Henge, and let her help sell them.

   Although it is expensive, but compared to the value of these equipment? Still have to do.

   On September 12th, Changjian Henge included thousands of props from the Canghai Continent and sent a message to Yuye:

   "We will clear the 50 million, and this is the extra 300 million. If there is any? Give you three or seven points, you seven, I three."

   Thousands of items that are almost all legendary? Three hundred and fifty million on rainy nights is relatively small.




   The third round of PK in China is also today...

   Huaxia Guild has become a mess. Yesterday, "Xue" just woke up, but today Lao Zhang Tou told them that "Xue" has become "Gentle" again.

   There were so many Chinese orders yesterday? The leader today has disappeared, and now everyone doesn't know what to do.



   One day passed quickly, and the third round of PK ended.

   Everyone in the China Guild thought for a whole day, and finally thought of a way:

   If there is something, everyone can discuss and solve it together. This is the most helpless way at present...

   September 13th.

   Rainy night is still opening up new scenes in the outermost periphery, searching for equipment...

  In a day’s time, rainy night made another 500 million...

   On September 14, the rainy night made another 500 million yuan...

   With all this money, Yu Ye is already thinking about what to call the “No. 1 Business in the World”.

   These equipment and props? The Dragon Touring Guild consumed part of it by itself, and then the lord of the major towns consumed part of it.

   These props? Long sword hate song will not escape even if it is dead.

   She can't bear it, every piece is a treasure.

   Although selling to the major city owners loses part, the victory is safe.



   On September 15, the rainy night finally came to the junction of the outer and central areas.

   The radiation in the central area is even more terrifying, and I dare not take it lightly on the rainy night, and carefully put my hand in it.

   Suddenly, the six-attribute luster that circulated on the body of the rainy night seemed to have been hit by fierce fire oil, and it ignited with a blast to block the inexplicable energy from the body.

   Seeing such a scene, rainy night boldly stepped into it.

The six plagues on    rose sharply and jumped up abruptly. Look now? Rainy night is really like a devil.

   At this time, the system prompt sounded in Yu Ye’s mind:

  Ding, you can move freely in this scene for one minute. After one minute, the plague energy will be exhausted and you will die.

One minute? What can you do?

   Scrape the room?

   Before Yuye had taken three steps, he was directly restrained and killed.

  Ding, you are dead. First release https://https:// The rainy night is uncomfortable.

   Seeing that his current strength is not enough to conquer Chaos Sickle...

   stayed in the outermost rainy night, holding his chin in deep thought.

Right? The Celestial camp and the ordinary camp have been here for tens of millions of years? They didn't get it, so why do you get it as soon as the rainy night comes?

   is leaving? Or continue to explore? This is a problem.

   Time flies...

   By ten o'clock in the evening, rainy night is still undecided.

   just leave? He is a little unwilling; but continue to explore? His last ten chances of death were not enough for him.



   Forget it, let's go, maybe wait for how many times the number of plagues? Maybe you can get in touch with Chaos Sickle. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Yuye sighed and wanted to leave now, but at this moment, the voice of the plague magic **** sounded in his mind:

   "Come with me, I have helped you minimize the difficulty of conquering Chaos Sickle, and it's up to you next."

   heard this? Yuye was almost stunned by this huge ecstasy.

  Master, this is too amazing...

   "Master, I can't enter the central area."

   In the next second, thousands of glosses from the plague magic god's body descended on Yu Ye's body.
