Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 622: The terrifying power of Chaos Sickle

how is this possible? How can rainy night be resurrected? how is this possible?

How many exclaims from the plague magic god? This is simply impossible in his long life.

Could it be that Yuye finally won the approval of Chaos Sickle? And will the assessment be completed successfully?

This chance? The plague law **** does not want to believe, it is almost zero, is it good...

He clearly sensed that the rainy night's breath died out, and he clearly felt that the rainy night had lost this opportunity, obviously...

Forget it, don't think about it so much, since the "Holy Dragon" reappears? The master must pass.

In the next second, the plague magic **** teleported and came to Yuye's side in an instant.

"You are very good."

The Plague God smiled sincerely and praised the rainy night.

In the past, Yuye was a disciple of the God of Plague, but the God of Plague did not favor Yuye very much. He even thought of it as a chess piece, and gave it up if he wanted to.

But now Yuye, who has mastered the Chaos Scythe, can initially master his own life, and hopefully escape the control of the plague magic god.

At this moment, the plague law **** officially announced in his heart that he would accept Yuye as an official disciple and inherit the mantle.

"Thank you, Master, if it weren't for you? I could not complete the assessment."

Rainy night heard such a voice, turned around and bowed to the end and said, filled with thanks.

If not for the master’s help all the way? Rainy night is already dead, as for the assessment? 100% will fail...

When the plague magic **** put his eyes on Yuye's body? Suddenly surprised.

This kid? The whole body is composed of the inexplicable energy emitted by Chaos Sickle? This is terrifying, no wonder he can stand on the spot without changing his face;

And six plagues? How did you improve so much? All promoted to high-level? There are several who have the qualifications to be promoted to the top...

And the look in the rainy night? How can it change so much? It seems that he is not the same person as before.

For the first time, the plague magic **** felt that he couldn't see through rainy night.



The rainy night felt like several days passed in the space of Chaos sickle, but it was only a few minutes outside.

The roaring sound continues, the birth of Chaos Sickle? It takes a long time to gestate and requires a balance in many aspects.

Di Tian of the orc clan didn't want to give up the chaos sickle, he still wanted to fight it, and finally fight it, leading the seven seventh-order gods under his command toward the most central area frantically.

There are tigers in Mingzhishan, and they tend to go to Hushan.

The spirit is commendable, but their fate? It would be miserable...

Kaka, rumbling, the chaotic sickle began to vibrate, and the high-speed vibrations, the bluestones attached to the chaotic sickle were falling continuously, smashing one big hole after another, raising layer after layer The dust.

The plague magic **** and Yuye didn't go to hide, they just stood there calmly without frowning.

The plague magic **** is not afraid of it but it is excusable, why is it so calm on rainy night? The plague law was surprised for a second.

joke? Rainy night is wearing the equipment of an Adamantite Black Bear? Property break through the sky? Is he afraid of a hammer?

Even if some falling rocks hit Yu Ye's body, it would not hurt. Yu Ye was fine, but the stones were directly turned into powder.

Ten minutes later, the bluestone fell and the ground was filled up by nearly ten meters.

The chaotic sickle was born, and the ten thousand weapons evaded, even the sickle behind the plague magic **** also wailed, the durability was lost by 30%, and other equipment was also reduced by 20%...

To know? The artifacts are not durable.

However, the Chaos Sickle re-emerged the durability of the artifact...

Yu Ye's equipment did not seem to be affected, without any impact.

The durability of Ditian's weapons was directly cleared to zero at this moment, and only Ditian's weapons could barely be used, but only barely.

Are you in the outer area at the moment? Gods and other gods who have not yet come out? The durability of the equipment is reduced by 30%.

Not only the central continent? All the weapons of the four continents with a level lower than the divine weapon will be reset to zero in this second.

In the chaotic sickle, all weapons are dim.

This is not over yet, the unique aura and inexplicable energy of the Chaos Scythe has multiplied in this second.

Like a gust of wind, it lifted the corners of the rainy night and lifted the black clothes of the plague magic god.

This energy? It is harmless to Yuye, and even the six plagues in his body can be absorbed.


The cycle of thousands of plagues around the plague law **** body was weakened to the extreme at this moment, like a candle in the wind, about to extinguish.

Ditian and others in the Central Continent? Was melted instantly and became fly ash.

Even Ditian is no exception...

now? Many god-level NPCs in the most fringe ‘Tianjin City’ and ‘Morality City’ were also impacted.

But Xu was too far away, and the impact they received was not very serious. They only spit out a mouthful of blood, and the durability of the equipment was lost by half.

Rao so? The eyes of these gods were also full of fear, and they returned to their respective towns without looking back.

No one thought of it? This shock will be so terrifying.

This is a message from Chaos Sickle to the final chapter: it has come...

The Chaos Scythe has been collected, but I don’t know who collected it, but as long as it is not obtained by the people of Celestial City...

As Yujiandi thought, he was still satisfied with the result.

Zhu Rong's heart is cold, he was sent? The biggest purpose is to chaos sickle.

But now Chaos Sickle is being charged? One can imagine what his fate will be like.

‘Zhu Rong’ has already made up his mind in his heart, and the gods should invite himself back? It is impossible to go by yourself.

With Celestial City, he can deal with the Ninth-Order God, but once he goes back? Can only become the catfish on the chopping board, let anyone kill, life and death are involuntary.



After the inexplicable energy wreaks havoc on the central continent, all the energy in the next second seems to be ebb tide, all swept back and submerged in the chaotic the next second, the chaotic sickle's brilliance was released, as if it were shining. Light up the entire sky.

At this second, the chaotic sickle was in the final state, and the rainy night felt strong oppression.

In the rainy night, the plague magic **** was able to get a glimpse of the whole picture of Chaos Sickle:

The shape of the chaotic sickle is very exaggerated, and the size is huge, even if the bluestone falls off, the chaotic sickle seems to be able to support the world.

"The chaotic sickle is one hundred and eight thousand feet high and weighs one hundred and eight thousand catties..."

The plague magic **** told Yuye some simple data so that he could prepare in advance.

The lustre of the chaotic sickle was gray and insignificant at all, like black iron.

The appearance of the chaotic sickle is very hideous...

The sickle is divided into three parts, sickle body, sickle blade, and sickle tip.

The sickle of the Chaos Sickle is 100,000 feet long, with curved blades on both sides, extremely sharp.

It exudes a strong inexplicable energy, once it hits? Will take away the temperature of its life immediately.

The sickle blade is nearly fifteen thousand feet long and has both ends.

The sickle blade is curved with an amplitude of thirty, and there are also countless sharp blades protruding from it.

The middle of the two sickles? The sickle tip, like the tip of a spear, is about eight thousand feet long, and the sharp blade on it is even more terrifying.