Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 628: The story of the plague god

"Aunt, not enough, I need 170,000 squares."

Yu Ye said calmly, with a serious expression.

"What? Xiaoye? How much? How much do you say?"

The tone of Changjian Hengge has changed, and I can't believe it.

170,000 grids? Are you kidding me? how is this possible? How big is the player’s backpack grid.

"Aunt, it's true, you go and prepare..."

"This is the big business you are talking about?"

Changjian Henge took a breath, and asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Hmm, the value will not be less than 30 million gold coins."

Hearing the number of thirty million, Changjian Hengge's eyes lit up, and then said:

"Xiaoye, come with me to the treasure house in Town 51. The warehouse there is big and safe."

With that said, Changjian Henge hurriedly took the rainy night to'town 51'.



Town No. 51 was previously occupied by green plants. Every inch of the area was covered with green plants. It was in crisis step by step, but now the situation has completely changed...

"Aunt? Did'Di Zhang' really succeed in the end?"

Walking in this city in person, the rainy night is still a bit unbelievable, as if dreaming.

Before he left the Canghai Continent, he didn't report any confidence in'Emperor Zhang'. After all, Emperor Zhang was only level ten at that time, and he was considered the lowest player.

Unexpectedly, this little guy with only tenth level? It was actually able to occupy a town, give everyone a perfect answer sheet, a surprise for everyone and a big ear scraper.

Because of the Celestial City matter, the status of'Zhang Di' in the Dragon Touring Guild has risen, and what is his operation? He also caught up. Recently, Changjian Henge is preparing to promote him to the first-tier team.



The current town of No. 51 has been cleaned up very clean, the road has restored the grayish stone color and the original color of the walls.

The green plants that were originally woof have all faded away, this city? Except for a little less people, it is no different from other towns that I have walked through on a rainy night.

"Hello, President."

"Hello, President."

"Hello City Lord."

Whether it is the player along the way? Or the NPC stopped to say hello when they saw Changjian Hengge, and Changjian Hengge nodded.

"Xiaoye, if this town can be defeated, you have paid a lot, so after consideration by the Dragon Touring Guild, everyone agreed to give you one-fifth of the income from Town 51."

Don't think that one-fifth is very small, it is one-fifth of a city, and it is almost the same as the monthly income of the Dragon Touring Guild.


Yuye nodded as acceptance, without sadness or joy in his heart.

The rainy night occupies a very important part in this siege. It can be said that there is no rainy night, and the first pass and the second pass will not be able to pass the Dragon Guild.

Paying so much only accounts for one-fifth of the income? Is it a little less?

"I have reserved ten shops for you in the most luxurious place in the town. This is the title deed."

Uh, Changjian Henge gives another compensation, ten land deeds? This is a windfall.


Rainy night nodded again, still no sorrow or joy.

This little money? To be honest, the rainy night is currently a bit look down.

The most important thing is that it takes a lot of time for business. Rainy night is really not that energy.

So in the next rainy night, the land deed was handed over to Changjian Henge again, and she asked her to help manage her, earning five to five points.

"Aunt? Manage such a big town? Is Guild Dragon Busy coming over?"

"Not only Youlong's family, but also..."

The two were walking and chatting.

The affairs of the town are secret to others, but there is nothing to hide from the rainy night.



A few minutes later, the two came to the city lord's mansion, opened the door to enter, and inside was a world of hearts.

The City Lord's Mansion was restored to its original state, but on the left side of the City Lord's Mansion there was a green plant thriving.

Rainy night frowned and walked over and stopped in front of this green plant.

Xu Shi advanced to a god, and Yu Ye's senses were strengthened several times. He was keenly aware that this green plant was not simple, it had a mysterious aura.

Rainy night uses Wisdom Eye surgery on it:

Name: Lulu...

Introduction: One of the ten kings of the green plant family.

Only so much, as for other information? Then nothing.....

Seeing this, Yu Ye was shocked.

Sure enough, there was a problem with this green plant, and it was a big problem and a big hidden danger.

City 51? I also have shares, and rainy night does not want accidents in this city.

Sending the message to Changjian Hengge, Changjian Hengge also frowned and walked over quickly.

There was a time bomb in her city...She didn't even notice it before...

Want to know to build this city? Changjian Henge has invested no less than five million gold coins.

If it collapses instantly? Then her gaming career had to be hit hard, and the outside world had to breathe for a long time.

"Sao Ye? Can it be solved."

Long Jian Henge calmly asked, staring at this green plant.

Rainy night is the nemesis of all green plants, and Changjian Henge believes in him.

"I don't know, you can try."

After receiving Yuye's reply, Changjian Henge retreated far away.

Yuye first equipped with the sickle of good and evil and tried the effect.


Four hundred thousand damage broke out, which is not bad.

But as per a few days ago? Where do you go? Will green plants instantly become dead?

But this one? It's still a green plant, but it didn't attack itself. The king is really the king.

Seeing that there is a real explosion? Changjian Hengge was stunned.

Not shocking the green plants, or shocking the damage of rainy night.

Four hundred thousand damage? What is Xiaoye? Long sword hate song can't think of an adjective, it's too high.

The next second, the rainy night was equipped with a fine gold scythe and waved down.


The damage tripled? The green plants still have no response?

Yu Ye squinted his eyes Holding the Chaos sickle in his hand, a cruel expression appeared on his face.

The inexplicable energy of Chaos Sickle is shot? Yuye does not believe that this green plant can live.

In the next second, a touch of consciousness emanated from the green plants, dragging the rainy night's consciousness into the big tree.

Suddenly, Yuye's consciousness fell into chaos, as if he was in another space.

The plague magic **** sighed and turned into black light, flashing out of the rainy night backpack and entering the big tree.

Rainy night's consciousness recovered after a second, with an inexplicable smile on the corner of his mouth. It turned out to be like this, and the teacher still has such a story.

"Dare to speak out? Be careful I drive you out of the teacher's door."

The plague spell threatened the rainy night coldly.

"Sao Ye? How is it?"

Withdrawing the rainy night, Changjian Henge walked over and asked nervously.

"It's okay, aunt, it's impossible for green plants to appear near town 51."


For rainy night? Changjian Hengge still believes very much.

"Xiao Ye? Are you interested in joining the Dragon Touring Guild again? I have a city now."

Changjian Hengge ostentatiously said to Yuye, wanting to continue to bewitched.