Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 634: Rolling Bluman

With a bitter face, Yu Ye sent screenshots of this mission to the plague **** and Yi, wanting to seek their help.

Wing was very unkind and laughed loudly, and said as he laughed: "哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

"I'm not to blame, your master forced me, but your master is to blame."

A look of sorrow appeared on Yu Ye's face, like an angry little daughter-in-law, the plague magic **** did not dare to watch Yu Ye, and entered the rainy night's backpack as if he could not steal the bell.

Looking at the sky on the rainy night...I was so helpless, I was so miserable, I rolled my eyes when I looked at the backpack.

Ok? It must be because there is no such title as the first hapless man in the final chapter, yes, it must be like this.

"Believe in yourself, you can, as soon as possible, put the Chaos Sickle into your body, otherwise? I personally killed you."

Comforting, bah, scaring the rainy night, Wing waved his hand to send the rainy night away.

I got goose bumps on the rainy night, and I felt very unbeautiful.



Coming out of the fourth floor of the Wingman Realm, Yuye came to the room rented by Bluman on the second floor. He wanted to see if Bluman and others came back...

Coming to the door, there were bursts of bold and familiar voices...

"Bluman? You can't do this. If you lose, you will have to drink. What do you mean? Believe it or not, I will force you." Qiqi novels are published on the whole network.

"Yes, you can't owe it. We will be rough when we owe it."

"And you one-armed? Don't just talk about people, do you keep goldfish in your wine glass?"

Hearing this sound, Yu Ye opened the door with a smile at the corner of her mouth, and looked at these lovely people in front of her. Yu Ye was very excited and finally saw it.

In the Wing Man Kingdom? They are the ones I should be most grateful for.

Help yourself all the way to the present, without them? Rainy Night’s journey to the Wing Man’s Kingdom will definitely not be so smooth, and will not get so many props and equipment.

these people? Has become a part of myself, an inseparable part.

"Huh, master? The master is back."

Bluman didn't want to drink. Hearing the movement, he raised his head and watched. His eyes were instantly confused. He narrowed his eyes and looked at the rainy night, his tongue couldn't be straight.

Boom, I staggered and fell to the ground just after I finished speaking, muttering in my mouth, as for what? No one can hear it clearly.

"My lord? My lord is back."

One-armed and others also looked left and right in confusion, a few seconds later, stood tremblingly and found the direction of the rainy night and surrounded the rainy night.

Uh, how much did this group of people drink? The smell of alcohol in a room makes it hard to breathe, the breath that I spit is so stinky, I almost turn my stomach on rainy night.

"My lord? I see your aura? It is a whole body, condensed but not scattered, and has a slight power. Have you become a god?"

With one-armed keen perception, he sent alcohol out of the body and asked suspiciously.

Although I didn't want to believe it in my heart, the breath couldn't be faked.

"What? The master has become a god? How is it possible?"

Hearing this, Bluman stood up with erratic eyes, suddenly energetic and asked in disbelief.

We must know that Bluman and Xun One-armed and others have gone through so many days of hard trials, and they have just taken that step arduously to become a demigod. How can it be a **** in rainy night?

"There is no god, just the aura of a god, but the attributes should be similar to that of a god."

Rainy night told the truth, but when others heard it, it was instantly confirmed that the rainy night was pretending to be x, and the x pretending was successful.

In the next second, Yuye rolled his eyes with one arm and let him realize it by himself.


Many gods expelled the alcohol from the body, watching the rainy night in unison, wanting to hear the words from him: I was joking.

"If you don't believe it, you can give it a try."

Yuye said confidently with a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Master, I'll try with you. Be careful. My strength has advanced by leaps and bounds. I have come to a demigod, and the realm of gods is even more terrifying."

Bluman couldn't wait to send out an invitation to Yuye, how could he refuse this rainy night, come on, just to test his own strength.

The group of people led one-armed to the special arena of the Winged Kingdom.

"Master, be careful."

Bruman took the lead in opening up the domain, trying to be the first to win, suppress the attributes of the rainy night, and suppress his breath.

However, the realm is useless for the rainy night. The rainy night seems to have no general feeling, and even digs out his ears leisurely.

Rainy night did not release the blight of the group, to fight against Bluman? Use the bane of the crowd? Isn't that bullying him? The backhand equips the plague shield.

"Master? How can you equip a shield? This is too shabby."

He said so, but Bluman showed no mercy, raised his wide sword and narrowed his eyes, raising his breath to the extreme and attacking.

Boom, Bluman's attack deflected, and his uncontrolled attack was on the rainy night's shield, dealing 100 damage.

The rainy night activated the shield to counterattack, instantly hitting 10,000 points of damage.

Bruman was taken aback, can he hit a thousand points of damage with a shield? If you use weapons? How terrifying is that?

He wants to evacuate? However, the taunting time was as high as three seconds.

The next second rainy night moved, I swiped under my feet, stepped out an arc, took out an adamantine scythe to draw a line on Bruman's thousand damage appeared, Bruman's The blood volume is reduced by a bit.

Mention the backhand, the weakness is 30,000

Even the advanced demigod, but Bruman's blood volume is only three million, far worse than rainy night, withstand two? Directly disabled, how to fight this.

Bluman wanted to fight back, but Yuye didn't give him this opportunity at all, and more complicated lotus positions appeared under his feet, constantly scratching Bruman's body.

Lotus position? After finishing a set? There will be a lotus flower in full bloom on the ground, and every lotus petal contains it, non-extreme players can't operate it.

No counterattack? Bruman has no counterattack?

Bluman himself was stupid, and the one-armed and others were also stupid, not seen in half a month? The power of the rainy night is so outrageous? how is this possible?

"Look at the adult's position, it's so beautiful, it's terrifying."

"Although Bluman's attributes are higher than adults, it can be seen that he has too little combat experience, and his consciousness, operation and adults are simply incomparable. If it is a life and death battle? It is probably a matter of several tricks."

Uh, as a general? Bruman was actually judged as having little combat experience.

"The outcome is determined."

One-armed and others turned their gazes away and couldn't bear to look at the abused Bruman.

It's shameful, it's shameful.

Have you worked so hard to cultivate Bluman for so long? I originally thought it could give Rainy Night a surprise, but I didn't expect it...



"Master, stop fighting, stop fighting."

The blood volume was suppressed to less than half, Bruman with a bruised nose and bruised face raised the white flag.

"Master, you are too perverted. How long have you been out to suppress me? What's the secret? Jiaojiao's subordinates."