Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 636: Group of 0 dead (the big show kicks off)

"Hey, let the president take care of it, we don't have to worry, after all? It's still the president's housework."

"My grandfather, this time he dares to play lame again? He dare to commit **** again? Even if I fight hard, I will tie him up as a groom. Such a good girl, he is really convinced that he has cultivated for several lifetimes, and dare not cherish it. "

Hear such grumpy words? There were tears in the corners of Lao Zhang's eyes,

"Unfortunately, if Master Xue can return this time? Huaxia District will be more confident."

"Without snow, Huaxia District will win."

A group of people who haven't seen each other in a long time? The topic kept blowing out, and couldn't stop at all, but it quickly turned into a meeting on the night of the crusade.



The outside world, dy live broadcast website, about this live broadcast has already started and is ready.

Six hundred thousand people? 1,000 people per group? This means there are six hundred groups, six hundred live broadcast rooms, and one live broadcast room is equipped with three commentators. This time dy put in 1,800 commentators.

This is almost all the commentary on the dy website, in order to create a perfect commentary atmosphere? Dy did it this time, but the effect is still very good now.

In an instant, the number of simultaneous online users on the dy live broadcast site broke a record high, and the number of players in the live broadcast room rose wildly, and there was no stopping trend.

Even if some people don’t watch the live broadcast or play the final chapter? I was also infected, and inexplicably clicked on the live broadcast website, and inexplicably prepared popcorn, spicy bars, and cola.

"Welcome everyone to enter the live broadcast room to watch this game. Hello, everyone, I am Xiao, Hello everyone, I am Radium, Hello everyone, I am Xing."

The three commentators started to introduce themselves. After the introduction, they shouldn’t sit still, so the three commentators started chatting:

"Huh? Do you know what the full name of this six-region competition is?"

"I know that it is called the Death Thousands Team. As the name suggests, one thousand people will be put into a large and unfamiliar area and let them fight in it until the last victor or all players of a certain faction are left.

Do you think this is a victory? Of course it is impossible, this player? Or all players of a certain faction will enter the scene where the battle has not ended and continue to fight.

Until the scenes are all merged, or when there are only 10,000 people left? The battle is over. "

"Huh? Shuang, this is called fighting, this is called blood."

Hearing such rules, the players in the Huaxia District screamed, the blood has heated up, and the barrage appeared densely like a storm.

"So difficult? The rules are so perverted? I wonder if the players can bear it?"

"Hey, unsatisfactory rules, but I like them."

Regardless of the mood of the players, the commentators continued to introduce:

"Yes, the rules are so cruel. This not only tests the strength of the players, but also tests the teamwork and control of the overall situation. In general, all that can stand out are the strong ones."

"There are also players who have to bring their own potions and equipment to repair items. Otherwise, it is very likely that the battle will be half of the battle and become a lamb to be slaughtered. I don't know if these players can think of it."

The commentators will analyze this battle in one word and one word. Every point is well analyzed, and even the players who are about to participate in the battle are still considering and reminding them of some matters.

"Oh, 100,000 masters, they are all professional. They can definitely think of it. We will wait and see and wait for the result of victory."

"Hey, I like this commentary. Aihuaxia is a good commentary."

"I like it too. The commentary is to be confident. Huaxia District will win."

"That is, what are we worried about? Just wait for the news of the victory in Huaxia District."

In a word, he quickly made this commentator on the hot search, and his value doubled.



"Right? Do you know how to judge victory this time?"

"I know that after 600,000 people have died and 500,000 people have died, the top 100,000 will be determined, and the top 100,000 will be ranked according to the number of people in each region.

Simply put, if there are 501 people left in Huaxia District? Then 100% can win this battle. "

"Do you know how long this battle will last?"

"Huh? Radium, this is difficult for you. I don't know how long this battle will last. What about you, do you know?"

"I don't know, everything has to be decided by the players."

"Give you a roll of your eyes, you can realize it by yourself."

"Next, let's talk about the rewards for this battle of honor."

"The six regions have decided on the top 100,000, and the system rewards them each for raising one level and rewarding a dark gold level equipment that is most suitable for the level. Everyone knows this, so what is the reward for the Battle of Honor?"

"The rewards of the Battle of Honor are divided into six parts. The first part: the 100,000 people who are eliminated first will be upgraded by two levels, and they will be rewarded with a piece of ordinary purple gold equipment.

The second part: the second batch of 100,000 people eliminated, their level will be upgraded to three levels, and a piece of ordinary purple and gold equipment will be third part: the third batch of 100,000 people eliminated, The level is increased by four, and a piece of top-quality purple and gold equipment is awarded.

The fourth part: the fourth batch...The level is increased by five, and a piece of ordinary epic equipment is awarded.

The fifth part: the fifth batch...Raise the level by six, rewarding a peak epic equipment.

The last 100,000 people left? You will get a seven-level upgrade and reward a piece of ordinary legendary equipment.

This is only a part of the rewards, there are dozens of countless awards such as the Best Newcomer Award, the Most Killed Award, the Best Strategy Award and so on.

In contrast, these awards are the highlight, and at the worst, you can get a top-quality equipment that adapts to your own level. "

After listening to this? The players watching the live broadcast were all dumbfounded.

"Wow, this is too rich."

"The reward is so horrible, I want to go too, but the strength does not allow it, it is very uncomfortable."

"How much skill and honor you have, I hope Huaxia District will round up all awards." Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://



"I heard that the map of this competition was created by the final chapter and countless designers specially for this battle. The final chapter continent was perfectly re-enacted, do you know?" ~w~

"I know that the six regions share a single map. The specific scope of the map can be referred to the final chapter of the continent. The multiple regions are combined and the environment is complicated. According to the designer himself, he will be confused when entering it, and he will not be able to distinguish the direction.

Such a big map? It will be divided into six hundred parts. Before the victory, it will be very clear, but once a certain map decides the winner, it will merge with the map next to it, and the victory map will disappear. "

"In the end, the map will get smaller and the number of people will decrease."