Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 637: Rainy night? 1 enemy 0?

"By the way, in it? Not only must we face the threats from the players, but also the threats from monsters at all times. The monsters inside are divided into ranks, with the lowest being dark gold and the highest being gods."

"Is it so scary? Is this level too high? Will the players struggle to fight?"

"Although the level is high, the rewards obtained after the beheading are also very rich, from props to equipment, everything, and I heard that the explosion rate is very high, and the attributes of the equipment are also very abnormal." Update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

"Hey, I suddenly thought of a question: What if the players don't choose to go out to fight? Instead, they hide in a place and want to go to the end?"

"It's okay, but if you don't move for ten minutes, a dark gold boss will be refreshed by your side, exposing your position, and the weak will be killed on the spot."

With the passage of time, the number of bosses will increase and the level will be higher and higher, and the living space of players will be compressed to the extreme. "

"In a word, you don't want to fight? But the number of monsters will force you to fight, in the Death Thousands? Rest up to nine minutes."

"We have said so much. I don't know if you understand the rules of the Death Thousand People Group. If not, we will repeat it."




When the barrage is refreshed in an instant, the live broadcast will turn into a radio. You can't see the picture at all, only hear the sound.

"Well, in three minutes, players will be teleported in. Please be patient."

"I look forward to it, China will win, China will win."

"China will win, China will win."

"Hua Xia is going to expedition, but no grass will grow."

The players who watched the live broadcast were confident in the Huaxia District, and everyone was in high spirits.



What are the news from the narrators? The players participating in the battle naturally also know, after getting the quota? The rules will be sent to their mailbox.

In the past few days, everyone has been studying these rules, trying to find loopholes, finding bugs, let alone really have several routines researched by the players in China.

Hehe, I won’t disclose it yet...

These days, everyone is frantically buying potions, buying props, and using the grid of a backpack to the extreme, for fear of losing the chain in the Death Thousands.

For a time? The prices of props and potions have soared, and some Erdao dealers have made a lot of money.

I don’t know how they thought of making a ill-gotten wealth. Is there no sense of honor?

For the final victory of this battle of honor? With Yuye's consent, Changjian Hengge gave a half-buy and half-free deal for the expansion backpack items that Yuye brought back to the strong and top-ranked players in the Hall of Fame.

I hope they can achieve better results in the next battle and win glory for China.

Drop, one minute...

Drop, ten seconds...

Drop, time is up.

In the next second, 100,000 players in the Huaxia District disappeared in place at this moment, turning into streamers and entering a random six hundred maps.

"It's started, the battle has begun."

The commentators were very excited and roared loudly in the live broadcast room.

"There is another point that you may not know. For six hundred maps, the number of players in the six regions in each map is not the same, but random.

This means that a certain map of China Summer District will have the most players, or a certain map of China Summer District will have only one player. "

As soon as this is said? The emotions of the players were immediately detonated.

"How can this be? What if there is a black box?"

"What's the situation? Isn't this bad?"

"I will just wait to see the result. If there are very few people in Huaxia District? I will scold my mother."



"You can think of it this way? This is the Thousand-Death Group? There are few players in the Huaxia District, but there are also very few players in the other area of ​​the Thousand-Death Group."

"For example, on the 396th death group? There is only one player in the rh zone."

"For another example, on the thirty-seventh death group of seven, there is only one player in the district."

After the commentary, the players who watched the live broadcast suddenly felt better.

Not only the Huaxia District? The same goes for the players who watched the live broadcast in other areas, and their mood is not beautiful.



"Everything is random. Don't worry about what happens in the black box later. Please believe in the final chapter. Okay, the battle begins. You are watching live room No. 1 now."

"Everyone, please look at the numbers in the upper right corner. The number in front is the number of people in Huaxia District, and the number behind is the total number of people."

"More than a hundred people? Still acceptable."

"Normal, let's watch the battle. There are Huaxia in this group of death... and..."

The commentators will introduce some famous players one by one, as for the unknown? Can only sit on a cold bench, in a state where no one cares.

But if they are strong? It is still easy to be found.

"This is the No. 2 live broadcast room. There are more than 200 players in the Huaxia District. Among them, the most famous real men and real men are screaming in this live broadcast"

"This is the No. 3 live broadcast room. There are more than 80 players in the Huaxia District."

The major live broadcast rooms started one after another, but it was in a certain live broadcast room.

At first, the commentary was stunned, and the players were stunned.

"There is really only one person in the Huaxia District in this live broadcast room. How could it be possible? Why is this happening?"

"Huh? Look at the id? Holy Dragon? He is the Holy Dragon? Why does he appear alone? Didn't it mean that his support is super ruthless?"

"It's cold, this live broadcast room can be given up, with one enemy one thousand? How can it be done."

Players who watched the live broadcast frowned and felt very upset.



The battle has begun, and the screen returns to the scene of the Death Thousands.

"When entering the scene, the position is random. Let us first focus on the real man and the real man. As the number one master in China, he has no fear and does not hide his traces, just like that. Go forward grandiosely."

The number of people watching the live broadcast in the No. 2 live broadcast room is rising? joke? Who doesn't want to watch the operation of the Great God? And is it a recognized **** in China?

Real men and real men are on a hillside, smelling the breath of life emanating from the surrounding grass, and feeling the temperature of the sun. Is all this so real? There is no clue at all.

Real men and real men have plans in their minds to push all the way, who will kill whom?

This is the easiest way, but only for the strong.

The real man, the real man has good luck, he met the enemy when he climbed the hillside, look at their appearance? It should be a player in the rh zone.

"Does anyone see? Kill it."

"Rh district, there is no burden in my heart, kill."

"A real man, a real man? Just kill it, haven't you seen it?"