Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 661: Mutation plus mutation

   Some other China Associations? More or less, they have encountered problems like this, some occupy an absolute advantage, and some are precarious, as if they will be broken in the next second.

   The last battle? Extraordinarily tragic, but in the field of twenty thousand deaths? There are four people who live extremely chicly, that is, I am Qinglong and I am Suzaku.

   The number of kills on their heads was very small, most of them were interfered with, and the four of them killed them easily.

   After nearly a day of investigation, the four finally stopped and started contacting each other.

   There are special props between them, which can be connected across the venue. Are these four people apart from the players? But the big guy who can know the plague magic **** is an absolute NPC.

   "Data measurement completed."

   "Data measurement completed."

   The four identical voices sounded, and the four people suddenly knew it.

   "Remember, this is only an experiment, and everything is based on our safety."


   "I haven't lived enough yet, I understand."


   The four are mysterious and don't know what they are doing.



After a few minutes? Four aurora of different colors appeared abruptly from four directions and shot directly into the sky.

   "Xuanwu fixes the north, and fixes Xuanhuang in one go."

   "Suzaku is in the south, and it melts everywhere."

   "The green dragon is in the east, and everything is evergreen."

   "The white tiger is in the north, and everything can be killed."

   This kind of sound inexplicably spread to the ears of any player present.

   The fierce battle that was originally fierce also stagnated at this moment, and everyone felt panic in their hearts, as if something terrible would happen.



   The beam of light penetrated into the sky, and in the next second, four holes appeared in the sky, and the sky was dark, and a familiar breath came in, that was the breath of the final chapter mainland.

   I am Suzaku, I am Xuanwu, and the others have smiles on their faces. They fly up to stand in front of the black hole and look at the continent of the final chapter. I am Xuanwu with strong defense, closing my eyes and directly extending one foot.

   However, he didn't suffer any damage, and then Xuanwu went in and out without any influence.

   The four of them saw such a scene? The smile on his face was even worse, and he decisively closed the beam of light, and fell from the sky, and the black hole suddenly disappeared.

   Isn't this finished yet? The four are still busy.

"What it is?"

   Changjian Henge said, looking at the black hole in the sky suspiciously.

   "Suzaku? Xuanwu? It is the sacred beast of China? Did they cause it?"

   The **** son of the Gods Guild sighed in his heart, such a terrifying power? What are they going to do?

   "The sacred beast of China District? How did it enter the Thousand-Death Group site?"

   "God knows if it will cause a chain reaction? What if the field of 1,000 people collapses?"

   "Fuck, you see? It doesn't seem to be a monster, but a player."

   Every player of the Twenty Death Thousands Group saw this scene, seeing that I was the figure of Xuanwu, and was overwhelmed.



   The players who watched the live broadcast from the outside spread the news:

   "Is there something wrong with the system?"

   "Four big holes suddenly appeared in the sky? Nu Wa mend the sky?"

   "This day will not collapse and crush these people to death."

   "This kind of astronomical phenomenon is not human, what happened?"

   Only players who watch the live broadcast? Seeing this scene almost all, I was shocked and worried.



   is not only a player? The general managers of the six regions met in an instant to discuss what had happened.

   This matter has been out of their control, this scene shouldn't have appeared in the original plan.

   "Tao Yuan? It's another player from your Huaxia District making trouble."

   The general manager of the RH district immediately questioned and severely reprimanded.

   Tao Yuan has nothing to say, because I am Xuanwu and others who are indeed players in China.

   "If it is a player? It is absolutely impossible to affect such a large amount of energy, this is not a player, at least it should be a seventh-order god."

   The general manager of the OM district said with a frown.

   "Impossible, how can the seventh-order gods enter the site of the Death Thousands? Not to mention the seventh-order gods, even the first-order gods will not hold on to the scene when they enter it, and they will collapse directly."

   The general manager of the OZ district spoke in denial.

   "Manager Tao? I have an idea. Please check my record of Xuanwu and other players. If there is an address, that would be the best."

   The general manager of the OM district responded quickly and thought of another way.

   "Hmm." Tao Yuan also knew that the matter was urgent, and began to tap the keyboard to call up their information.

   But information about the four? But nothing.

   See here? The hearts of the general managers of the six major districts shook.

   "Sure enough, they are players transformed from the gods in the game."

   The general manager of the OM district quickly disappeared after speaking. The impact of this incident was too great, and he needed to prepare in advance and even report it.

Followed by? The general managers of the other four districts also disappeared, looking very nervous.

   Tao Yuan sat limply on the office chair, looking in a direction madly.

This? This incident happened in Huaxia District? And he didn't even notice it beforehand?

   Tao Yuan reacted and pressed an emergency button on the table.

   This matter is so important that he can't hide it without reporting it.



   In the next second, the scene of the death of a thousand people seemed to be disturbed, and the space where everyone lived was very unstable.

   After shaking for ten seconds, the system prompts to sound.

   Ding, the Thousands of People's Death Field encountered interference and are merging, please be patient

   The scene changes, white light appears in front of everyone, and they can't open their eyes at all. After everyone recovers their eyesight? It was inexplicably found that all the players were moved to the same death field.

   I am the four members of Xuanwu gathered together, with an expression of excitement on their faces that can hardly be covered. If it succeeded, they actually succeeded.

   The beam of light tears open the sky of Qianrenchang? Success; the integration of thousands of people is equally successful.

   The four-person plan has been successful one third, and then...

   In the next second, the four of them seemed to perceive something, and quickly searched for the Holy Dragon to hide behind him.

   want to say abnormal? The rainy night is the most abnormal of these people, and there are three beasts around the rainy night, which can be used as cover.

   The rainy night has not yet approached, and the breath of death and cold passed into the minds of Xuanwu and others.

   From this moment? The two hundred thousand players were all frozen, and time stopped at this moment.

   The outside live room? The picture turned into snowflakes and stars in an instant, as if it could not receive any signal.

   Are the players frantically complaining? But it didn't help, and the barrage could not be sent.

   "Holy Dragon? Take out your sacred beast egg, hurry up."

   Rainy night heard the voice of "I am Xuanwu", and did not resist for a while, and directly took out the eggs of the four gods.

   In the next second, the three brilliances flowed, and they entered the three sacred beast eggs, namely, the blue dragon, the white tiger, and the red bird.

   Click, thunder rang in the sky, and dark clouds gathered.

   click, the sky thunder slashed down and landed beside the rainy night.

   I am Qinglong and the others, sweating on their heads, and got into the three sacred beast eggs respectively. As for me, I am Xuanwu? Then he entered the basalt cub beside Qingrou.

   Is everything done? The dark clouds in the sky still refused to disperse, splitting out four thunderbolts on the three mythical beast eggs and the cub Xuanwu.

   The rainy night was shocked, no problem, right? Hurry up and investigate. Fortunately, besides the electric and optical circulation on the eggshell? There is nothing unusual.

   But softly but pouted toward the rainy night:

   "Brother, the breath between Xuanwu and I is broken. It is no longer my pet."

   Yu Ye’s heart sank, he always felt that this incident revealed a little weirdness, what happened?

   turned around to look? The Xuanwu that had originally hatched unexpectedly returned to its egg form again, and the same electric light flowed on it, and the rainy night frowned.

   No, all the players around can't move? Why can Gentle and I still speak normally? Yuye didn't understand.

   The next second, the dark cloud still wants to continue to smash the thunder, but? The four gods and beast eggs were all included in the nightmare space by the plague magic gods.

   Thunder is angry and wants to hack the plague magic **** and kill it.

   Now? It's the turn of the plague law **** to get angry, and it's to save you face to ask you to slap it. Are you still breathing for me?

   The figure of the plague magic **** condensed from the backpack on the rainy night, and a devastating plague pointed directly at the black cloud.

   The next second rainy night clearly felt the emotion of fear in the dark clouds, and then disappeared.

  The plague magic **** is terrifying...

  The dark clouds dissipated, the space stagnation was cancelled, and the faces of many players were still full of shock. What is going on? Why are they all here?

   But looking at the players in other district servers next to him? Everyone quickly discovered that it was wrong, but no war broke out. Instead, they found the location of their respective camps and gathered.

   The players in the six regions are divided into six regions in just one minute.

  How to play this? Could it be that a big melee broke out?

   The picture was restored in the outside live broadcast room, and everyone saw the scene of the confrontation in the six major districts.

   "Huh? What's the situation? Two hundred thousand people crowded into a group of thousands of dead?"

   "It feels like a war of the century is about to break I am looking forward to it."

   "2000001000? What's going on? Is it the previous interference?"

   "Watching attentively, the show will start soon."

   Some players have a big heart, and ignore the previous weird events, and only pay attention to the present, but a large number of players still notice the previous weirdness.

   began to inquire about the final chapter, vowing to figure it out and figure it out.



   Outside? The images of several old men gathered together, frowning deeply.

   The previous thunder punishment was made by them, and the original intention was to kill me as the Xuanwu four.

   However, no one thought that Yu Ye actually had four **** beast eggs on his body, allowing them to escape the catastrophe, but this is not the end, even if they hide in the **** beast eggs?

   Thunder can still obliterate them, but the plague magic **** actually appeared and directly dispersed the thunder penalty.

   This one? Things are completely out of their control?

  In the final chapter? What they can't control is the plague magic god, and now the four sacred beasts are blessed by the plague magic god?

  This action? It seems that it can only be declared a failure, a complete failure.

   not only didn't kill the four gods, but also forced them together with the plague magic god, and things became more complicated.

   Several old men did not speak, and each dispelled the image and disappeared.