Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 666: 3 Tier 1 Gods

Return to Town No. 48, and go to the City Lord’s Mansion to search for the "God of Sundial".

The **** of the sundial did not return to the sea, but stayed here. Previously, the gods and common customs had agreed that no gods could appear in the battlefield behind them, let alone a seventh-order **** like the sundial?

However, the Celestial faction was the first to violate the rules, so naturally there was no need to worry so much. The sundial **** also lived in town No. 48 with a hidden aura.

Thus? Town No. 48 suddenly became a sacred place among many towns.

The lord of the major towns came one after another, wanting to teach the **** of sundial.

The **** of the sundial is also generous to explain, these days? Everyone's strength has made great progress, and a few even touched the edge of the **** level.

Change to a Tier 1 God? Maybe the effect will not be so significant, but the sundial is a seventh-order god, and you can know where these legendary stagnations are when you narrow your eyes. After unlocking? The progress of strength is naturally fast.

Especially Cheng Ergun? The strength is more diligent, after all, near the water tower, plus the reason of thick-skinned, ask for advice dozens of times a day, making the sundial **** a little irritable.

After some guidance from the sundial, Buzz has made more progress, and now he can steadily forge legendary peak equipment, and he has become the number one forge in so many towns.

Not only Bath? Many more people got the guidance of the sundial **** and made a lot of progress, and the town of No. 48 was thriving.

Those towns occupied by green plants? Still dead silence.

Whether it is mundane or god? Did not go to clean up, but some players are very interested.

The group has been destroyed many times? Still reluctant? Keep trying, after all, you bought the information of Dragon Guild at a high price? What if it succeeds?

Especially after knowing that Emperor Zhang can control the green plants? These people are even more crazy.

What if you and others can acquire such ability? Isn't that beautiful? The number of people attacking the guild has not decreased? On the contrary, there are more.

Want to get rich overnight? Many people became famous overnight, like moths fighting fire.

The four dungeons of mythical beasts are not attractive enough for them, so they have to try opportunities in the towns occupied by green plants.



Why see the **** of sundial in rainy night? That's because I want to know some intelligence, some intelligence of the gods.

After ten days? Waiting for one-armed and others to emerge from the winged kingdom? That was the moment when Yuye hunted down the gods, and it was also the moment when Yuye took this opportunity to become famous.

The gods of the outside world? Isn’t it true that the gods in the winged kingdom have accumulated millions of years, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years, how rich is the wealth of the external gods? Definitely satisfying.

Can survive? An artifact is proper.

But an artifact that hunts gods? You can’t take it on a rainy night, you can only circulate among the gods, but even so? Rainy night can also earn a lot.

"Huh? Brother Saint Dragon? Are you here?"

The sundial **** sensed Mu Chen's breath and greeted him from the city lord's mansion.

Seventh-order god? Don't want it? But Yuye's identity is too special, let alone the savior of the sundial, the heir of the winged kingdom? A disciple of the plague god? Negative zero becomes a god?

These names are superimposed together? Enough to be a brother to the **** of the sundial.

"Big Brother Sundial? Don't come here unharmed."

"Quick, quick, let's relive the past."



After some greetings? Yuye first said:

"Big Sundial? I have something to ask you this time."

Rainy night explains why.

"Brother Saint Dragon? Hunting the gods? Are you so bold? Your strength? Can you hunt the gods? Don't let yourself in."

The sundial **** asked worriedly.

"Big brother? Look."

Talking? Mu Chen's hand turned the chaos sickle and appeared in his hand, and the equipment forged by the'wing' was also equipped.

For a while, the horrible breath burst, feeling this powerful breath? The sundial **** was taken aback.

This intensity? This breath? Absolutely comparable to the second-order god, eh? Is that chaos sickle? Is that the breath of Chaos Sickle?

Infinite fear rose in the heart of the sundial god.

The horror of Chaos Sickle? People living in the sea continent have personal experience, are they living in the sea continent? But the shadow of death lingers in my heart all the time, making people shudder,

"Really? Chaos sickle?"

The sundial **** stammered inquired.

"It's the Chaos Scythe, the Chaos Scythe of the Canghai Continent."

Rainy night put away the chaotic sickle and said with a smile.

"A few days ago? There was news from the Canghai Continent saying that the Chaos Scythe had disappeared. I didn't expect you to take it away. It's amazing."

The sundial **** gave a heartfelt admiration, and then took out the information.

"The first-tier gods of the Celestial camp? The second-tier gods? The most numerous and the most common. In the battlefield ahead,'Ling Yucheng' sits on three first-tier gods, namely the **** of wind and thunder-Zanu and the **** of Houtu- Yu Youren, the **** of Yanhu-Tu Yuan.

The strength of these three people? It is relatively weak among the first-tier gods, but as the master of a city? Their wealth should not be underestimated. They have operated in Lingyu City for hundreds of millions of years? I am jealous of their wealth. "

After speaking? The sundial **** will inform Thank you, sundial brother? If successful, you will get one-third of the wealth of these three gods. "

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

After getting the information, Yuye exchanged greetings for a while again and walked out of the city lord's mansion to the forging shop.

Those legendary materials on Yuye? Epic material? All need an excellent forge to transform it into equipment.

"Brother Rainy Night? Do you want to kill me?"

Just approaching the smithy? Rainy night was forced into it, and once again experienced the feeling of being pulled.

Full of scars, Batu gave Yuye a bear hug.

"I want to kill you too, Brother Batu, here, here are some new materials I have obtained, for you."

Greetings? Take out a lot of materials on the rainy night.

See these materials? Batu's eyes straightened in an instant, he immediately abandoned the rainy night and stroked these materials, and then began to forge.

Rainy night was very helpless, and after a brief greeting with Buzz, he dialed a gentle communication:

"Gentle? What are you doing?"

"Brother, I'm doing a copy, this copy is too difficult, we can't beat it, you come quickly, we will quit and wait for you."

An elite copy? Too difficult? Brushed for so long? The China Association is still only lingering at 15% of the progress.

"Hmm, I'll be there."

As soon as Yuye hung up, a newsletter from Changjian Hengge called, inviting Yuye to refresh the dungeon of the beast.

"Aunt, I just agreed to Gentle? Why don't you wait? After I help Gentle to brush the elite copy, I will help you."


Changjian Hengge is very uncomfortable, so I can only hang up the communication.

After a while, everyone from the Huaxia Guild walked out of the copy and waited for the Holy Dragon at the passage.

What are you waiting for? The team behind was unhappy, frowned and said: