Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 667: Everyone in the China Guild who eats 0 f

"Hey? Brothers in front? What are you doing? If you want to go in, just go in? Let's leave the place, what do you think? Can you have a sense of time."

"Exactly? Standing in the pit without shit."

The players ranted crazy.

"Are you blind? That's everyone from the China Guild."

Uh, heard this? This group of people suddenly became dumbfounded, and their discussions became quieter.

"Why is Huaxia Guild here? Why not go in?"

"It seems to be waiting for their guild leader? Waiting for the guild leader to come? The whole guild is only allowed to enter."

"Then let's wait, just take a look at the face of Huaxia Guild."



After a while, the rainy night came, and the crowd suddenly boiled.

"The Holy Dragon is indeed the president of the Huaxia Guild. When I first got the news? I thought it was fake."

"I saw it in the live broadcast room? Now I have finally obtained verification."

"The president of the China Association, so small?"



"President, here it is."

"President? Coming."


A group of people greeted the rainy night, which can be regarded as sitting on the real rainy night.

"Let's go, let's go through the normal level dungeon first, so that the guild leader can mix up an elite level."

"Walk around and see if we can reduce it for a while."

"President, it's all up to you this time."

After speaking, a group of people entered the dungeon hummingly.



The ordinary level four mythical beast copy is very simple, there are only four levels in it, each of which is located in the four mythical beasts, the four legendary beasts: Azure Dragon, Xuanwu, Suzaku, and White Tiger.

More than 30 masters in China Association? The legendary BOSS in the Battle of Honor cannot be defeated, but the legendary BOSS with normal attributes in the Mythical Beast dungeon can still be defeated.

Legendary BOSS? Hey? Heard such words? Rainy night has no interest.

Entering it, a legendary BOSS: Suzaku rewarded a group misfortune, and given a few skills, Yuye no longer cares about it, leaving the Huaxia Guild to toss.

Two minutes later? The first boss was beheaded.

Four minutes later? The second boss was beheaded.

Six minutes later? The third boss was beheaded.

Eight minutes later? The fourth BOSS was beheaded, and the normal-level copy cleared the game.

Was it sixty-three minutes before the Huaxia Guild could clear a normal instance of the Four God Beasts? With the participation of Yuye? Can this time be shortened twice? So scary?

Such time? Suddenly shocked a group of guilds.

"Look at it? The time of the normal level four mythical beast instance has been refreshed, and the China Guild is still ranked first? But the time has been shortened by eight times."

"Eight times? Eight times the gap? Just shorten it like this? How is it possible?"

"It was sixty-three minutes earlier? How could it be shortened in an instant."

The players simply don’t want to believe that the China Association issued a statement:

"With the membership of the president? China Association is the complete China Association."



With this statement, the players immediately understood.

"No wonder? Sixty-three minutes for the Huaxia Guild? Seventy-four minutes for the Dragon Guild? How could they be so close?"

"Is this right? This is the strength that the China Association should have."

"Huaxia Guild is still your Huaxia Guild, horrible."

"I've heard about it? The reason why Emperor Zhang was able to achieve such a great record before? It was entirely because the president of the China Guild, the "Holy Dragon", gave him a piece of equipment that could avoid all people's detection."

"This is the credit of two people? But now it is put on the head of one person, and I feel that it is not worthwhile for the president of the Huaxia Guild."



"Brother, you're so amazing. It's different if you join."

"President? We killed a legendary boss in eight minutes? You are too strong."

"Terror, horror."

Sigh about the strength of the rainy night? Everyone from the Huaxia Guild entered the elite copy.

"Brother? It's difficult to be an elite dungeon. You can use your strength in a while, otherwise we can't beat it."

"Yes, President, we spent an hour before hitting 50% of that boss's health."

"Blood is too thick? And our damage is too low."

Everyone planned out the horror of this boss with one word and one word.

"What boss? So scary?"

Rainy night asked.

"Demi-god-level basalt with thick blood and high defense."

Shui Zhen Shen said silently.

This rainy night had a bottom in my heart, and said lightly:

"Let's go, it's still my main resistance, the main output, your auxiliary output will do."

"Go, enter the copy."

After speaking, all thirty-four people in the group entered the copy.



An elite copy? It looks more magnificent than the ordinary level, and the aura and coercion of the BOSS inside is even more shocking.

Demigod? Sure enough, the ordinary level can be compared.

Only this coercion? Everyone's strength is only two-thirds left, no wonder they couldn't beat it before.

When the rainy night came forward, the buzzing sound of Xuanwu sounded:

"Intruder? Dead?"

After speaking, Xuanwu took the initiative to attack, and Xuanwu hit.

The rainy night is equipped with a dark golden sickle, and the amplitude is turned on to fight with the basalt, and the full lotus position under the foot, the shadowless sickle in the hand is constantly released.

"The president or the president, how can I directly deal with this small position? It seems ordinary, but it contains many ways, and most people can't do it at all."

"The president is still amazing."

A group of people only paid attention to flattery and completely forgot to attack.

"What are you doing? Why not attack?"

Rainy night took a little time to ask.

"The president is mighty, bang bang bang."

"The president is mighty, bang bang bang."

A group of people did not attack, shouted and applauded from the side, three black lines appeared above Yuye's head, this group of people? I just want to watch my personal show.

"Brother, come on, brother, come on."



Yuye was speechless, when he turned his head again? A group of people had already spread the tablecloths and took out fruit and melon snacks to eat.

personal show? Yuye recognized it, and directly took out the Chaos Sickle to give it all at once, and the demigod-level Xuanwu instantly turned into flying ash and disappeared, leaving a few pieces of equipment.

As soon as the snacks were put on, Yuye killed the boss, yet the seeds hadn't entered his mouth? Everyone can only pack snacks and put away the tablecloths? Follow the rainy night's back and walk towards the next place where the boss stays.

silence? Deathly silence, no one speaks, it's not right.

Come to the demigod Suzaku? Rainy night stopped and asked them:

"Are you participating in the battle this time?"

"Participate, participate, must participate."

Everyone in the Huaxia Guild dared to say with a smile, and waved their equipment twice.

Yuye nodded and started fighting.

However, Yu Ye had just fought against the Demigod Suzaku, and everyone from the Huaxia Guild here directly sat on the ground with Gentle Head, and once again took out fruit and melon snacks.

"Chairman, come on, bang bang bang."

Shouting and applause sounded at the same time? Make Yuye face blue.

Rainy night, where did these people learn? Why is it so bad?