Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 67: Scorpion Belt

However, looking at Yuye's anxious eyes and his brother's urgent expression, the soft and exquisite heart instantly guessed the meaning of his brother's words, and hurried forward to touch the body and retrieve the equipment.

   "Be gentle, slow down, don't fall."

   Yuye and Grandma Sun said in unison, the two of them are the gentle beings most concerned about.

   But thirty seconds is still too short, she only had time to rescue three pieces of equipment and seven pieces of fist-sized apocalyptic slime.

   looked at the disappeared corpse after touching it, and waved his hand softly and helplessly towards the rainy night to show that he had done his best.

   Yu Ye gave a gentle smile to praise, and then fiercely mocked the system, shameless, this was the most ruthless **** Yu Ye could remember, but in the next instant he thought of a solution to this problem.

   Haha, there is an old saying: You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder.

  Ding, the third wave is coming, please prepare your team.

   Sixty tyrannical sika deer stepped out wildly, with red light in their eyes vowing to crush them to pieces.

   Yuye gave Yinguang a look, and Yinguang immediately rushed forward to output it regardless, for fear of angering Yuye.

   Sixty sika deer and Yinguang killed them all in just ten minutes.

"Stupid bear, the last one is left, don't kill." The rainy night rumbling down like a thunderous voice, as if the law followed, as if time had stagnated, the silver light shivered and lifted the bear's paw instantly back. The obedient stepped back aside.

   "Gentle, go and touch the equipment." Seeing Yinguang stop moving, Yuye turned his head and turned his head and flushed the little face with a spring breeze and said softly and tenderly.

   gently walked Yuzu's graceful and unhurried action, only because she suddenly remembered: Whenever and in any state, she must maintain a lady's posture-Quotations from sister Li.

   Rainy night seduce the last half-blooded tyrannical sika deer and started spinning around...Looking at the gentle movement, rainy night was speechless, black lines appeared above his head, and he wanted to speak, but he still endured.

   Five minutes later, Gentle finally touched all the fifty-nine sika deer corpses, and Yu Ye also summoned Yin Guang to come and kill the last sika deer.

   Pass gently and touch the corpse again. After all the corpses are touched, there are already a lot of things on the ground.

   "Brother, look, these are all gentle harvests, please praise me." Gentle is like a victorious little general, showing off his achievements.

   After the rainy night, the whole person was shocked and didn’t know what to say:

   Sixty fist-sized apocalyptic oozes, sixty silver-level equipment and twelve sets of pet equipment.

   Uh, every sika deer is the biggest reward in the gentle hands.

  Rainy night frowned and couldn't help but spit out: In the future, let's brush the monsters with gentleness, and what equipment to build, sixty silver equipment in ten minutes, even if a blacksmith who has been promoted to the purple gold level on a rainy night will not have such a result.

   After sighing, the fourth wave of poisonous scorpions arrived abruptly, giving them no time to react.

   The interval between this is too short, you know, playing with Changjian Henge and the others, it takes ten minutes or half an hour to cool down at every turn. Why is the cooling time of his team so short?

really? Is there an inside story? Do not use gentle good luck at this time.

   Ten-level dungeon hidden setting: the next wave will start when all players are full.

   Silverlight takes off the battle and returns to full blood in three seconds, rainy night six people do not lose blood at all, can the wave number refresh not fast?

   Fourth wave, twenty small poisonous scorpions, two minutes...cannot be more.

   The fifth wave, sixty small poisonous scorpions, six minutes...can't be more.

   The sixth wave, three hundred and twenty small poisonous scorpions, thirty seems a bit long.

   Old Zhang Tou: What annoying, what venom do these poisonous scorpions vomit? I can't even eat snacks.

   Old Li Tau: That’s right, how can you still eat snacks when hanging on a rock wall? Worn out.

   Old Zhao Tou: Hey, uncomfortable, uncomfortable, I have a fear of heights.

   Gentle: Brother, see if I fly high? Haha, it's fun to play gently.

   Seeing the ecstatic softness of swinging on the swing, several people are kneeling.



   Hundreds of poisonous scorpions contributed less equipment and other items. Gentle only found out forty pieces of poisonous scorpion equipment. As for the pet equipment, there was not one piece. The apocalyptic ooze is not too much, but the fist size is exactly 90 yuan.

During    there is an item of equipment that the rainy night is in need: the scorpion belt

   Gentle product, must be a fine product, additional special effects: expansion-increase the number of backpacks by 10.

   The three-piece poisonous scorpion equipment triggers the three-piece set of attributes:

  Increase four dimensions +2

  Immune damage +200

   Rainy night’s attributes have increased again.

   At this point, the nine-piece suit on Rainy Ye’s body has finally been gathered, huh, it is the first time at level ten, and even one more piece of equipment than others...

   "Hey, it's boring, when will the boss appear? I'm so boring to look at these mobs." Complaint from the old head of Li.

   "That is, I don't want to touch the equipment with these poisonous scorpions, it's too disgusting." Old Zhang complained.

   "Just your little black hand? Still touching the equipment?" The frontal taunt from the old Zhao.

   "That is, don't talk, it will affect the soft touch." From the side of Old Li's taunt.

   "I also feel that this mob is quite weak, but why are so many teams unable to make it." From Grandma Sun's incomprehension.



   Just after the voice fell, a rumbling system prompt sounded in the sky:

   Ding, the ultimate boss of the first tier is coming soon, please prepare for the ‘old, weak, sick’ team.

"I'm finally out of the boss, I'm going to move my muscles and bones, what about you?" Old Zhang's head flashed with eyes, and he stood up and looked around as if the overlord had come to Always let the rainy night hit the output. "

   "Grandpa and grandma, great, I'll cheer for you."



   Seeing that the grandparents were so passionate, they were shocked in the rainy night and quickly shouted: "Grandpa Zhang, fast back, you can't beat them."

  What are you kidding? Who can hold the foot of the tyrannical King Deer but Silver Light?

  At the same time, he wondered: Why didn’t the last rock fall attack this time? Shouldn't it? Could the same copy experience be different?

  Note: Last time it was triggered because of the use of plague bombs on rainy nights.

   "Hey, did you hear that? Xiao Ye is taunting us. I am so violent. Today I have to show him what is a master and what is a man."

   "That is, just a deer, how much damage can it have? I'll come too."


   The three big old men instantly ignored it, only Grandma Sun quickly backed away and returned to Gentle.

   Just as the boss appeared, a hurried single-body disaster on the rainy night reduced its attributes, and ordered the silver light to go up and protect the grandparents as much as possible.

   But the situation is always contrary to expectations, dong dong dong, the three hoofs of the deer king directly shattered the confidence of the three old men and disillusioned the few people about the deer.

   The three of them lay flat on the ground, clutching their chests and the wisp of blood on the corners of their mouths, and returned without saying anything. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends