Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 678: Tucheng

Transformed into a winged profession, waving the wings behind? Yuye flew towards the equipment marked by the chaotic sickle.

Night pterosaurs and blue dragons all have the ability to fly, but Yuye still prefers to fly by itself.

Haven't experienced the pleasure of flying by yourself? Can't appreciate the fun of rainy night at all.

Half an hour later? Rainy night walked out of the dense forest and came to a vast plain just to meet three players in the RH zone. Rainy night lowered his figure and wanted to contact him.

But the moment when the three players in the RH zone saw the rainy night? The system prompt sounded in my mind:

Ding, because you met a player in Huaxia District, after beheading him? You will get a little honor point, turn on the honor system, and open the honor store.

Honor system? Honor store? A few days ago, it was opened to players who participated in the Battle of Honor. There are a lot of equipment and props in it, which is very scary.

But ordinary players, did not participate in the battle of honor? There is no access to the honor system, but now? The honor system is suddenly open to them?

This is really good news.....

The three of them were still jealous of the equipment and props in the honor system, but didn't they want to fall into the sky?

The three of them looked at the rainy night carefully, the aura on their bodies was not particularly terrifying, and they should be able to kill them.

Such a voice also rang in Yu Ye's mind, Yu Ye rubbed his nose and laughed playfully.

Now? Things became interesting.

"Huaxia? Actually appeared in our district service? Kill."

"Matsuda-san, you control it."

"Sir, you are the main exporter, and I will coordinate and try to kill him."

If you don't agree, just do it.

Yuye has a multi-language converter, so he can understand the words of players in the RH zone.

Earlier, the RH district won the sixth place in the Battle of Honor? The people in the RH zone are getting upset, and players from the Huaxia District will come to the door before they think about it.

Since the other party has done it? That's self-protection, so the rainy night moved, waving the sickle of good and evil to directly kill the three.

Ding, you have received a little honor.

Ding, you have gained one hundred experience points.

Ding, the hatred of players in the RH zone is +1.

Ok? Seeing this, Rainy Night was overjoyed, as for the name that was slightly red on the top of the head? Yuye doesn't care at all, there are passive skills? It takes only one second to clear these hatred values.

A little honor? There is even a little honor point. Killing a top 100,000 players in the battle of honor is only a little honor point. Now kill an unknown character? There is even a little honor point?

This is simply not too scary.

The rainy night in the Battle of Honor was exhausted? How many honor points did you get in the end? Even five thousand is not enough.

Equipment and props in the Honor Store? The lowest quality is dark gold, and the lowest price is 10,000.

Except for Emperor Zhang? No one can buy it.

but now? Rainy night saw a glimmer of hope.

The artifact "The Realm of Nothingness" on the first page of the Honor Store? Rainy night especially wants it, but the price is too expensive and needs five million honor points.

previously? Rainy night can't even think about it, but now Rainy night wants to try it.

The Realm of Nothingness: It can be transformed into a big curtain and envelop a city. Anything happens in it? Will leak out and will not be perceived by others.

strength? It cannot be broken under the fourth-order god, and cannot escape from it.

If you have this equipment? That rainy night's plan to hunt the gods was half successful.

Rainy night put the matter of the chaotic parts aside, his first priority now is to find a town and throw a few plague bombs down.

Realm of nothingness? Rainy night is determined to win, as for the life and death of the players in the RH zone? Rainy night didn't care much.

On the textbook? Rainy night saw a lot of things that RH District was unfriendly to Huaxia District, and he actually had a breath in his heart.

The key is to kill a player? There are one hundred experience points left? This is terrifying.

Monsters are hard to find? The number is still small, but the number of players is large. Rainy Night has already seen the day when his level returns to zero.

Six hundred points four-dimensional? It feels good to think about it.

Ascends into the sky and rises high, rainy night begins to search for towns.



RH zone? The three players who were previously beheaded were shocked for a second, and then released the news of the entire RH zone:

Players in the Huaxia District have invaded the RH area. The coordinates are 9685*5985. A screenshot of the system prompt is attached.

Ding, you have been beheaded by the player "Holy Dragon" in China.

Ding, you have been beheaded by the player "Holy Dragon" in China.

Not many people believed this kind of voice at the beginning, but only a few days after it started serving? How can players enter the RH zone? Barriers in each region? How can it be opened after getting to level 70?

But after seeing this screenshot? They have to believe.

"Brother? Where is the'Holy Dragon'? Where is it?"

A certain player is very excited and can't wait to know.

Holy Dragon? Is that the president of the China Association? He actually came to the RH zone? That must be a good greeting to him.

"Without the coordinates, will he leave?"

The other player reacted even more quickly, and he had come to the place where Rainy Night appeared before, to explore the traces of Rainy Night.

"No, it shouldn't be long before he came to the RH zone. Find him and see what his purpose is."

The players in the RH zone are very interested. Not only are scattered players, some guilds have also been touched and joined the ranks of looking for rainy night.

They keenly smelled that the rainy night came to the RH zone with absolutely purpose.

Is that the No. 1 master in Huaxia District, come to RH District? Who believes that there is no purpose?



After flying for an hour? A town appeared in front of the rainy night, and the scale should be similar to that of the Huaxia District. The rainy night did not hide his figure, and quickly fell.

Seal the barrier of a town? Rainy Night is not there yet, but a small area is sealed, such as the enchantment item in the area of ​​the resurrection stone? There are still rainy nights.

Admiralty inverted, wrapping all the scenes within one mile of the resurrection stone The number of players trapped in the enchantment was at least 2,000, and three plague bombs were thrown into it on a rainy night .

"Huh? What happened? Why can't I get out?"

"Enchantment? Why is there an enchantment in the town?"

"What's the situation? Is it a hidden mission?"

"Huh? What is this black mist? Such a high damage?"

"Three seconds? I'm dead."

"How is it possible, where is such a scary prop."

Just when the players in the RH zone were wondering? The system prompt sounds:

Ding, you have encountered a player in the Huaxia District. Kill them to get honor points and open the honor shop.

The player trapped in it instantly understood that the previous news... is true.

Ding, you have been beheaded by the sacred dragon of Huaxia District, you are dead, are you resurrected?

Ding, you are dead...

The dead player knows the name of Yuye and the identity of Yuye for the first time.

"Holy Dragon? The number one master in China?"

"Why does he appear in the RH zone? What is the purpose? Is it a special trip to kill us?"