Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 679: Robbed a city

"What about him? First concentrate on your skills to break this defense and break this barrier, otherwise we will all die."

Not only the players trapped in it? Other players in the town also saw the rainy night, and countless skills were flying beside the rainy night.

Rainy night releases the beast: Azure Dragon, after raising the level to 30? Azure Dragon's attributes are terrifying, enough to be compared with the beasts of the peak period.

And because of the sacred beast, his own defense is super high, and the damage falls on Qinglong's body? The maximum number of -1, -1 is played, and many more directly appear MISS.

Qinglong breathed.




Caught Qinglong's breath? Hit the second time? Stack the damage, stacking 10,000 each time.

Qinglong breathed continuously, as if exhausted, and the crowd below died at an extremely fast speed.

The Azure Dragon turned into a harvester, madly harvesting the lives of players.

Not to be outdone in the rainy night, several plagues were released continuously, and the crowd fell quickly like a wave of wheat.

It is worth mentioning that the passive ability of the plague halo of rainy night has undergone several evolutions? Now it has become extremely scary.

At first it was only one meter in radius, but now it has a full radius of 30 meters after it is fully opened, causing -8000 damage per second.

Facing rainy night in close combat? Waiting for him to approach? He was declared dead.

They want to run? But the speed of rainy night is as light as electricity, where can they go?

In a short while? The crowd inside the barrier and beside the resurrection stone became very crowded, crowded, and a player's face appeared above the barrier.

But wait for them to complain? Then he died again.

massacre? This is the massacre of Chiguoguo.

Rainy night, Qinglong? No one can resist this combination.

Five seconds: kill ten thousand.

Ten seconds: kill thirty thousand.

Twenty seconds: kill fifty thousand.

Fifty thousand players? Each player has one point of honor, that is, fifty thousand points of honor, and contribution of one hundred points of experience, that is five million points of experience.

Rainy Night’s level is raised to -141, and it takes 1 million experience points to reach the next level.

Yuye suddenly felt that if he wanted to improve to level zero? The number of players to be killed will be massive.

Uh, forget it, let's focus on the gods.

Among the fifty thousand players who died? Yuye and Qinglong killed 10,000 together, and the death toll in the barrier reached 40,000, most of which were repeated deaths.

Three plague bombs stack? 150,000 damage per second? Who can hold it?

The value is still increasing. The city guard appeared in the twenty-first second, trying to capture Yuye, behead it, and return the town to peace.

Obviously? These NPCs think too much.

The guards in the town? That is, the strength of the dark gold rank, facing the rainy night of the **** rank attribute? How can they hold it?

The lotus flower stepped out on the rainy night, the sickle in his hand appeared afterimage.

A group of ten Dark Gold level city guards was declared dead, leaving behind a piece of equipment.

I didn't even look at it in the rainy night, so I put it directly into my backpack.

One city guard died, two city guards died...

As time goes by, casualties in the town are increasing.

ten minutes later? Rainy night killed nearly a hundred teams of NPC? The players beheaded nearly 300,000, which is terrifying.

During this period, Qinglong encountered crises several times, but was rescued by rainy night.

Mythical beast restoration pill, mythical beast restoration pill? The pill that this kind of beast can take? There are many rainy nights.

The three words "Holy Dragon" on Yu Ye's head? It was already black and purple, very scary.

The players originally thought that the city lord had abandoned them, but the next moment the city lord's voice appeared.

"Warriors, don't panic. The town has been closed. After ten minutes, the **** of ninjutsu will come, and it will be the moment of death."

Everyone was convinced by the voice of the city lord, and when he looked up, there was indeed a defensive cover emitting a faint blue light surrounding the town.

I have to say that the fighting will of the players in the RH zone is still very commendable. Get this news? Their first reaction was not to run.

Instead, they swarmed up, trying to keep the rainy night for ten minutes.

About this? Rainy night is of course the result of happiness, and directly took out the Legendary Forbidden Curse: Fire Refines the World.

After release? Pieces of houses collapsed, and the players couldn't hold on for a second, turning into flying ash and disappearing.

This one? Nearly ten thousand players died.

The players in the rear screamed, and didn't dare to go forward. This is a forbidden curse.

Yuye no longer kills the player, but instead focuses on the city lord's mansion.

The rise of the previous killing has even forgotten the big fish in the City Lord's Mansion.

The strength of the city lord is legendary, and the rainy night can kill him, even if the city lord’s mansion is protected by the formation, it should not be difficult to break it with his own strength.

Break through the castle mansion? So the treasure house of the City Lord's Mansion? That will be in his own pocket.

Have you seen the treasure house of Town No. 48? The value is very high, and the sum is absolutely comparable to the harvest of four or five artifacts.

Yuye rode on Qinglong's back and flew towards the city lord's mansion.

Everyone in the city lord's mansion was shocked when they heard the rainy night, and shivered after hiding in the defensive formation.

Their only hope now? I believe that the defensive array can withstand the rainy night.

Come to the City Lord's Mansion? Rainy night equipped with a dark gold scythe, slashing on the defensive formation of the city lord's mansion, ripples rose, and the defense formation was in danger.

Attacked a dozen times? The defensive array was broken open.

The city lord led everyone to try to escape, but Yuye had already appeared in front of him.

The city lord wanted to speak, but Yu Ye didn't give him a chance at all, and took out the chaos to increase the speed to the extreme and chop on the city lord.

After the death of the lord? There were also three or two small fish and shrimps. On the rainy night, they put away the chaotic sickle and replaced it with a dark gold-level sickle.

The system prompt sounded again: District’s “Holy Dragon” beheaded the lord of Town No. 5 in RH District. Town No. 5 is currently in an unowned state. The attributes of members in the town are reduced by 50%, and experience is reduced by 100%. Of fifty...

Ding, Huaxia District...


This system prompt sounded continuously, leaving the players in the RH zone in a dull state.

But soon countless voices burst out:

"Holy Dragon? The president of the China Association?"



Rainy night put all these equipment into the backpack, and then went to the treasure house under the leadership of the guard.

It broke open the treasure house forcefully, rainy night entered it and swept it away. The inner and outer treasury were all emptied.

The inventory of a town’s treasure house? Yuye doesn't need everything, he only needs props, materials, and equipment above the Purple Gold rank.

To the end? 160,000 backpack grids? The rainy night was only a quarter full.

After all this busy? Nine minutes have passed, with the last minute left, and the rainy night took the Qinglong to fly towards the edge of the town.

When he arrived at the enchantment, Yuye took out a small Boundary Breaking Talisman to melt out a channel and turned and left.