Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 68: Perfect fit

Gently pursing his mouth and making a mosquito-like laugh... it spread to the ears of the three old men, and immediately made their blushes hot.

  Uh, these disobedient grandpas, really... rainy night has nothing to say.

   Twenty minutes later, the tyrannical King Deer fell to the ground. The rainy night came forward to collect materials, collect blood, and gently touch the equipment.

   The materials of the silver king must not be wasted or wasted.

  Ding, congratulations to your team for obtaining the silver grade material-the blood of King Deer

  Ding, congratulations to your team for obtaining the silver grade material-Deer King Antlers



  Ding, congratulations to your team for obtaining a special item: the identity certificate of the god.



   At the same time that it was collected in the rainy night, Gentle also touched out this item, and there was only this item.

   Yuye looked at the soft words that seemed to have done something wrong and comforted him, and then began to study carefully, and finally came to the conclusion: know nothing but dust it.

   The first floor was cleared by the old, weak, sick and disabled team in 80 minutes. At this time, it is estimated that not many people would believe that if there is a ranking, this team will definitely be able to rank first.

   Just after everyone had dealt with the deer king’s behind, a system prompt came from the sky:

  Ding, congratulations to your team for successfully completing 30% of the level. Hereby reward equipment: Rogue Blade, Wizard Wand, Paladin’s Shield, Priest’s Staff, and Warrior’s Sword.

  Note: Rainy Night, as a character for the second pass, did not get rewards.

   These equipment can definitely be regarded as the most pinnacle equipment in the tenth level silver. Whether it is attributes or additional skills, they are all first-class, but Gentle is obviously not needed, and directly passed to Yuye.

   "Happy. I ate snacks for an hour and got so much equipment." Old Zhang Tau had previously ordered Yuye to take out all the harvest for them to choose. At this moment, they had already changed shotguns.

   After the first level of leveling, the grandparents have successfully advanced to the tenth level, and their equipment has been replaced by the equipment of the first-line masters. As long as the consciousness can be improved a little, the third-rate masters are definitely appropriate.

   As for the level ten equipment prepared by Changjian Henge for them, it has already been forgotten at this moment.

   "Wow, these equipment are so powerful, I can't wait to get a wave of mobs."

   "Hey, why doesn't Xiao Ye continue? Go on." Old Li got a whole outfit like a child and his eyes glowed.



   Several people urged you every word, confident.

   "Grandpa and grandma, are you sure you want to continue? On the second floor, our regiment has been killed twice, among which the monster attributes are very strong." Yuye couldn't think of a way to discourage, so she could only tell the truth.

  Uh, a few people don't speak...but their eyes are always wandering around Yinguang.

   "It doesn't matter, we have silver light, we are not afraid."

   "It's okay, we have a small night, don't be afraid."



   Yuye’s face was blushing and green: What should I do if my grandpas are so reasonable that they cannot refute?

  Ding, the first level is over, do you want to continue to the second level?


   Looking at the eager eyes of the grandpas, Yuye gritted his teeth and directly chose yes, what are you afraid of, the big deal will die together... But what about gentle?

  Ding, the scene is changing, please be prepared.

   Yuye hurriedly asked everyone to fix themselves on the stone wall to avoid accidents; although several people did not understand, they still obeyed.

   In the next moment, they understood what it means: experience is supreme.

   vomiting, after a while, the scene changed, and the old Zhang head fell on all fours and threw up.

   Looking at the pile of chewing snacks on the ground, he felt distressed and wanted to pick it up and continue eating, so five people vomited.

   "Lao Zhang Tou, can you not be so disgusting? Hurry up." Old Li head kicked Lao Zhang's head over, and after the kick, Old Li head threw up again when he remembered the scene.

   "It's disgusting, it's disgusting." The head of old Zhao directly punched him and knocked him over with the head of Li.

  Rainy night and Gentle retreated in disgust, refusing to approach Lao Zhangtou.

   A few people have just cleaned up, the old Zhang’s head under the tablecloth continued to take out snacks and said, "Come on, eat some."

   Hearing this, everyone nauseated and said that they did not want to see snacks for a short time.

   Twenty heroic warriors shot out in an instant, the disaster of the single body kept up, and the terrifying damage of the silver giant bear walked away.

   Yu Ye now has a question in his mind: Will this fatal blow directly smash the silver light to death? If it is feasible, then they will die sooner or later...

   Yu Ye's mind moved quickly, and in a blink of an eye he thought of a way to deal with it.

   Yinguang rushed into the group of heroic warriors, slashing left and right like tofu. In a short while, a few heroic warriors died, and a dozen others jumped up to perform a fatal blow.

   Yuye is the first choice for hatred at this moment, the fatal blow is still exploded within his belonging area, the state of nothingness, flashes, and the rainy night evades instantly.

   Six minutes later, the first wave of heroic warriors was wiped out, and no one was injured.

   "Isn't it very strong? It's that simple?" Old Zhang ate the squid shreds and muttered.

   "That is, can a monster guild of this level be destroyed? It seems that Xiaoye can't play with them, really."

   "Hey, what's the problem with this mob? How could the Dragon Touring Guild be destroyed?"



   A few people were very puzzled, and couldn't help but belittle the Dragon Touring Guild 100,000 times.

   softly stepped forward to touch the equipment, but found nothing, only twenty football-sized apocalyptic oozes.

   Uh, what about the little red hand? Why did it turn black all at once?

   gently handed the apocalyptic ooze in his hand to With a small mouth, his pink face was slightly unhappy and said, "Brother, Gentle doesn't want to touch the equipment anymore."

"Gentle, haven't you noticed it? Gentle brings out the best equipment when you are happy, and you can’t touch it when you’re unhappy. So, Gentle must be happy in the future and be a happy little princess. ."

   Rainy night stroking her soft hair, her face was not red and heartbeat, and she made some random inferences.

   "Really. Brother."

"Yes indeed."

   Brother’s conversation immediately made Gentle happy, and bounced torn open a bag of snacks. Brother’s encouragement was Gentle’s greatest motivation.

   Ding, the second wave is coming soon, please prepare the ‘old, weak, sick’ team.

   The second wave of sixty heroic warriors, the rainy night still uses the same tactics.

   He resists a fatal blow and outputs a silver light.

Five minutes later, Dongdongdong's fatal blow flew across the screen, quickly avoiding rainy nights, and all skills such as absolute immunity were used. 15 minutes later, the second wave of heroic soldiers died. The next rainy night is to face The third wave of death.

   "What kind of skill is this full screen of golden light? It's so cool, can it burst out?" Old Zhang's mouth flowed out, very envious.

   "I'm going to die, fortunately I was prepared." Old Li took out his sunglasses and put it on handsomely, shaking his long hair very elegantly. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends