Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 680: 3 Gods gather

What happened in the RH zone? Passed to Huaxia District for the first time, the players in Huaxia District suddenly broke out fierce discussions:

"Huh? Look at this video? Is the protagonist of the China Guild's "Holy Dragon"?"

On the screen? It is the mighty image of the Holy Dragon killing the Quartet.

"Yes, why not, at such a young age, with a sickle on his back, who else besides the'Holy Dragon'?"

"I, Cao, this? The Holy Dragon simply doesn't give people a way to survive, and directly uses the barrier to seal the resurrection stone? What a grudge is this? What a grudge."

"Rough, really ruthless, I didn't forget to destroy the entire town before I left."

"This? Is the strength of the holy dragon to this level? There is also a blue dragon? One person kills one city?"

"Although it is very inhumane for the Holy Dragon to do this, how do I feel so cool?"

"Me too, inexplicably cool in my heart."



Long sword hate song see this video? Can't help but sweat over the rainy night, this kid is too bold, right? What if discovered by the gods? Trapped in the RH zone? What to do then?

Should we find someone to meet the rainy night? Do you want......

Changjian Hengge thought a lot for a while.

Real men, real men see such a video? Yearning arises in my heart, and I want to be so happy and enmity, but wanting to go to the RH zone is not that simple.

Is it possible that the previous holy dragon was looking for the **** of space-Ai Liren was to go to the RH area?

Real men and real men thought like this. Not only real men and real men, but also other people in Huaxia District quickly thought of the joints, and began to frantically search for Ai Liren.

Day trip to RH area? Who doesn't want to go?

Everyone in the Huaxia Guild didn't care about it, this was not the first time, so nervous.

Gentle encourages and prays for the rainy night in her heart.

This one? Everyone in Huaxia District knows everything and pays close attention to the rainy night.



Coming out of the town, rainy night, quickly installed the teleportation array, entered it and passed by, disappearing.

Gods? Rainy night does not want to run into it yet.

One is that the number of times today's Chaos Sickle is used up.

Second, I don’t know the specific strength of the gods, what if they are captured? Then don’t all your goals fall into disarray?

Yu Ye had just teleported away, and within a few seconds, the Ninja God frowned and appeared.

There was the breath of rainy night and the breath of teleportation in the air, but he couldn't judge the position of rainy night with these breaths, and he had special skills in the art industry.

In desperation, the Ninja God sent a message to Inuhi God, asking him to rush over as soon as possible, and at the same time, he entered the town to investigate.

The city lord’s treasury was emptied, the city lord beheaded, and the defensive array was forcibly destroyed? Being able to do all of this is at least a first-order god.

See volatility? To confirm that the first-order **** is undoubtedly, the **** of ninja suddenly has a bottom in his heart.

Upload the message to send a city lord to the battlefield ahead to take over the town and calm the emotions of the players.

After all this? Ten minutes have passed, and the **** of Inuri arrived, smelling the breath of rainy night and leading the **** of ninja to go.

In the town before? Yuye had already obtained the coordinates of the next town, and he walked out from the teleportation array, which happened to be the coordinates of the next town.

The goal of Rainy Night was not placed on the honor value, not on killing the player, but on the treasure vault in the town.

The richness of the treasure trove makes it rainy night to stop, come to town No.6.

The city lord has not yet been under martial law, so it was rainy night that he entered the city lord’s mansion openly and wasted three minutes to behead the city lord, and swept it into the treasure vault.

By the way, after dropping three forbidden spells in the most crowded places in the town, after earning 100,000 honor points? Leave on rainy night.

This rainy night equipped two teleportation formations, summoned the clones, and entered them together.

Just after Yuye left, the **** of ninja and Inuri appeared, sniffing Mu Chen's breath? Looking at the chaotic town, the two gods were very angry.

Being led by the nose by the rainy night, the two couldn't fight back.

As for the avatar of Yuye Gu's Doubt Array? In the eyes of Inuri God? It has no effect at all, and the Inuri God can smell the smell of rainy night.

"The **** of ninja? At our speed? I can't catch up with him at all. Do you want to inform the **** of Lehman?"

"Behead an outside player? Do you need three gods?"

The Ninja God said grumpy, and finally decided to give in.

"Notify the God of Lehman, this player must be killed."

The two gods can only wait for the arrival of the **** of Lehman.



The gods can't capture the rainy night's position, so naturally those players can't capture it, because where? Rainy night didn't even know it.

After looting a town on a rainy night? The players only reacted later, but then? Everything is too late.

Even if they rushed past, it was too late.

"President? The'Holy Dragon' is gone, not in this town at all."

"What should we do? Do we take the opportunity to occupy this town?"

"The system will not allow us to occupy this town. All we can do is find the Holy Dragon."

"To release the news, we must find the Holy Dragon."

"Let the major guilds join forces and share information."

"Agree to join forces and share information."

"If we can kill the No. 1 master in the Huaxia District? Then we are in the RH District? Even the six major districts will be famous."

Players, guild members, and guild leaders express their opinions and have their own opinions.

What kind of teleportation array? It's impossible to appear in towns, er, Huaxia District is an exception. Who makes Huaxia District have the perverted rainy night, and there are players like Gentle who have a deep understanding of the power of space.

No teleportation array? Just rely on two legs? How could it be possible to catch up with the rainy night with the teleportation array.

What they can do is just wait and see...



The news of the collapse of the two towns was passed by the gods very The lord of the other towns were notified immediately to put the town under martial law and open the huge town defense enchantment.

The defensive enchantment guarding the town can resist the crazy attack of the third-order gods for at least ten minutes.

But for rainy night? Like paper, a legendary defense barrier? Use god-level bursting talisman? Can be opened quickly.

This kind of god-level bursting talisman? There are a lot of Rainy Night’s backpacks, to be precise, there are several sets. These are the props of the elves, and the Rainy Night is very impressive.

Take out the Array Breaking Talisman and gently throw it on the barrier, the next second the barrier is broken and rainy night enters it.

The NPCs attacked the rainy night like a big enemy, but the rainy night that opened the god-level defense cover didn't care at all.

In order to save time to the greatest extent, three forbidden spells were used on the rainy night, and the total process took ten seconds, which is also the time to move on the rainy night.

The towns in RH District are generally smaller than those in Huaxia District. After all, the player base is different.

Eight minutes later, the treasure vault was emptied on a rainy night, a few forbidden spells were dropped in the town, and tens of thousands of players were killed before entering the teleportation array.

No one can stop the rainy night...