Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 681: Broken 8 Zhiyu Pei

Boom, the teleportation array has just been activated, and a terrifying shock appears, destroying the teleportation array as a whole.

Fortunately? Rainy night has entered the transmission and can escape. But in the transmission channel? The space collapsed instantaneously. Fortunately, there was a teleportation protection ticket given by Ai Liren on rainy night, so it was not affected.

But a good coordinate for rainy night? It was destined to be impossible to reach, and now it can only be resigned to fate.

"The space is destroyed? Then the player should be teleported into the space turbulence and be wiped clean."

Inuri God said so.

"Yeah, I agree with Inuri's statement."

Gods who have entered the turbulence of space throughout the ages? In addition to the eighth-tier gods, can the ninth-tier gods escape successfully? The rest of the gods can only die, without exception.

"Inuri, don't take it lightly. It is a disciple of the plague god, in case you have a powerful prop."

"Hmm, I'm looking for it."

After talking about the dog day, start looking for the breath of rainy night, a few minutes later? Inuri shook his head and said:

"The breath disappeared, completely missing."


The Ninja God nodded, indicating that the mission is complete and the team can be closed.

Finish dealing with things in the town? The three gods left and announced:

The "Holy Dragon" has been killed by us, everyone can rest assured.



Such news? Part of the players in the RH zone are very happy, the sword hanging above their heads finally died, and they can finally rest assured;

But other players are very unhappy. They are eager to find the traces of the rainy night and cut the rainy night under the horse? Feeling boring, he was killed by the gods.

Stepping on the path of the "Holy Dragon" failed.

"Give up, go ahead with yourself, the'Holy Dragon' is dead."

"After death? The resurrection must be in China, don't think about it."

"Hey, I heard that the Holy Dragon appeared in our town before, but I'm not in the town."

"Brother? You died a long time ago, the forbidden curse of the Holy Dragon directly cast."

"Huh, good risk, good risk."

Although the Holy Dragon has died, the discussion about the Holy Dragon has not stopped.

The No. 1 master in China? Is it just to come to the RH zone to put a few forbidden spells? Loot several towns?

Uh? It seems that this is already a big thing.

Destroyed the three towns, let the players of the three towns fall into the trough, and looted the three towns.



Huaxia District:

"Send out the gods? Now the holy dragon can't run, it must be dead."

"Destroying Sandao Town, this is already an extremely terrifying record, Sheng Shen Long Niu X."

"I admire, even though I'm dead, I still admire him, a player? Who can lead to the beheading of three gods, who can have this record?"

The players in Huaxia District are very interested. Although the rainy night is dead, there is no blame, but more encouragement.



another side? Yuye transformed into a wingman profession in the transmission channel, and used the remaining invisible feathers.

Under the two overlaps? The third-order Inuri gods naturally can't find the trace of rainy night.

Walking out of the teleportation array, Yuye did not rush to seek success and continue to attack, but found a hidden big tree and climbed on it to check the harvest.

One is to avoid the three gods, and the other is to look at the harvest. It is best to have a map of the town.

In this case? An intermediate teleportation array made with gentleness? With drawings? Even if surrounded by gods? Rainy nights can do well.

The distance between Wudao towns? Enough for the gods to run.

After looking for five minutes? Rainy night did not find the complete map of the town. Instead, he found another mysterious thing-a piece of jade pendant with the information of the Yata Mirror on it.

Now? Rainy night suddenly came to his mind and took it in his hand to watch.

Ding, congratulations on your incomplete Yata jade pendant.

Note: A collection of eight pieces can be put together to make a complete, on top of a complete eight-legged jade pendant? Records the information of Yata no Mirror.

See here? Rainy night was overjoyed.

Sure enough, the title was changed to the first unlucky person in the mainland? Luck is good.

This is just here? I found the information of Yata no Mirror.

Ding, the Yata jade pendant has its own positioning system, you can use one thousand gold coins to know the location of the next Yata jade pendant.

Hear such system tone? Rainy night is not polite, just use a thousand gold coins directly.

The system prompt sounded again:

Ding, the next Yata jade pendant is at the coordinates 4475*5855, and I was stunned at the rainy night. Isn't this your own coordinates?

After a few minutes? Yuye found another Yata jade pendant in his backpack.

Yuye hit the big tree with his head distressed, this? Don’t be too stupid.

To stop being stupid? After reading all the items in the backpack on rainy night, are you sure there is no Yata jade pendant? Only then once again used a thousand gold coins to obtain information.

Ding, the next Yata jade pendant is at coordinates 8745*1254.

Yuye took out the map of the town he had found before and began to determine the location.

Town map? Mark the locations and coordinates of all fifty towns on it.

Same as Huaxia District? It is also divided into two camps, one for the ordinary and the other for the gods.

The mundane camp is the gods cultivated by the rising and the gods are the innate gods. The gods obeyed the command of the creation **** to destroy the world, while the common gods prevented it.

The routines are all the same, but the **** system is different.

Now Rainy Night got the coordinates of the Fifty Dao towns in the ordinary camp.

Enter coordinates? Soon rainy night successfully determined the location, the 18th town? There is still a long distance from where you are now, at least you have to teleport twice.

Yu Ye had an idea in her heart:

I previously teleported to Town No. 12 to kill the city lord, searched for the equipment and props, and then went directly to Town No. 18...

The rainy night had been resting for an hour, it was time to move.

Town No. 12? Earlier, the gods had announced that the holy dragon was beheaded that naturally did not reopen the defensive barrier, rainy night easily entered it.

While the players are not paying attention? Several forbidden curses fell, and then came to the city lord's mansion to kill the gods and plunder the treasure house.

This one? The number of dead players reached five to six million.

"Sacred Dragon is not dead, he is in Town No. 12."

"Come on, the Holy Dragon is not dead."

"MD, this forbidden curse is really terrifying.

"Trash god, this little thing can't be done well, the holy dragon is obviously still there? Why is the holy dragon dead?"

"It's all blame for these NPCs, otherwise I won't die, pay compensation, I must compensate."

The players in the 12th town in the RH area are a bit crazy, but these players who dare to insult the gods? Naturally, the end will not be too good, the Thunder fell and killed him in seconds.

Gods? Sometimes it's just so unreasonable.

The **** of ninja, **** of Inuri, **** of Lehman can't believe it, can they still live in the turbulence of space? How did Rainy Night do it, so terrifying?

The three gods exchange messages to meet in town on the twelfth, this time they must be beheaded.

Waiting for the three gods to come to town 12? Yu Ye had already looted the town on the 18th and obtained the third piece of the Yata Jade Pendant, killing 20,000 to 30,000 players.