Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 69: Sad silver bear

"Hey, am I the only one who feels this golden light is dangerous? Is it the only one who feels this golden light can't hide? Hey, sure enough, only I have the potential to become a master, and only I have the potential to become a great god."

   The old Zhaotou sighed and paused for a while, put on a remorseful expression, looked at the people beside him sympathetically, and then carried out a wave of self-bragging extremely shamelessly.

   The look and the action were the same as the real one, but as soon as this sentence was uttered, it was inevitable that Old Zhang and Old Li would unite to mock him.



   These three shameless old men are not really capable, but they have a lot of bragging skills. From grandmother grandmother's white eyes, she couldn't wait for someone to give them a shudder, hoping to quiet them for a while.

At this time, the rainy night in the center of the scene was a little weak in his calves, and a thin layer of sweat was floating on his forehead. Now he still can't face the third wave of heroic soldiers, and can't bury the pain in his heart, the shadow of death. Like the maggots of the tarsal bones, lingering.

   With a soft smile, like a fairy on the horizon, he stepped forward to touch the equipment. This time he shot 20 pieces of equipment, three to five skill books, and twelve head-sized apocalyptic oozes.

   "Haha, what my brother said is right, as long as the mood is good, the things you can touch will get better." Gentle handed the harvest to the rainy night, very happy.

   "Gentleness is so powerful." Yu Ye did not hesitate to praise.

   Rainy Night Monologue: Well, I'm just talking nonsense.

"Grandparents, you retreat to the edge first. The third wave will be very dangerous. We used to be because..." After touching the equipment, Yuye trot gently and came to the side of the grandparents, speaking earnestly. Show yourself to discourage.

   Rainy night had prepared preparations for a protracted battle beforehand, but did not expect:

   "Oh, oh, oh, we will retreat now. After the crazy trampling of King Li Lu, Grandpa Zhang and others are now very obedient. Xiaoye, the brilliant golden skill book that burst out for a while, remember to keep it for you Grandpa Zhang."

   "I want too, I want too."

"me too."



   "Grandpa, here it is, this is the skill book you are thinking of, let's take a look." After saying that, before they retreat rainy night, they took out three skill books from their backpacks, and handed them one each.

   Skill Book: Critical Strike—It consumes 50% of the life value and causes a 30% fatality rate to the enemy.



   Seeing such a perverted skill book, the three old men were speechless, looking at the sky and whistling.

   Old Zhang Tou: Rainy night, I don't want it anymore, I will go to the edge and wait for your victory.

   Old Head Li: I don’t want it either, this is not for me.

   Old Zhao Tou: Hula la la, I didn't see anything.

   Er, Yu Ye had to take back all three skill books, and then took out a new skill book and handed it to the old Zhang Tou and said, "Grandpa Zhang, this skill book should be right for you."

   Horizontal splitting and vertical slashing——Complete the horizontal splitting and vertical slashing at extremely fast speed, causing 150% damage and having a chance to trigger bleeding damage.

   Cooling time: one minute

   anger consumption value: ten points

   Not bad, the old Zhang head cheerfully took it over and patted it into his body, turned his head and made a grimace to show off the old Zhang and Li, and made a wave of taunts appropriately.

   Uh, these old kids.

   "Xiaoye, we also want to, but you must burst out in the next wave."

   "Xiao Ye, I want two books, you can figure it out if you have less than two."

   The two shameless old men were not at all polite, as if the skill books were bad street items.

   "I also want a mage skill book, and I still have too few skill books." Grandma Sun was finally able to control her emotions well at this moment, suppressing negative emotions and joking and interacting with rainy nights.

This incident was too sudden and too sudden. She couldn't accept it in a short time and couldn't let it go. Before, she was even more depressed without speaking, like the ice of thousands of years, like the silent deep sea, suppressed and hidden. .

   She didn't know how to explain to Gentle, Yuye, how to face them, and she didn't know or dare to think about how Gentle and Gentle would be on a rainy night without her?

   Could it be that Gentle and Rainy night be handed over to these three inadequate old men? Could it be that gentle and rainy night face the miserable world alone?

   She can't, she can't... She can't do it, she can't do it at all.

   Ha, is it because you are getting older? Are there too many things you can't let go? Grandma Sun laughed at herself.

  Perhaps because Grandma Sun was too abnormal before, Yu Ye's eyes were fixed on her body, Grandma Grandma looked a little bit unbearable and afraid of being exposed, and finally had to return to the original state.

   Looking at the shifting eyes of the rainy night, Grandma Sun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the three old men also breathed a sigh of relief.

   But Yu Ye is still keenly aware: Grandma Sun has a lot of thoughts, very big things.

   temporarily suppress this matter, Yu Ye plans to find a time to talk with Grandma Sun tomorrow alone.

   The main problem he has to solve now is the problem of skill books. Bah, the problem of what skill books is, is the beautiful problem of how to clear the level and how to die in the third wave.

   Ding, Lao Zhangtou and others just stepped aside, and the third wave of system prompts sounded.

   Rainy night hurriedly came to the center of the map and mapped the points in his mind about the last time the Long Sword Hate Song.

   There was a fiery fighting spirit in his eyes, and a thunderous determination came under his feet.

   Silver Bear: Phew, is the descendant of the plague method finally serious? It seems that I should be able to get less beating this Thinking of this, tears appeared in its bear eyes.

  呸, what tears? That is the sand that the wind blows in.

   The fascinating girl with a gentle face, hands on his chest, immersed in intoxication: Wow, my brother is so handsome.

   The old man frowned his eyebrows: No, I have to think of a way, I can’t always let the rainy night be in the limelight. It’s okay in the copy, what about my glorious image in the outside world?



   In the next moment, three hundred and twenty tri-color, extremely terrifying heroic warriors emerged, exuding terrifying coercion, and they did nothing but divide their troops to three locations.

   The rainy night secretly made a bad sound, and the individual disasters flew out in an instant. After hitting, they attracted the hatred, so that they could not disturb the distant pure land.

   Rainy night was chased by more than 300 heroic warriors, but no silver light came to support? Under the doubt: Hey, what about that stupid bear? Was it lazy somewhere?

   Turned his head and glanced at the silver light, the sloth bear was sitting on the ground unscrupulously and comfortably digging out earwax. Seeing rainy night, it turned out to show a smile that I liked you.

  Rainy night was suddenly so angry that one Buddha ascended to heaven, and two Buddhas violently jumped. The evil mode was instantly activated, and a strong black gas surged to the ground, and the sloth bear's eyes straightened:

   Is it finally coming? Are you finally going to zoom in? Looking forward to it, looking forward to it, hey, why is this coming to me? It’s unscientific... I want to talk about "The Plague Master of Online Games" with more like-minded people. Follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends