Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 691: The price of rainy night

"Here, here is the distribution map of fifty towns."

Compared to the threat of life? A drawing is really nothing.

Look at the drawings? Yu Ye nodded with satisfaction and signaled that the two demigods could leave.

The two demigods were relieved and left at an extremely fast speed.

Watching the two demigods leave? Yuye nodded in satisfaction.

Although it was not a problem to kill them, the guild and the props in the guild could not be kept.

Now this result? it's the best.

From the release of props in the rainy night, to the release of god-level coercion, to negotiation? No more than one minute, one minute? It even solved a difficult problem that ordinary people could not reach.

Until now? Xiao Liu felt that he was living in a dream, so he couldn't believe it.

"Holy Dragon, has the problem been solved?"

Xiao Liu swallowed and asked incredulously.

"Yes, it's solved, it's very simple, the back hand I determined at the beginning was not used at all, and I was a little disappointed."

The Holy Dragon said dejectedly, but this sentence stopped in Xiao Liu's ears? That's Chi Guoguo's X.

Know you are great? But it doesn't have to be this way.

"Xiao Liu? I will leave the Void Realm to you, and the guild will hand it over to you. This batch of equipment will be released as soon as possible. Now is the best time to release it."

"Holy Dragon Lord? Just look at it."

Xiao Liu is very motivated, and Changjian Henge has promised him, finish this vote? Just pick up Xiao Liu... and go home.

So the last minute? Xiao Liu's idea is: how many holes can be made.

"Hello? Is it the president of the Haneda Guild? I have a membership order? I don't know if you need it? Ah, how much do you say? Fifty thousand gold coins, the price is not high, I have other items here, I don't know Are you interested."

"Hello? Is it the president of the Liye Guild? I have...and..."

"Hello? Is it the president of the Guild of Traceability? I have... Please help me to promote it. I can sell you the equipment and props you need at a 20% discount."



Under Xiao Liu's conscientious sales, these equipment and props were quickly converted into gold coins and entered into Xiao Liu's backpack, and Xiao Liu's eyebrows opened and smiled.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

But selling equipment on such a large scale? Props, some interested people soon followed Xiao Liu.

Even under the current internal and external troubles? They will also attack Xiao Liu's guild and rob him of his assets. This is a wealth that no one can refuse.

Fortunately, Xiao Liu was prepared to start the realm of nothingness after the rainy night left, otherwise? They may have succeeded in this sneak attack.

The sneak attack is not just one batch, but countless batches? There is an endless stream, but under the protection of the realm of nothingness? They couldn't enter, couldn't approach Xiao Liu's guild.

Inaccessible? But they did not give up, still waiting at the gate of the guild.

Open the realm of nothingness? Every hour has to consume 50,000 gold coins, Xiao Liu is a little reluctant, but looking at the countless sneakers outside the guild? Xiao Liu still decided to open it.

Anyway, the gold coins were also made by the sage dragon, so what did Xiao Liu feel distressed.



Does the town have large siege equipment? With towering walls and powerful props, players and NPCs in the ordinary camp can still persist.

At least one hour is not a problem, any more? There is no guarantee.

All fifty towns are under pressure? The three gods are too busy.

Although Yuye got the blueprints released by the towns of the Celestial Camp, he did not enter the Celestial Camp. Instead, he turned into nothingness and hid in the battlefield to collect equipment.

On the battlefield? Every moment, people die, they drop equipment, and from time to time there are some small top products.

"Huh? Dark-gold-level long sword? Additional huge power effects? Good thing."

"A purple-gold-level staff? Contains a forbidden spell? Good thing, pick it up."

"Purple gold necklace, invincible effect? ​​Good thing."

Yuye walked all the way and picked up all the way, but also got a lot of good things. Sometimes other people would come to grab the same piece of equipment with Yuye.

But the final result can only be death, by the way, let Yuye choose the condition of his dropped equipment.



After an hour passed, some towns couldn't resist, the town was broken, and the NPC was beheaded. Even if the three gods secretly rescued, they couldn't hold it.

Yuye's success in this joy is still picking up equipment happily.

After another half an hour, the three towns of the ordinary camp were destroyed and occupied by the gods camp.

Over time? This number continues to increase.

When Rainy Night’s backpack is half full, will there be nine moments when the towns of the common camp are occupied? The ninja **** had to contact the holy dragon.

If you don't contact again? A few steps later? The rear battlefield of the ordinary camp is gone.

Ninja God's first call? Tsundere rainy night chose to hang up.

It was not connected for the second time and until the third rainy night.

"Please go to the Celestial camp to destroy their town. We have agreed to your terms."

The tone of the Ninja God dropped a lot, and even brought the word please.

"I'm not going now, and my guild doesn't need your protection anymore. If there is nothing to do? I will hang up first." Yu Ye said in a bad tone and annoyed.

The **** of ninja is burning with but there is no way, now only rainy night can help them, I can’t just watch the towns of the common camp fall, so the **** of ninja can only lower his posture :

"What are your conditions? Let's say, as long as it can be met, we will try our best to meet it.

The corners of Yuye's mouth appeared arc...

"First of all, I want the extreme cold storm in your hands, three gods, and ten sets of equipment that can be grown into a fifth-level artifact or even higher, and there are no less than 100 god-level items of all kinds. There are duplicates."

On the rainy night, the lion opened his mouth to say his conditions.

"Dare you, the thief?"

The ninja **** was so angry that he couldn't speak, cursing Yuye frantically. The fastest updated novels https://

So much material? Props? How could his little first-order **** come out?

"Promise us to sign the contract, don't you agree? Bye."

"Don't hang up, I will apply to see if I can apply, and wait for my message."


Yu Ye hung up the communication happily. What props did he talk about earlier? Artifact? If you can receive a tenth? That's it this time.

In the rainy night, go directly to the gate of the town on the 30th to pick up equipment. The battle there is the most intense and the most suitable for picking up equipment.

ten minutes......

twenty minutes......

thirty minutes......

Rainy night is not anxious at all, but the Ninja God is extremely anxious.

Half an hour? Ten more towns were destroyed.

Follow this trend? Up to three hours? All the towns of the ordinary camp will be destroyed.

Once there is no town behind? Then the commonplace camp is over.

After another half an hour, another ten towns were broken.

The players in the ordinary camp of RH area are going crazy.
