Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 710: One-armed god.

Rainy night was stunned, and I didn't expect that the announcement of a walking video screen would get so many benefits.

The newly acquired plague-Black Spread is transformed into a new skill through the plague bomb, and watch its attributes in the rainy night.

Black spread: shoot a black light to hit the target, which can spread to 50,000 targets, and after reaching the limit, it will take all the target's health.

Consumption: 30,000 mana points.

Cooling time: one hour.

This? The effect of this plague made the rainy night shocked.

Could it be that this is an advanced plague?

Check out the rainy night, low-level plague? This turned out to be a low-level plague? Doesn't that mean there is room for growth?

This is really a big surprise, more surprising than the other rewards.

The black plague spread into the body, and the breath of the chaotic sickle and the chaotic helmet poured in, slowly improving the quality of this plague and enhancing its effect.

According to the estimation of rainy night, no more than three months at most? This low-level plague can be equal to the other six plagues, and all become high-level peak plagues.

If you can find the next chaotic component and enter its core area to absorb the aura of chaos, then this time can continue to be shortened.

Having said that? But there is still bad news.

This plague and other plagues cannot form a cycle, and can only be independent, very lonely.

After the rainy night six people brushed the monsters for an hour, suddenly the breath of nine demigods and a complete **** appeared, and it fell on the rainy night six people, the first Zhang and others only felt breathing stagnant.

But the body was still straight, and was not pressed on the ground.

Change to the previous one? Suddenly encountered such a powerful attack? The six old Zhangs must fall to the ground if they can't reach them, but it's different now. The animal is lying on the side, escorting them.

Mythical beast? Even if the level is not improved, it is still a beast in essence, compared to a demigod? Still have to be one level higher.

As the owner of the beast? Part of the natural immunity to such a breath.

The rainy night was like a big enemy, just about to attack, but suddenly realized that these breaths were very familiar, and the killing intent he mentioned was immediately put down.

In a short while, Bruman, One-armed and other ten people walked out of the deep forest and looked at the rainy night with a smile:

"Master? Has your strength improved again? We nine demigods and one spirit are oppressing together? You are indifferent."

Bruman was a little unbelievable.

"God? Who has become a god?"

Rainy night had some surprises, and his eyes kept shooting on the one-armed and others. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

"Is the one-armed big brother? I walked out of the winged kingdom, and felt that the aura of the final chapter mainland broke through at a moment, so I wasted a little time, otherwise we would have come to you long ago."

Bluman explained.

"Great, one-armed brother."

"grown ups."

"grown ups."

"grown ups."

A group of big men don't have much words, but the emotion in their eyes is very sincere.

"Finally wait for you, come, I will pull you into the team, let's go to the monster first."

Yuye watched them point to the monster group behind them, then came to sit down in front of the tablecloth, and talked to Grandma Sun and others.

Seeing the scene in front of him with one-armed and other people, the corners of their mouths twitched, no choice but to go to the monsters.

Killing level sixty monsters with a demigod, using a small skill, a few seconds? The gods beheaded all the monsters.

"Go to the distance to attract some monsters to kill."

After Yuye turned his head and continued talking to Gentle.

"Brother, are you leaving again?"

Suddenly looked at Yu Ye's eyes gently and asked.

Rainy night was stunned, but nodded.

"Brother, you are so busy now, Gentle can't see you a few times."

"Gentle, wait until my brother finishes this time? We will never separate, stay together, and have dinner together in the evening."

Speaking of rainy night, he touched her soft nose.

"Hmm, you go, brother, but you must bring Gentle a gift when you come back, otherwise, hum, Gentle will ignore you."

He raised his head gently and arrogantly forty-five degrees.

"Okay, my princess."

After waiting for the demigod to brush the monster for ten minutes with one-armed, after bidding farewell to Qingrou and others, the rainy night led the gods to leave.

Yu Ye decided to find another plague first. Now Yu Ye already has seven plagues and the coordinates of two plagues. It is time to capture them together and use them for himself.

Nine Plagues? I don't know if it can form a cycle.

And the coordinates of these two plagues? It is almost always the junction of the front battlefield and the rear battlefield, and it does not conflict with them going to the front battlefield to kill the gods.

The two other plagues obtained by Rainy Night might be able to increase some strength, and it would be helpful to kill the gods.

Opening the teleportation array, a group of eleven people filed in, heading to the coordinates of the first plague.

After a whole day of teleportation, at ten o'clock in the evening, eleven people on Rainy Night came to this coordinate, located in a mountain range at the junction of the front battlefield and the rear battlefield.

Among the mountains? Almost all of them are legendary level ninety monsters, and occasionally there are demigod level monsters.

Is this configuration placed earlier? The rainy night definitely dare not come, but now it is completely different.

There are two gods and nine demigods in the team? There are two big killers of Chaos Sickle and Chaos Helmet? As long as it doesn't go deep into the front battlefield? Absolutely safe, always ready to fight. "

One-armed speaking, watching the surroundings eagerly, eleven people moved forward slowly.

Although I know that there are not many threats to their situation and monsters in this mountain, it is better to be careful in everything.

After a while, eleven people beheaded five legendary bosses, and a demigod boss successfully arrived in the hinterland of this mountain.

"According to the judgment? The plague should be in this cave. I will first enter to explore the way."

After talking about the rainy night, he was equipped with the title of Negative Zero God, and walked into the cave first. One-armed and others followed closely to protect him.

There was still light in the cave at the beginning, and some scenes in some caves could be seen.

The rough stone walls, the flowing water, and the humid air are not a major problem, and there is no danger.

As you go inward, it gets darker and darker, and the space of the cave is getting bigger and bigger. The rainy night and others light up the light and move on.

No danger? On the contrary, there are gains. There are many treasure chests in the cave, and the rank is quite high. Turn them on one by one in the rainy night to get the props. The fastest updated novels https://

This way? Rainy night opened many treasure chests and obtained many interesting props.

Open up wasteland? There is still a little benefit.

In the depths of the cave, everything became extremely spacious, and the sound of ticking water sounded.

Following the sweet water prestige, a wide lake appeared in front of everyone.

There is a raised stone platform in the center of the lake, and a jade box is placed on the stone platform. Inside the jade box, a brilliance is quietly circulating.

"I'll get it."

Yuye wanted to act, but pulled him with one arm.

"My lord? I feel the danger."
