Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 721: Rising star

  Ding, you cannot enter because of your insufficient level.

   The system reminder sounded in the rainy night, soft ears, making the two of them a little confused.

   "Brother? Don't you have a level forty? How could your damage be so high?"

   asked softly and puzzledly.

   "Strictly speaking? I am still level zero."

   Yuye was embarrassed, he really didn't expect to get stuck at this step.

   "What should I do? Brother?"

   heard this softly? The rainy night fell into contemplation.

   "Holy Dragon Lord? What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the copy?"

   The players in the rear asked worriedly.

   "No, I have a problem." New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

  Rainy night smiled embarrassingly, and rolled his eyes and took out a god-level prop: level camouflage device.

   Effect: The level can be adjusted arbitrarily, from level 1 to level 99 can be directly disguised.

   This item is still very popular in the front battlefield. The gods are directly disguised as non-gods? It was the Yin Ren’s best choice. He stole so many warehouses in big cities. Although most of them were sold, there was still some gain in the rainy night. New 81 Chinese website update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   Adjust the level to level 40, close to the center of the eyebrows, the next second, the rainy night’s level will return to level 40, even on the ranking list? All are forty levels.

   "Brother? Are you amazing props? Are there any more?"

   asked gently, sucking his fingers.

   "Yes, here is one."

   For gentle requests, Yuye never refuses.

   After getting this item, he was curious and adjusted it to level ninety-nine, and placed it on his forehead. For a time, it was the pinnacle of the legend, and the pressure of a demigod spread out, making the surrounding players breathless.

   At the same time, register on the leaderboard? Qingrou ranks first with a high level of ninety-nine.

   "What's the situation? Is this a demigod breath?"

   The NPCs in the City Lord’s Mansion were shocked.

   "It's not the natives of the final chapter, but the player? How could it be possible? Has any player achieved a demigod in such a short time?"

   "Go and check."

   Cheng Er Gun gave the order, and the City Lord's Mansion became busy.



   "Look at the rankings? Brother, Qingrou, how did you get to level ninety-nine? I thought she was level forty-three."

   "Improve fifty-six levels in one minute? It's impossible, even if it is turned on."

   "Look at the Holy Dragon? He is also level 40."

   Just when the players were shocked, the Holy Dragon issued a voice explanation:

   "This is a prop effect, don't take it seriously."

   After speaking, the Holy Dragon adjusted the level to level ninety-nine, then dropped to level 30, and played it several times.

   "Is there such a fun item? Holy Dragon boss? Can I buy one?"

   "One million gold coins, I will give you if you want it. This is a god-level item."

   "I bought the holy dragon boss."

   The question and answer are all public screens, which stunned the players watching.

   "Uh, I don't understand the rich world."

   "Uh, I don't understand the big brother's world."

   "Excessive, really excessive, Chi Guoguo's showing off his wealth."



   Adjust the level, sell this artifact item, rainy night, gently enter the budding instance.

  Ding, welcome to the budding copy.

   Budding copy is full of greenery, the air is fresh, as if entering a strange jungle, rainy night, softly put on a fighting posture, not dare to walk toward the depths lightly.

   After a while, a forty-level monster-three ferocious wolves appeared in front of the rainy night and gently, screaming in shock.

   Rainy Night uses the Eyesight Technique to find out its attributes, uh, a normal ordinary monster, very weak, and directly moves forward and slays it by waving the dark golden scythe in his hand.

   Three ferocious wolves? No fierceness was revealed.

   "Gentle little red hand? Step forward to touch the equipment to see if there is any growthable equipment and props."


  Ding, congratulations to your team for obtaining a growth item*1.

   This is an item? Isn't it said that the burst rate is very low? Take it in your hand in the rainy night, the system prompts the sound:

  Ding, the current attribute is temporarily unavailable, and you can check it after the star rises.

   "Go on, brother."


   Not a few steps away, another three ferocious wolves rushed out, dropped their sickles, and beheaded them.

   There was no drop this time, but the bodies of the three ferocious wolves turned into starlight into the previously non-attributable items.

  Ding, one star is achieved, whether to rise to the star.

  Ding, friendly reminder, the probability of getting a high attribute by leveling up with seven stars will be 0.01% higher.

   Uh, only improve this point? Rainy night direct selection:


  Ding, the star is rising, please choose to add materials.

  Note: Only black iron grade materials can be selected.

   Isn’t it difficult for rainy night? How can he still have black iron grade materials on his body now?

   "Gentle? Do you have black iron grade materials?"

   "Brother, I have a black iron grade potion, do you count?"

   "It should be counted."

   "No, give it to your brother, try it."


  Ding, are you sure to add a black iron grade recovery potion?


  Ding, the rising star is complete.

   A melodious system prompt sounded, and a faint brilliance emerged, and the rainy night, gently turned his eyes to this prop.

  Name: Green Tears

   Grade: Black Iron Grade props.

   Attribute: It can restore a thousand points of mana, and can be used repeatedly one hundred times with an interval of three minutes.

Overall? This item is not bad.

   "Go on, brother, see if you can make a top-quality prop."


   After the two gentlemen continued to advance, after killing two ferocious wolves again? No new growthable equipment was obtained, but Green Tears was promoted for the second time.

  Ding, do you rise to stars?


  Ding, are you sure to add a bronze restoration potion?


  Ding, congratulations on obtaining the new bronze-level item-Green Goblin.

   Attributes: After use, it can quickly restore one percent of the lost mana value ~ ~ can be used one hundred times.

  ? ? ? ?

   is still an item to restore blue volume? Could it be related to the added medicine?

   Yu Ye thought like this in her heart, continue to advance, after beheading the three ferocious wolves? I gently touched a piece of equipment that could grow, and at the same time the system prompt sounded.

  Ding, do you rise to stars?

  Ding, do you add a silver grade recovery potion?


   The pleasant voice and dazzling brilliance flickered.

  Ding, congratulations on your new silver-level item-blood bud.

  Effect: After use, half of the blood of silver players can be restored. The higher the level? The weaker the effect, the number of uses: one hundred times.

   The effect of this item is not bad.

   In order to verify what I have in mind, rainy night will obtain new growth equipment and also use potions to raise stars.

  Ding, congratulations on obtaining a brand new dark iron grade equipment-the broken sword.

   The attributes are very rubbish, and I didn’t even look at it in the rainy night, so I continued to kill monsters.

   After a while, Yuye upgraded the equipment to the gold level. Uh, the attributes are still very rubbish, which is completely incomparable with the equipment attributes Yuye has seen.

   Upgrade items to gold level? There are also small surprises:

  Name: Blood Demon.

   Attribute: After use, it can summon a forty-level monster to assist in the attack. It can be used 100 times, and the monster can continue to appear for one hour.
