Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 730: The storm caused by the ultimate artifac

Batu successfully promoted from the legendary intermediate level to the eighth-level **** in only three years and became the absolute high-level and absolute master of the ordinary camp.

Although Batu is only an eighth-order god? But the strength is comparable to the ninth-order god, he seems to be specially born for fighting, and the speed of progress in the battle is getting faster and faster.

Master's hatred? Batu reported it long ago.

These things are already something...



When the rainy night woke up at about noon, Grandma Sun had already prepared lunch. The old Zhangtou and Gentle didn't seem to enter the game today. They made a special trip to wait for the rainy night.

In the early morning, the rainy night was listless, unable to lift the energy, and she frightened grandma grandmother. So she secretly observed the rainy night, but she did not expect it to be the same until noon.

In order for Yuye to be in a better mood, Grandma Sun prepared nine delicious dishes, all of which are meats that Yuye likes.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? Your face is so ugly, are you sick?"

Asked gently and distressedly, stretched out her little hand and touched Yuye's forehead cutely, and then touched her forehead.

When the rainy night is in a bad mood, he dares to speak gently and dare to touch the rainy night.

"Not sick, just a little bit sentimental."

Yuye sighed.

"Sao Ye? Have you recovered your memory again?"

Old Zhang said tentatively.

"No, it's something in the game. Big Brother Batu arranged the funeral and went to the front battlefield. I don't know if I can see it in the future."

This time? Lao Zhang and others don't know how to comfort the rainy night.

In previous games? Yuye has always been indifferent to NPCs, what happened this time? Give true feelings?

"Brother, eat chicken legs, it's delicious."

"Yeah, Xiaoye, eat more, maybe this is Batu's chance."

"Sweet and sour pork ribs, your favorite, Xiaoye."

Yuye squeezed a smile from the corner of her mouth, and started eating.

Eaten? Rainy night did not enter the game but came to the study to read quietly.

Lao Zhang and the others didn't log in to the game, and they kept quietly watching the rainy night.



Rainy night did not enter the game, but the game upset the sky.

The budding copy of Huaxia District continues to ferment, and various fusion techniques are emerging one after another, and discussion posts continue to appear:

"A tutorial for growing equipment to dark gold level equipment, add me if you need it, ten gold coins..."

"Growable props fly directly to the epic synthetic formula, one thousand gold coins."

"Sprouting dungeon items, equipment, and pets are sold cheaply for 30 gold coins."

"The initial version of the growable item produced by Sheng Shenlong, nine hundred gold coins."

"Ascending stars luck tutorial, add me free teaching."

Some of these messages are true and some are false, but there are not a few players who believe it; especially those free tutorials? There are more players who believe.

A budding copy? A lot of emerging professions have been triggered, and the enthusiasm of the players in China has been elevated to the peak.

Budding Dungeon is currently only open in Huaxia District, and the other five districts are not yet open, but the other five districts are also in trouble because of the Chaos Parts...

Since the Battle of Honor? The horror of the rainy night shocked every player, especially the master players? I can't believe how the gap between players can be so big.

You know that they are all outstanding in each region, and some are even as famous as the Holy Dragon, but the battle of honor? But let their reputation fall into the deep valley.

They were confident, but in the end they were killed by the Holy Dragon...

After returning to their respective regions, they accepted the mission issued by the gods, and only then figured out the whole story:

The Holy Dragon possesses the ultimate artifact of the Huaxia District, so it is so terrifying that it can be a second-level existence, and there is an ultimate artifact in the six regions. If it can be obtained, these players will be comparable to the Holy Dragon.

As soon as the news came out, the players boiled and acted, but half a month passed? The ultimate artifact was not obtained by a player. Just when he wanted to give up, a message came from the RH area.

The ultimate artifact in the RH zone? Taken away by the Holy Dragon...

As soon as such news comes out? Players in the other four regions have accelerated.

But just after ten days? OZ zone outbreak news: The ultimate artifact of the OZ zone was also taken away by the Holy Dragon.

These ten days of effort? Players in the four major areas speed up and use various methods, but they still haven't been recognized by the ultimate artifact.

The ultimate artifact in the RH zone was taken away by the holy dragon, inspiring the players' fighting spirit, but the ultimate artifact in the OZ zone was taken away by the holy dragon? The players in the three regions panicked.

OM area...

"Has anyone obtained the ultimate artifact in our district? Hurry up, we must speed up."

An ordinary player in the OM area spoke, very worried.

"Yes, we must speed up, God knows when the Holy Dragon will arrive."

"No player in the OM area has entered the core area. It's miserable. This time, it will definitely be taken away by the Holy Dragon."

"Now we can only hope that the Holy Dragon will go to other districts first to give us more time."

"Holy Dragon already has three ultimate artifacts? How terrifying is his strength."

Three ultimate artifacts, let other master players completely give up.

The players in the OM zone and YD zone are all fluctuating in their hearts, and their speeches are similar. They all hope that the Holy Dragon will appear in other zone servers first to increase their chances of obtaining the ultimate artifact.

The BM zone is another mentality:

"Why do the five regions have the ultimate artifact? We don't have it? Unfair, it's unfair."

"This is Chi Guoguo's contempt, dissatisfied, dissatisfied."

"How can this be? I propose a collective protest..."

The players in the BM area jointly protested, and finally got the final reply:

This is the overall deployment of the final chapter. We apologize for the fact that there is no ultimate artifact. In addition, each player compensates for level five to obtain a purple gold level equipment.

Note: It is for every player.

This should be regarded as the biggest shot in the final chapter. The anger of the players was subdued, and only a few players were still unwilling...



The three major areas of OM panic, and the players in the BM area are delighted, but the players in the RH and OZ areas are very angry, cursing the Holy Dragon, and at the same time pressured the official to force the Holy Dragon to hand over the ultimate artifact.

If not? Players in the two regions requested to start a regional server battle, fight head-on with the Huaxia District, defeat it, and force them to return the ultimate artifact.

However, the unreasonable demands of the two regions are destined to get no appeals, and players can only clamor in their respective regional servers.

Is the Holy Dragon the ultimate artifact obtained through legitimate means? Why return it? Players from Huaxia District? By the end of the chapter, there was no movement at the top.

As for opening a zone service war? It is even more impossible. It has been three and a half months since the server was opened, how could it be possible to start a regional server war.



Swearing and panic, the players in the five regions spent two days in this state of mind.

October 16th, two days off on a rainy night, after adjusting his mentality, he entered the game.