Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 75: 1st place reward

Lao Zhangtou stood up and tidied the tablecloth, put all the remaining snacks in his backpack, then frowned and rubbed his chin, touched the masseter muscle, and sighed slightly: It seems that I have eaten a lot today. The masseter muscles are a little painful.

   "Uh, me too." Old Li also touched it in a decent way.

   Old Zhao also touched his head.

   also touched gently.

   Listening to rainy night, I only feel my heart hurts and my heart is tired.



   "Grandparents, I wonder if we can get rewards after we quit?" He said, gently looking at the golden-gray ball of light in the sky, his eyes were full of dismay and desire for equipment.

   "It's all small things, all things outside of the body, don't take it too seriously, Xiaoye, go to sleep." Old Zhang head yawned nonchalantly.

"Grandpa Zhang, the rewards are very generous. It may be an artifact of this profession." A sentence immediately aroused Grandpa Zhang's curiosity, his breathing became rapid, his eyes widened and he quickly said: "No, then you can't just If you leave like this, you must wait for the reward. That's an artifact, a artifact."

  I have seen the power of Gentle’s magical staff, and a few people suddenly felt a little wanting to leave, but the next moment:

  Ding, kindly reminder that your team’s “Old, Weak, Sick and Disabled Team” currently ranks first in the clearance of the Novice Village dungeon on the 999th, hereby rewards for saving clearance progress, saving clearance rewards, and you can choose to leave the copy.

   Upon hearing this system prompt, smiles suddenly appeared on the faces of several people.

  Ding, do you want to exit the copy?


  Ding, do you want to save the progress of the copy?


  Ding, do you want to save a copy of the reward?


   After a series of operations are completed, Yuye asked his grandparents to quit the game first. He also wanted to see the second and sixth wave scenes...

   Ding, the progress has been saved, and it is detected that there are players in the dungeon. The sixth wave is coming. Please prepare for the ‘old, weak, sick and disabled team’.

   Yinguang has also left, and rainy night is the only person in the empty scene at this moment.

   Yu Ye had a slight guess in her heart, the sixth wave should be the three hundred and twenty gray fog mage.

   A few seconds later, the scene changes:

   The three hundred and twenty gray mist wizards did not all gather together like the fourth wave, nor did they scatter one by one, like the fifth wave, but half and half.

   One hundred and sixty gray mist mages are divided into eight points, and each point gathers 20 groups of gray mist. The location of the eight points is very elegant, and it has the meaning of enclosing the rainy night;

   The other one hundred and sixty gray mist mages were even more excessive, turning into one hundred and sixty points to surround the whole scene 360 ​​degrees without dead ends.

   While watching the rainy night, he quickly modeled in his mind and concluded that the arrangement of these points is almost a net of heaven and earth, allowing him to receive the attack of the three gray fog mage no matter where he is.

   The whole scene has nowhere to go. With the damage of the other one hundred and sixty chasing soldiers, it feels cool on the rainy night. There is nowhere to hide or fight.

  The point formed by the gray mist soon became a humanoid wizard, aiming at the target as if formatted and raising the staff in his hand.

   Ding, the minute hand just jumped to midnight at this second:

   Two rounds of bright moon suddenly appeared in the gray scene, and the attributes of the gray mist wizard who absorbed the moonlight directly doubled.

   The rainy night was too late to move, too late to release the monomer, and was hit by the overwhelming gray fog.




   The blood of the four damages that flashed through the rainy night was completely cleared, and he was successfully sent back to Novice Village.

   And the gray mist wizards in the scene saw the rainy night disappear and wandered for a few seconds. After a few seconds, they immediately melted the sand, melted the fog, dissolved in the ground, and evaporated in the air, everything returned to calm.

   In the rainy night in the Novice Village, I first replenished the snacks of the half-backpack, and then quit the game after fixing the equipment.

   It is worth mentioning that there are not too many people who come to repair the equipment at twelve o'clock in the evening. It is rainy night to go straight to the back door and squeeze to the front. Otherwise, it will take more than an hour to repair the equipment.

   Only at level 20 can I learn repair skills, it seems a bit too long? Hey, by the way, I wonder if Grandpa Zhang can learn repair skills? His forging level should still be an apprentice.

  Be sure to ask tomorrow, if you can, then their small team will have another extra extra income.

  If the rainy night leaves one day, the grandparents can also rely on their skills to support their lives.

   Look at the friend Changjian Hengge has gone offline, Yuye quit the game without much thought, and fell into a deep dream after some washing.

   Three deaths in one day will not cause too much damage to the rainy night. The whole person lies in bed and instantly falls into deep sleep. After a night of recovery and the daily nourishment of big fish and meat, the rainy night should be able to continue the game tomorrow.

   In his dream, Rainy Night dreamed of the scene of that day again:

   There is no concept of time or space in the emptiness of the scene. The rainy night runs and searches like a mist.

   The next day when the rainy night woke up from his sleep, the time just passed to half past six, a full half an hour later than the usual biological clock.

   I stretched my small waist comfortably and immediately felt refreshed. I swept away the tiredness of yesterday. I pampered myself by gently pressing the quilt and then came down from the second floor to prepare for breakfast.

   At seven o'clock, I need to try the copy again with Changjian There is still half an hour, which should be enough.

   came to the kitchen on a rainy night and suddenly found that Grandma Sun was already cooking, thinking of yesterday’s things, she stepped forward to help.

"Grandma Sun, why do you get up so early today?" Rainy night pretended to be nonchalant, washed Taomi, put it in the pot to prepare porridge, and said in a calm tone. Although he knew that Grandma Sun was a little abnormal, he didn't Know how to export.

   "Why? I learn how to cook a few dishes, so I don't want to eat the meal made by grandma?" Grandma Sun put down the dishes in her hand and stared at Yuye with a smile on her mouth.

   "Think, all the saliva that Xiao Ye thought about came out."

   "Haha, wait a while, you can eat in a while." Grandma Sun turned her eyes back to the table after she said, a trace of reluctance and unbearable appeared in her dim eyes.

  Rainy night like usual chatting with grandma grandmother, talking about childhood, talking about happy time with Gentle, two figures of one old and one young add a lot of laughter and laughter to the morning.

   Twenty minutes later, the rainy night put down the bowl in his hand and raised his head, looking at Grandma Grandma with complicated eyes, and said: "Grandma Grandma, don't hide it from me, I know it."

Ah, grandmother grandmother made an inexplicable syllable in a very low voice, and then there was a slight panic on the old face, and a slight loss of color, but she concealed it and quickly lowered her head and pulled a mouthful of rice. When she raised her head, her eyes flashed Guo was confused and said, "Xiao Ye, what are you talking about?"

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