Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 750: Equipment protection coupon

Huh? This time it was rainy night to be surprised, a little unbelievable, is the system so talkative? So easily agreed to your request?

This is unscientific. Just as the rainy night was in doubt, the system prompt sounded again, giving him a bigger surprise:

Ding, you can draw three times in a row due to the replacement of the skill draw.


Yuye definitely dared to pack tickets. He has never encountered such a thing in his gaming career. Sleeping and giving pillows? I also asked if you were cold, put on a quilt?

Which game will be like this? Treat the player as a pro-D?

Will there be fraud in this? What is the conspiracy?

Regardless of him, let's talk about the lottery first. Even if there is a conspiracy, the reward cannot be refunded. After understanding this, the rainy night clicked on the dial in front of it to start the lottery.

Ding, congratulations on acquiring the skill: One of the Thirty-six Sickles of Tiangang: Pre-judgment of the plague.

Ding, congratulations on acquiring the skill: One of the Thirty-six Sickles of Tiangang: The Plague Domain.

Ding, congratulations on acquiring the skill: One of the Thirty-six Sickles of Tiangang: The plague is resurrected.

Have three consecutive Tiangang 36 Sickle skills come out? Rainy night only felt a huge pie in the sky hitting his head, and a sense of happiness was born.

How difficult is it to collect the Thirty-six Sickles of Tiangang? Playing games for so long? Yuye only collected seven or eight Dao, and now he has three Dao at once...

Counting these three things? The Thirty-Six Sickles of Tiangang were successfully collected one third.


...Chuckling 繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

Photographed into the body, Yuye began to observe the attributes of these three skills to see if there is a small surprise:

Plague prediction: After activation, it will predict the next action of the player and the gods (within three seconds), and the duration will be ten minutes.

Note: The player under the gods? The gods under the fifth-tier gods? The next action can be predicted.

Cooling time: three minutes.

Mana consumption: 10,000.

Horror, the first skill brings surprises.

Plague Domain: After activation, it will form a 1000*1000 plague domain, which can cause 50,000 damage to players in the domain and -1,000,000 damage to NPCs per second, which can suppress 50% of the attributes of players and NPCs. , Duration: one minute.

Uh? One minute? So long, how terrifying players can't hold it, World Championship, release this skill during team confrontation? Couldn't it be cleared?

Cooling time: one minute.

Mana consumption: ten thousand per second.

Plague Resurrection: After death, use this skill to resurrect with full blood.

Cooling time: three minutes.

Mana consumption: one hundred thousand.

Note: This skill can also be used in the arena.

After reading the attributes of these three skills? Rainy night was shocked with a hint of joy.

Every skill is very practical, especially the plague prediction. Make good use of this skill? Yuye can definitely be compared with the third-order **** and beheaded.

As for the points for the team competition? Yu Ye quickly exchanged for a semi-god-level invincible equipment.

Nowadays, there are only rainy nights, gentle teams, and another team that can’t remember their names in team competitions, and buying invincible equipment is the best opportunity.



"Gentle, buy invincible equipment."

"Well, I know, brother, yes, brother, I won another god-level heart in my lottery, what should I do? I don't need it, or throw it at the auction house?"

Hear soft words? Yuye wanted to hit her head to death, wow, this luck gently? It's scary and difficult to attach.

"Don't sell it, give it to me, I'll see if I can upgrade my dark gold scythe."

Yuye suddenly thought of something and said.

Give it a try, what if the Dark Gold Scythe can be upgraded to God Level? So how terrible it will be, it is hard to imagine...

The attributes beyond the fifth-order artifact? Or reach the attributes of the sixth-order artifact? Rainy night can't imagine.

Ding, the player gently requests the transaction, whether to agree.

Ding, congratulations on getting the equipment: God-level Heart.

Ding, the heart of **** level can upgrade any piece of equipment to **** level.

Ding, do you agree to spend one hundred thousand gold coins to upgrade a piece of equipment to **** level?

The system prompt sounded, the eyes lit up on rainy night, and there was an idea in my heart.


Paying one hundred thousand gold coins on a rainy night, two grids appeared in front of him, two grids specially placed for equipment.

Take out the dark gold-level sickle, put the god-level heart into it, and begin to pray in my heart.

Ding, the transmission is successful, and the god-level equipment will be delivered to you within ten days.

A smile appeared on the corner of Yuye's mouth, haha, the system actually agreed.

Now that the Dark Gold rank's sickle attribute is comparable to that of an artifact, is it truly promoted to an artifact? I look forward to rainy night.

Oops, forgot to sign a contract with the system, if it can't be upgraded? It has to be compensated.

Misconduct, misconduct...

"Brother? What are we going to do now?"

Gentle and a little dazed...

"I want to go to the front battlefield first, find a **** to forge a demigod-level cloak for me, and save a fortune."

"Well, then I will refine the teleportation array."

The two parted ways and went to work separately...

As for the progress of the remaining team matches? Rainy night had no interest in watching, so he took out the teleportation array and went directly to the front battlefield to find one-armed.

Rainy night just appeared on the battlefield ahead? The system prompt sounds:

Ding, because your equipment attributes are too terrifying, there is a possibility of failure if you insist on promoting the artifact. Do you want to buy equipment protection coupons?

Equipment protection coupons? One 200,000 gold Equipment protection coupon: forging failed? It can also protect the equipment from breaking.

Although distressed? But Yuye still spends gold coins to buy it, what if the blacksmith really forged the dark gold scythe? Then go to make sense.

Ding, because your equipment attributes are too scary, please continue to pay the forging fee of 200,000 gold coins. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Note: If you do not pay the forging fee, the equipment will be returned.

Gritting his teeth in the rainy night, choose to pay...

Yuye knew that this piece of equipment was upgraded to a **** level? It's not a system and it doesn't work. Ordinary god-level blacksmiths don't have this ability at all. This is brought out of the chaotic space.

Ding, in order to ensure 100% success in forging, please pay 200,000 gold coins...

Ding, you can choose not to pay, the success rate is 50%.

Burning in anger on a rainy night, what is this? Prick my money? Online fraud?

MD, Yu Ye cursed and transferred the money again.

You must choose 100% forging success, what if you fail...


Grass, and there? This......

Ding, please put your own blood in the grid.

Fortunately, it's not for gold coins, or the rainy night will really go crazy.

Perhaps the blood volume of 10,000 CC is a lot in the outside world? But for a game with a potion to restore blood? Not much at all.

He drank the medicine while bleeding, and soon 10,000 CC of blood was put into the grid.

After everything was busy, the system prompt finally stopped sounding.

Rainy night found One-Armed and others, and gave the Evil Saint Cloak and Heart of the Cloak to One-Armed, and let them help forge and upgrade.

He took it with one arm and shook his head helplessly:

"My lord? I can't improve this equipment, it involves too many levels."
