Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 751: Wutian Space


Yuye's face sank, and there was a thud in her heart, and a severe pain came.

It's about to spend gold coins again, my heart hurts...

"One-armed? Do you know other god-level blacksmiths who can upgrade this equipment?"

"My lord? Forgers with a level lower than the seventh-level gods? Can't upgrade this equipment for you, but the eighth-level forge? Want to ask him to do it? You need to pay at least 30 million gold coins."

Opening with one arm, he intimately explained the rainy night and explained the price clearly.

As soon as I heard the price? Yuye instantly contacted the system to obtain the qualification for forging upgrade.

Ding, due to the postponement? Now you need to pay fifty thousand gold coins to forge demigod equipment.

Just so many hours late? It would cost an extra 20,000 gold coins.

Uh, Yuye’s heart hurts even more, but when I think of 30 million gold coins? I feel better inexplicably.

Yuye quickly agreed, for fear that it would be postponed again and the price would rise again.

Ding, please place the equipment in the grid in front of you.

The equipment disappeared, and just a few seconds later, another system prompt sounded:

Ding, because your equipment attributes are too scary, please pay another 200,000 gold coins for forging.

Uh, here again...

But when you think of thirty million gold coins? Easy payment on rainy night.

Ding, please spend 200,000 gold coins to purchase equipment protection coupons...

Buy, you must buy.

Ding, please continue to pay...

Yuye's face turned gloomy, and black lines appeared above his head.

Two pieces of equipment? A total of 1.6 million gold coins were paid on the rainy night.



At the same time of rainy night heartache? One-armed and others began to whisper.

"Big one-armed brother? Are you not an 8th-order **** forge? Why don't you forge for adults?"

Bruman said quietly.

"That cloak? It seems to be a legend, but once the power inside it bursts out, even I can't control it, unless the person back then, because this piece of equipment itself was forged by him..."哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

Speaking with one arm, tell the truth.

"That person? Who is it?"

Bluman asked again in confusion, wanting to know the truth.


One-armed spit out two words quietly, and the scene fell silent for a while.

The **** of forging? Otian?

at the same time? The voice of the plague **** resounded in Yuye’s mind:

"I found a clue to Wutian."

After speaking, a complete coordinate appeared in Yuye's mind to guide her direction.

Can upgrade the dark gold equipment, upgrade the Evil Saint cloak? Only Wutian can do it.

One-armed can guess, the plague magic **** can also guess.

Before sending equipment and sending blood? Following the transmission channel, the plague magic **** successfully captured Wutian's coordinates.

Looking at this coordinate, Rainy Night immediately spoke:

"Well, let's go now, Master."

Finding Wutian and repairing the Chaos Armor is an urgent matter. Rainy night does not want to waste time.

And looking at the coordinates, it's not very far away, it can be reached within ten minutes at most a hundred times.

Where is Wutian? It does not exist in the front battlefield, but an extremely remote, extremely remote place.

Saying goodbye to the one-armed and others, Yuye took out the teleportation array and began to teleport.

Along the way? Yuye has also encountered dangers, such as suddenly teleporting to an area where the two gods are fighting, being targeted by one of them, or targeted by both.

But after equipping the five chaos parts, starting the plague prediction, plague domain and other skills? Rainy night was invincible and successfully killed several Tier 3 gods, shocking a large number of Xiao Xiao.

God dissipated? Red rain fell from the sky, hatred attached, no gods dared to beat the rainy night anymore, even seeing the rainy night from afar had to leave, not daring to approach.

As for the gods above Tier 4? No one dared to target the holy dragon, after all, the plague law **** had previously threatened:

Who dares to target the holy dragons with gods above the fourth-order gods? Everything in both camps will be obliterated.

No **** doubts the authenticity of the words of the plague method.

Smooth all the way, after more than a hundred transmissions? Rainy night arrived in a desolate desert area, where is the distance from Wutian? It's still some distance away.

The scorching sun is high, the temperature is extremely high, look into the eyes, the heat wave is tumbling, poisonous scorpion? God-level monsters such as poisonous spiders are constantly moving, adding infinite horror.

Nine plagues are formed outside the rainy night to prevent monsters from attacking suddenly. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Raise the amplitude of the attribute to the extreme, equip it with a chaos sickle, and walk towards that coordinate in the rainy night.

ten minutes later? Rainy night went deep into the desert hinterland and came to the coordinates of Wutian.

Into the eye? Or a desert, except for scorpions? Without seeing any life, Yuye used the Eyesight Technique to explore the surrounding area, and found nothing, and no trace of Wutian could be found.

"Master? Are you sure Mr. Wu Tian is on this coordinate? Why is there no trace?"

The plague magic **** in the backpack emerged, exuding a terrifying aura to investigate the surrounding situation, a few minutes later? The plague magic **** speaks:

"A piece of space? A space that contains the breath of Wutian? Could it be that Wutian hides it? Creating space with the power of forging? The horror of Wutian? Beyond my expectations."

The plague law **** murmured, the voice was very small, but the rainy night still heard can we enter and find Wutian? master? "

Asked Yuye.

"Theoretically speaking, it is possible, but because it is Wutian's own space? So we need to get Wutian's approval. I will say hello to him."

After talking about the plague method, countless auras of plague superimposed appeared on the surface of the god's body, exuding a terrifying power, and raised his finger to gently tap at a certain point in the void.

In the next second, ripples appeared in the void, and there was a knock on the door.

Yuye was shocked, how could there be a knock on the door? Is it because of a problem with my ears?


The vicissitudes, the ancient, the indifference, the voice without the slightest emotion sounded, with the atmosphere of eternal ancient times.


The sound of the plague magic god's bones rubbing sounded, with a strong atmosphere of plague and death, proclaiming his identity.

"Plague Magic God? Why are you looking for me?"

The vicissitudes and ancient voices sounded again.

"With your help, repair the Chaos Armor."

"Chaotic armor? Are you sure it is Chaos armor?"

There was a touch of emotion in the voice of the vicissitudes of life, and he was very excited.


The plague magic **** took out the Chaos armor to inspire aura.

"It's really a fragment of Chaos Armor."

In the next second, a door opening sound resounded in the void, followed by a simple door opening, which exudes a strong smell of gold and iron and a strong smell.

The pressure of space and the explosion of various artifacts are full of pressure, and the rainy night instantly lies on the ground.

"Huh? This little guy? Inherited my heritage? Interesting."

Putting away the space pressure, the rainy night can finally breathe normally, one breath, regret instantly...

The Plague Magic God waved his hand to clear the odor in the space where Wutian was located before entering it.

Just entered? Yuye turned his gaze on Wutian's body.
