Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 753: Forging Books

"Although their strength is terrifying, our strength is stronger. Old Zhang, Old Li, and Miss Sun? One person stopped one, and I stopped two, how great is it."

Old Zhang touched his nose and stinks.

"For a long time, the battle was deadlocked. The old Zhao headed out to take over Grandma Sun's opponent. Grandma Sun freed her hands and chanted a spell to launch a forbidden spell, beheading the other three and establishing the victory."

"good job."

Rainy night, Gentle acted as a good audience, applause rang out.

"Count you and Gentle? This time our Huaxia District has a total of four teams that won the Advanced World Tournament. They were a combination of water and fire composed of True God of Fire, True God of Water, etc., as well as a combination of Huaxia Guild composed of several others. "

"Eh? The name of the team guild is Huaxia Guild? Isn't this bad?"

Yuye frowned, spoke lightly, and continued to add:

"What if the Huaxia Guild team fails? Isn't this shameful?"

"Don't lose face, don't lose face at all, you are the pillar of the China Guild, as long as you are not gentle, our China Guild will not fall."


Yu Ye had a bottom in her heart, but she was still slightly shocked for a second.

China Association actually has four teams to enter the World Tournament, almost half of them, this is simply enchanting.

"Who are the other six teams?"

Yuye asked again.

"The Five-member Dark Dark Team, the Five-member Dragon Touring Guild, and the veteran strong guild of the selected team, the old guild: the Lingfeng battle composed of the Lingfeng Guild, and the last IQ composed of all new players. Clan.

Every player in the shortlist is a super master, at least with a demi-god-level equipment for the base, at least with a legendary pet, in a word: every one is extremely terrifying, and they can play together. Give out more powerful force. "

After listening to Lao Zhang's introduction, Yu Ye nodded secretly, heading to the World Championship with this lineup? It should be enough to win the championship. The fastest updated novels https://

"Xiaoye? Tomorrow DY will open the battle screens of the other five areas. Do you remember to study it when you have time to facilitate targeted fighting?"

"You study it, and remember to give me a copy."

"Lazy, I will prepare it for you."

"Okay, okay, let's eat."

After dinner, everyone returned to the room to sleep.

"Xiao Ye? Forgot to tell you? The real man, the real man has written a battle book to you, want to fight with you, do you want to accept it?"

Before returning to the room, the old Zhang head suddenly spoke.

"Huh? Why don't I know? Why don't you just send me a message?"

Yuye frowned and asked, impolite, she wanted to fight him and didn't send him a message directly.

"The real man, the real man said that he spent thousands of gold coins and sent you more than a dozen messages, but none of them were sent successfully. In the end, he was helpless? He had no choice but to post a challenge to you on the public screen of Huaxia District, and he wrote the battle book. .

Seeing that you haven't responded for a long time, the players have been discussing and seeing that the trend of public opinion is not right, which will affect your reputation.

It is stated in advance that this time real men and real men want to compete with you purely for position, operation, equipment, attributes, and levels will be reset to the same level. "

Hearing these restrictions, Rainy Night pondered for two seconds before nodding:

"Yes, I also want to fight head-on with real men and real men, but it will take seven days, and I will be free after seven days. The final chapter can also be used to promote the final chapter. Grandpa Zhang, remember to find the final chapter to share the account."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you this time."


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"Have you heard? Real men, real men want to fight with the holy dragon, the first and second battles? Absolutely terrifying, absolutely called the battle of the last century."

"I heard that the real man and real man were killed by the Holy Dragon last time."

"This time is different. This time I only compete in position and operation, and it is below the same level."

"I'm looking forward to it. I don't know when this battle will take place? I really want to see it."

"You guys? Are the tickets expensive for this game?"

The players talked a lot and looked forward to it.



Early the next morning? Many players just entered the game, the final chapter released news, decided to undertake the battle between the holy dragon and real men, real men:

Ding, the battle between real men, real men and the Holy Dragon will begin in seven days.

The start of the battle: 3pm on November 23rd.

Location: Arena One.

Note: The No. 1 Arena is specially built by the final chapter and can accommodate tens of millions of people to watch at the same time.

Note: You can also go to the DY platform to watch it.

Admission fee: one gold coin.

Hear such system tone? The players are even more excited.

This battle between the two? Even if the final chapter is to be undertaken, the face of these two people is really great.

"Seven days, the time is so long, I really want to see this battle now."

"Do you see the battle back then? The real man, the real man, regretted losing to the Holy Dragon."

"Look, Shengshenlong Chess wins a move, but only by relying on the advantages of equipment to kill real men and real men."

"This battle? Maybe the Holy Dragon will fail."

"It is said that real men and real men have thoroughly studied the position of the Holy the outcome has been determined."



After logging in to the game, a rainy night appeared in the space where Wutian was.

Wutian and the plague magic gods have begun to repair the Chaos Armor, but the repair speed is very slow.

Seeing the two of them busy, rainy night had to walk around in this space.

Seeing that there is a quaint book on the ground, I picked it up directly on the rainy night, and spent half an hour to double it carefully. At the same time, the system prompt sounded in my mind:

Ding, congratulations on obtaining Wutian Books and gaining one hundred thousand forging experience points.

A lot of experience points are required for an epic blacksmith to be promoted to a legendary blacksmith.

It took half an hour to forge an epic piece of equipment? You can get one thousand experience points. And now you can get 100,000 experience points by picking up a book.

Rainy night feels surrounded by a huge sense of happiness, there is such a good thing?

If there are always books? It didn't take long for a rainy night to be successfully promoted to a legendary blacksmith.

Rainy night continued to search on the ground, and soon found a second silver-level book, choose to watch it, half an hour later the system prompts the sound:

Ding, congratulations for gaining 200,000 forging experience points.

Taste the sweetness, continue to search for rainy night.

The third, fourth, fifth...

After a day of work, Yuye picked up dozens of books, read them one by one, and increased experience points. The experience points required for Epic Rank to be promoted to Legendary Rank have already gained one-fifth.

Five more days of work? Rainy night can be successfully promoted to the legendary blacksmith.

The book picking activity continues...

Yuye is trapped in the forging space of Wutian, and the rest of the players in the game are still continuing their lives and digesting the proceeds of this national event in China.
