Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 756: Purple Chaos Boots

Those who come to the chaotic armor will not refuse and absorb them all.

The rainy night was dizzy. After an unknown period of time, a system prompt sounded:

Ding, your blood volume has been reduced to one, and the four-dimensional has been reduced to one for eight hours.

Uh, again.

Ding, congratulations on your approval of Chaos Armor...

Ding, because of your participation in the restoration of Chaos Armor? 70% recognition can be achieved without examination.

Ok? Has the chaos armor repair been completed?

Yu Ye tried to see the situation of the Chaos Armor clearly with this thought popping up in her mind.

The Chaos Armor was suspended in the air, emitting a gray light, and radiant energy appeared.

A smile appeared at the corner of Yu Ye's mouth, it seemed that the repair was completed, and the voice of the plague magic **** struggling to stand up:

"Then it will be very dangerous, you leave this space first."

After speaking, he signaled Wu Tian to send Rainy Night away, and the space portal opened in the next second, and Rainy Night was kicked out.

Uh, there is only one drop of blood left, what else can you do on rainy night? Quickly exit the game.

Offline, eating, and chatting are the same as usual.

But in the final chapter, in Wutian space? The Gao Dynasty part has just begun.

Wu Tian swallowed his saliva, settled, and tightened the forging hammer in his hand and said:

"Plague? Are you sure you want to reinvent and strengthen the Chaos component?"

It can be seen that Wutian is a little nervous and a little frightened.

"Well, you should know how the Chaos Armor shattered. If you don't modify and strengthen it again, then when that battle comes again? We will still lose. This time, we can't afford to lose."

The Plague Magic God spoke, a trace of recollection flashed in his eyes, a trace of panic, and immediately full of determination.

"Then let's start drawing spirits."

A probe into the void, the jade box containing the blood of the **** of creation was taken down, opened, and the majestic breath spread throughout the entire space. The colorful rays of light were shining, and the roar of the faintly could be heard, and the bytes containing the voice of the great road .

The plague magic **** exudes its own aura, countless plagues form a grinding disc, and begin to wipe out this blood and turn it into the purest energy.

Wutian began to draw spirits from the side, and the colorful light spots turned into dancing butterflies, which were injected into Chaos Boots under the control of Wutian.

Uh, inexperienced and unskilled at the beginning, I must choose the weakest equipment for experimentation.

As soon as the aura contained in the blood of the God of Creation entered the Chaos Boots, colorful light appeared on the gray Chaos Boots, and the breath of the God of Creation Circulated on it.

In the next moment, the two energies clash and cancel each other, and the breath and attributes of the Chaos Boots are dropping sharply.

"Quick, use the power of forging to force the two to merge."

The plague law **** anxiously exports.

Wu Tian controlled Colorful Lingyun with one hand and waved his sledgehammer with the other.

Boom, boom, boom, sparks splash everywhere.

With the addition of the third force, the aura of two different sources was forcibly merged, the conflict escalated, Wutian gritted his teeth to support, and the power of forging was continuously injected.

The power of forging is almost infinite, and the spirit of creation is constantly being injected. Now it seems that the Chaos Boot is in a disadvantage. However, the six chaotic components are connected together, and the remaining five chaotic components are uncontrolled and immediately exudes a breath into the Chaos Boot.

The three-way breath is once again balanced.

One hour......

The three attributes still have no tendency to merge, and the conflict intensifies.

"Plague? If it explodes in a while, don't save me, keep the Chaos Boots," update the fastest Qiqi novel https://

Wu Tian confessed his funeral speech.

Two hours...

"Don't save me, it doesn't matter if I die, Chaos Boots are important."

three hours......

"Plague? Don't save me."

Wutian's life is entrusted to Forge, forging is his life.

Can die in the greatest experiment in the final chapter? This is for a Wutian who is very good at forging? It is a great honor.

Four hours...

Under the unremitting efforts of Wutian and Plague Law God, the three breaths appeared to be fused.

The power of the gray Chaos Boots? Under the fusion of the colorful power of creation **** and the colorless and invisible forging power, a new force is produced. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

Containing the power of the three, but surpassing the power of the three, the whole body presents a noble purple meaning, which is faintly higher than these three energy.

"Successful, it really succeeded."

Wutian yelled like a lunatic, very crazy.

Wannian Bingshan's plague law god's mouth also showed a smile, and he breathed out as he watched the purple intent.

"Don't take it lightly, continue forging."


After forging for an hour, Chaos Boots completely changed their appearance.

The original Chaos Boots are unique in shape and are definitely the only one in the final chapter. Black sharp thorns emerge, indestructible, and a real killer weapon, but now? It's completely changed.

The overall appearance has not changed, but the sharp thorns have completely disappeared, and the whole body exudes a faint purple meaning and terrifying power, which makes people tremble.

Now the attributes of Chaos Boots cannot be explored, but if you only look at the momentum? At least ten times stronger than before.

After the transformation is completed, the Chaos Boots have regained a new life, and will naturally exude the majesty that belongs to it.

The invisible ripples vibrated, quietly destroying everything.

Puff, the ninth-order artifact shattered and turned into scrap iron.

Haughty Chaos Parts? Do not allow any low-level equipment in front of you, UU Reading www. See this situation on uukā Wutian quickly incorporated everything in the space into the internal space, the plague magic **** shot, the endless plagues gathered in a circle and wrapped the chaotic boots.

Rao so? More than a hundred ninth-tier artifacts closest to Chaos Boots? Just destroy.

In the next second, the Chaos Boot broke through the shackles of the plague magic god, hovering proudly in this Wutian space, declaring its own strength.

Seeing this situation, the plague law was astonished.

Originally, Wutian could easily resist the radiant energy emitted by Chaos Boots, but now? He was strongly oppressed. If it were not for the power of forging in the forging, Wutian had no doubt that the Chaos Boots would crush himself into serious injuries or even death.

At the same time that Chaos Boots vent? The remaining five chaotic components exude joy and eagerness, seeming to celebrate the rebirth of the chaotic boots, and they can't wait to accept the transformation.

"Start forging the second piece."

The plague magic **** spoke.

"The blood of the creator **** is gone."

"I have a lot here, enough forging."

Speaking of the plague, the magic **** took out dozens of drops of the creation god's blood from his backpack.

Big guy, this is the real big guy.

Wutian still remembered that he had paid almost all his wealth in order to obtain a drop of the creation god's blood, but now the plague magic **** has randomly taken out dozens of creation god's blood.

See the quality? Each drop is much stronger than the previous one.

Wu Tian took a bottle of towering dew and continued to forge.

The Chaos Helmet...

With the first experience, this time it seems to be comfortable and familiar with the road.

As soon as the three breaths entered the Chaos Helmet, the purple energy in the Chaos Boots shot out and merged into the Chaos Helmet.

Is there a purple energy to join? The fusion becomes logical and there is no danger at all.
