Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 757: Emperor Zhang goes to the RH area

Just an hour? The Chaos Helmet was completely transformed under the forging of Chaos Boots and Wutian, exuding a noble aura, purple light and contempt for the Quartet.

The smile on the corner of Wutian's mouth was even worse, and a wave of waves appeared on the face of the plague god.

Such a chaotic part? Deal with that battle? Should enhance the odds of 10%.

Wutian continued to draw spirits and forge without rest.

The horror power radiated wanton, and Wutian space trembled slightly along the forging hammer, and even cracks appeared in some places, and the space turbulence drifted outside.

Wait for all five chaotic parts to be transformed and strengthened? Wutian slumped on the ground, breathing heavily for rest, his breath wilted to the extreme.

Too tired, too tired.

Even with the constant help of the plague god? With the help of the props of the 9th-order gods such as towering dew and good fortune water, Wutian is also almost collapsed, the power of forging is exhausted, and the breath of life is reduced to the extreme.

"I rest for eight hours. After eight hours, we will transform the Chaos Armor."

Wu Tian said with difficulty, and fell into a coma after speaking.

"Hmm, I'll wait for you."

Facing such Wutian? The plague magic **** can only sigh.

Extremely passionate about forging, obsessed with forging, helping the plague **** to forge chaotic parts at the cost of life? If this continues? Wait for Chaos Armor to be transformed? That is the moment when Wutian died.

Otian died? That would be a great loss to the mainland of the final chapter. The plague magic **** would not allow such a thing to happen. In the next second, countless plagues turned into swimming fish and entered Wutian's body.

The culmination of the plague is death? But if the extreme comes, the edge of extreme is infinite vitality.

Each plague represents a little bit of vitality. With the infusion of the plague, Wu Tian's breath stabilized, and the breath of life gradually became rich.

Ok? Wutian's life origin has suffered such a serious loss? The plague magic **** was slightly shocked, and continued to breathe life into it.

When Wutian's breath of life was fully restored, the plague magic **** did not stop, and continued to smelt thousands of plagues into a vital crystal, which blended into Wutian's eyebrows.

This vitality crystal? Was the plague **** specially forged for Wutian and encountered a crisis of death? Can save Wutian's life.

A layer of insurance? The plague magic **** felt not enough, and in the next second, countless plagues gathered into a plague seed and merged into the heart of Wutian.

Double protection? The plague magic **** was relieved now.

So? When that battle comes? Wutian's chance of surviving should increase by 30%.



In the early morning of November 27th, the rainy night woke up from sleep, washed, and went downstairs for breakfast.

"Xiao Ye? Three days this afternoon? Don't forget your battle with real men and real men. The official has already promoted for so many days that the tickets in the arena stands are all sold out. Don't lose the chain."

Friendly reminder from Grandma Sun. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

"Hmm, I won't forget, then? The system prompt should sound."

Eating fried dough sticks on a rainy night? Speak on one side.

"Well, the arena is open for gambling. You can press up to 10,000 gold coins, and the winner doubles? Xiaoye, are you confident? If not, I will be a real man and a true man."

Old Zhang head walked out of the room and asked maliciously.

"Uh, confidence? Really not, but I can promise I will never release water."

Rainy night smiled.

Uh, the old head Zhang is very uncomfortable. What kind of answer is this?

"Have you heard? There are also gambling in the periphery. Xiao Ye is the weaker side and the odds are one to two."

Old Head Li spoke very puzzled.

"Huh? Why is my brother's odds so high?"

Gentlely walked down the stairs, and asked puzzledly that he was obviously the top master in China.

"First? Because of the battle that year, Xiao Ye only surpassed real men and real men by relying on equipment advantages; second, Xiao Ye announced his walking video screen a few days ago, completely exposing his own weaknesses."

Grandma Sun explained, sighing slightly.

"Okay." Accept this fact gently.

"There have been many rounds in the periphery, such as long-term, tricks and so on. The odds are different, Xiaoye? It really doesn't work? You lose one on purpose..."

"Don't make bad ideas, you will be suspended for counterfeiting."

Grandma Sun threw a dough stick at Lao Zhangtou and told him to shut up.哽噺繓赽奇奇 Novels|w~w~

After breakfast, everyone entered the game.

After all? For this battle with real men and real men? Yuye is still looking forward to it. I don't know what role will be arranged for them?

After logging in to the game, Yuye first glanced at her own attributes, um, it was not bad to restore the full value.

But now that he has lost six pieces of Chaos equipment, the Dark Golden Sickle, and the Evil Holy Cloak?

The rainy night went around in the desolate desert, dialed the communication of Ai Liren, and learned that he was free? Take out the teleportation array and go to the front battlefield to look for Ai Liren.

Open the high-level space portal and leave on the rainy night.

Ten minutes later? Rainy night arrived at the central battlefield where the high-ranking gods were where the Ai Liren was, and the gods of both camps saw the holy dragon? Stopped one after another and let go of the Holy Dragon.

"Brother Saint Dragon? You are here."

Surprise appeared on Ai Liren's face, he was a little excited, and he was able to watch Chaos Parts again. Is there anything more delightful than this?

" Is it going to be teleported to another world? I'll help you."

Ai Liren smiled.

"This time, instead of teleporting me, it teleports another player, but I still pay the original price."

"Well, just pay? Anyone can send it."

Ai Liren agreed.

"Right? Elder brother? Do you have any props for temporarily changing the zone clothes? Can players enter the RH world? The kind that transforms into RH zone players."

"I know where it is sold, and I can buy it for you."

Ai Liren muttered for two seconds and said.

"Thank you, Brother Ai Liren, I'll go and pick them up now, so prepare."


On rainy night, Ai Liren acted separately.



Out of Wutian space? Yuye’s communications were instantly blown up, and they were all about negotiating cooperation intentions.

For this cooperation? Yuye refused directly and shut down the communication system.

Since the last endorsement event? Yuye's endorsement of such things? Conflict from the bottom of my heart.

End of the first endorsement in the final chapter? Rainy night encountered countless ridicules, and even made them into emoticons to spread around. The reputation of the No. 1 master in China is discredited.

no way? The Holy Dragon had no choice but to give up endorsements and instead fought seriously. This is an important reason why there were no endorsement ads in the few battles after the rainy night.

Fortunately, Yuye only signed one endorsement, otherwise? Liquidated damages are all compensation for sky-high prices.

"Hello? Is it Emperor Zhang?"

Rainy night opened the teleportation array and returned to the town behind, dialing the communication of Emperor Zhang.

Uh, the front battlefield is too expensive to make communications, so rainy night had to return to the rear battlefield to buy.

"Holy Dragon? My coordinates are 4857*1245."
