Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 76: Black, tall, fat

Grandma Sun didn't speak, she came to Yuye's side with a flat face and took the bowl in his hand and walked towards the kitchen. She didn't say a word or an extra expression on the way.

   Grandma Sun doesn’t speak, she doesn’t say anything, can she force it on a rainy night? Can she force her mouth open?

   It's best to only let out a sigh like a whale falling on a rainy night.

   "Grandma grandma, my aunt and I have an agreement to enter the game first." Yuye stood up from the stool and took a deep look towards the kitchen before walking up the stairs.

   Although I don't know what the unspeakable concealment of Grandma Sun has, I can be sure that Grandma Sun really has something to hide from them.

   Grandma Sun couldn't go through this road. It seemed that she could only ask her grandpas for help. She stood in the corridor on the second floor and looked at the location of the three grandpas and made up her plan.

   Just after Rainy Night walked into the room, Grandma Sun's elderly figure walked out of the kitchen, her muddy eyes full of feelings for Rainy Night, and these feelings could only be turned into a sigh.

   Live the last three months, just in case...



  Ding, welcome back to the game and wish you a happy day.

   When I entered the game on the rainy night, I was still thinking about Grandma Sun, walking on the streets of Xinshou Village without looking at the road, and slammed into someone's arms.

   "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Rainy night pulled away and quickly apologized.

   The person did not respond.

Yuye raised his head to observe this person, hey, this person stands straight like a terracotta warrior, his eyes are tightly closed, the expression on his face is terrible, and the snoring noise is loud; uh, there are many people who can stand and fall asleep. But there are not many people with such a hideous expression.

   held a cold light sword in his hand that was about to break, supporting his body to prevent him from falling; the cyan gown on his body seemed to have been baptized by the flames of war, and there were many scorched places, even some of the scabs in the body.

There is no name on the top of the head, and no special equipment on the body. It should not be a player; but it should not be an inherent npc. The whole picture of the new village Yuye has been modeled, and the major NPCs and the access points of the major tasks are clear to him. Never had the impression of this person.

  Who is he?

   The Novice Village at 7 o'clock is the most lively time. The die-hard fans of the final chapter will not be lazy, and it has become a habit to get up early and level up.

  Uh, it can be said that the final chapter has eased the late-sleeping and late-rising situation of young people to a certain deserves praise.

   At this time, not only rainy night found this strange npc, the rest of the players also found that they had gathered around to get first-hand information.

   "Hey, I clearly remember what ‘wholesaler’ was in this area yesterday, why is there a strange NPC today? Looks like this, it’s miserable." One person stopped and began to comment.

   "The emergence of new NPCs often means new missions and new chapters. According to my personal inference, this should be from the town, with special missions, so the identity cannot be inferred."

"In terms of identity, let me infer that this person is standing like a sword soaring to the sky, he should be a member of the army; the scarred sword in his hand proves that he has experienced one or even several battles before. He should I'm here for help, the town is in trouble!"

   One person touched the pinch of goatee on his chin, and shook his head to make inferences. They were methodical and everyone could not refute.

   "No, if he is really a warrior, then why does he have no armor, but a green shirt?"

   "This is very simple. I lost my armor." The goatee did not speak, but the person next to him lied.

   "No, no, my guess is wrong, my little brother makes sense." The goatee reacted and admitted his mistake.



   There are more and more people, and more and more ideas for discussion:

   Someone said: This is an npc to give a baby.

   Someone said: This is a player, he has seen it before.

   Someone else said: This NPC is just a projection, otherwise we have discussed why he doesn't move for so long.

   Rainy night finally squeezed out of the crowd, the clock had already jumped to seven ten.

   Ding, the player "Long Sword Hate Song" requested a call. Do you agree?


   "Xiaoye, where are you? Come and gather at the entrance of the village." The urging voice of Changjian Hengge sounded, and the number of people listening to the movement next to it had already gathered, just waiting for the rainy night.

   "Hmm, aunt, I'll be over soon."


   After hanging up, Yuye quickly moved towards the entrance of the village, and the figure behind him could only be understood after he came out of the copy.

   At this time, beside the tenth-level copy of the village entrance, a few members of the Dragon Touring Guild were ready, but there was one more face.

   The picture zooms in and observes this raw face carefully:

The one-meter-nine, close-to-two-meter tall man is like Optimus Prime, a real tiger-backed waist, and that waist requires at least two rainy nights to be able to hold the bets. The luck is that he is tall, otherwise it is typical to look far away. Square figure.

Although not as good as Lao Niu, but it is the same; and don’t forget that Lao Niu is a bull warrior, and his height has a bonus in the game; while “Orion” is a human warrior, his height and body shape in the game are his actual height. , Body shape.

The majestic and unusual armor on his body is intertwined with yellow and white light, and the fine workmanship shows that it is not the standard equipment produced by the blacksmith shop, especially the heavy and thin giant sword in the hand that is as high and low as rainy night~www.mtlnovel. com~ I really don't know how he can handle it.

   The huge sword shone with golden luster, which made the Long Sword Hate Song coveted. After reading the attributes, the Long Sword Hate Song was even more dignified, and directly said to'Orion' coquettishly:

   "Great God, I died too much yesterday, and the heavy sword in my hand fell."

   gritted his teeth on this ‘Orion’, raised his eyebrows and spat out a rolling word, in exchange for the stingy of Changjian Hengge.

  Uh, the disadvantage is that the "Orion" has a good mentality. Another person may be able to directly smash the sword to death.

   This gold-level giant sword equipment did not appear in yesterday's video, otherwise others would not be able to imitate it. Do you have such high damage? The answer is of course no.

  'S short and dry hair stands up like a hedgehog, and it must be tied to the touch; a black flatbread has a little red light on the face, as if it is about to burn red charcoal, uh, can it be so dark?

   The facial features are very ordinary, they belong to the type that won't be remembered in the next moment when they are thrown in the crowd, but the vicissitudes, stories, and air in those wise eyes make people shine.

   ‘Orion’’s memory points: black, tall, fat, and luxuriously equipped.

Although the members of the Dragon Touring Guild are all sub-class masters, it is the first time to contact the'Orion', the first time to contact the top ten existence of the China Hall of Fame, I can't help feeling a little excited, some incoherent, standing in the'Orion' Watching and chatting privately behind the back, the voice channel is full. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", follow "Hot Netwen or rdww444" on WeChat and talk about favorite books with more book friends