Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 77: Strong aid

"Ahhhh, this is the male **** of "Orion" in my mind, ah, so handsome, I can't stand it anymore." It is the pair of priests who still hold the golden staffs who are the first to speak.

   "Don't fight with me, be careful I blast your mountain." Another priest showed a murderous threat in his eyes, and the other rough guys in the voice channel seized the opportunity to bring a wave of rhythm.

   "We want to see, pinch."

   "That's right, just talk about it, don't practice fake style."



   "Hey, dagger, do you say he is so dark or natural?"

   "How do I know? Anyway, I don't like it so dark. It's so dark that there are no friends. How many people are scared to death when this person goes out in the middle of the night."

   After a night of hard work, Changjian Hengge finally agreed to let Gemini enter the dungeon together, and the price the two paid for this was not enough for outsiders.

"This person who is really fat must have high cholesterol and fat content. He is not healthy at all. I am still the handsomest man and knows the best maintenance." The old man stepped forward and compared his figure with Orion. I am very satisfied.


   All the above conversations are private conversations, ‘Orion’ doesn’t know, otherwise it’s another murder.

"Long Sword, who is that person? Why isn't he here? I really don't have a sense of time at all."'Orion' asked with a lightly frowned brow. As a person who does all kinds of good things every day, he has strict requirements for time. No minute is wasted.

"It's estimated to be here in a while. Don't be surprised when you see this deity our great master." Changjian Hengge said mysteriously, and then added: "We can't help but wait for him, because ten fragments are in his hands. It."

Oh? "Orion" said softly and became curious about the other teammate.

   The ten fragments are in Yuye’s hands, which means that Longjian Henge trusts him 100%, what is it sacred? Could it be those he knew?

   Two minutes later, the petite figure of the rainy night finally appeared, like a light quickly appeared in front of them, guilt appeared on the ruddy face, I was very sorry, and said: "Sorry, sorry, sorry."

   Say important things three times to express the guilt in my heart.

   ‘Orion’’s starry eyes full of wisdom flashed thick doubts, turned his head to look at Changjian Hengge, although the words were not spoken, the meaning was obvious: "Don’t tease me."

   "Orion, no surprise. This is the tenth player we have been waiting for. Okay, Xiaoye gave me the pieces, and we are ready to enter the dungeon." Changjian Henge first flirted with Orion, and then extended a big hand to Yuye.

  Haha, I haven’t seen "Orion" look like this for a long time, so I am really happy to think about it.

After taking out the fragments and handing them to Long Sword Hengge, Rainy Night seriously looked at the team. Uncle Gemini was also there, Lao Niu was also there, two priests and sisters were also there, two thieves, four warriors, two priests, and two wizards matched Okay.

  嚯, who is this black uncle? It's so dark, but so tall. Is it the foreign aid that my aunt invited? Yuye finally turned his eyes to this person.

   ‘Orion’ lowered his head and glanced at Yu Ye. Wisdom’s eyes were full of friendliness. For some reason, he felt so kind at first sight of Yu Ye.

   Yuye also blinked his small eyes to greet him, and said tenderly: "Uncle Hei, are you invited by Aunt Changjian Hengge?"

   ‘Orion’ only felt 10,000 black lines appearing above his head, and 10,000 grass mud horses rushed through his heart. He wanted to clenched his fists to give the rainy night a violent shudder, but he forcibly held back it, put on a smile and said thickly:

"Hello, kid, I am'Orion', you may have heard of me, cough ahem." Although'Orion' ranks high, it is usually approachable. At this moment, I cough slightly and straighten my waist as much as possible to cause rainy nights. note.

   "Uncle Hei? Are you a hunter? What a coincidence, can you pass on some knowledge to me, Xiao Ye also wants to be a hunter." Yu Ye's eyes flashed brightly, and she couldn't wait to ask.

   There was a picture in his mind: he learned to hunt and crisscross the forest.

   "Orion" was completely defeated, this kid really didn't know himself.

   "Haha, haha." Changjian Hengge stood aside and watched. He couldn't straighten up his waist with a smile at this moment. He came over and patted Orion on the shoulder to comfort him: "Accept your fate, Uncle Hei."

   ‘Orion’ sullenly stretched out his hand to open the hand of Changjian Hengge, and walked away a little silently angry.

   "Uncle Hei, don't go far, you are about to enter the copy." Long Jian Hengge's words are like a series of critical strikes, and the madness is in the heart of "Orion".

  Ding, your team is about to enter the tenth level dungeon, please be prepared.

  Ding, it is detected that your dungeon progress is the second and third wave, whether to jump directly.


   The ten figures suddenly turned into silver light and entered the copy.

   Just after a few people entered the dungeon, the spies hiding at the entrance of the village sent information back:

   "Chairman, the Dragon Touring Guild has invited foreign aid, and it looks like a detailed description."

All the guilds in the Novice Village of No. 990 heard the news for the first time, and they all sighed: The Dragon Touring Guild is already the overlord, but if they have to hire strong foreign aid, wouldn’t their little guilds never pass the customs The day?

And they all know the origins of this foreign aid. After all, the black face, the body shape, and the charitable character, but the few people they don’t know: The tenth "Orion" in the Hall of Fame rankings, has played against Changjian Henge for so long. I really didn't know that Changjian Henge knew this great god.

The “Shoal Shrimp Play” that got the news had a meeting immediately, convening a meeting with the absolute backbone of the guild and finally unanimously decided to also invite foreign As for money and everything, it is a small matter, as long as it can get the tenth level. The first pass of the copy is worth it.

   "Today is a good day. At 7:32, we finally hit the last fragment. At this point, the tenth level copy will definitely leave our name and the footprints of our battle, brothers? Are you confident?"

   "Yes, just do it, don't persuade."



   "Leader, another piece is shot out, how to deal with it? Is it sold or kept for personal use?"

   "Attack the tenth level dungeon, it's no longer for sale."

   "Team, really?"




   "Another boss? Captain? Can you grab it?"

   "Definitely grab it, what if there are fragments? That's a hundred thousand yuan, boy, don't get confused, and we must play our'Wild Wolf Squad' power when the battle begins, don't be bothered."

   As time goes by, there are more and more fragments, and the price drops lower and lower. At this moment, a fragment has dropped to one hundred thousand oceans...shrunk by nearly fifty times.

   "Fuck, a small team of six people who is not well-known can reach the Black Bear King? In order to prevent them from being annihilated, we absolutely save them..."


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