Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 791: Rainy Night VS God General Team

"Xiaoye? Don't take it lightly. This guild of the gods is really strong. You didn't watch the last battle. The five of them seem to have a special equipment, and they directly killed the five people in the BM area." First issue https://https: //

   "Hmm, try it and see if they can kill me and Gentle? Or I can kill them."

  Ding, please end gently on rainy night.

   Yuye put his eyes on the bodies of the five gods, and carefully looked at them with the eye-sight technique.

   Take a look? Mu Chen discovered a secret:

   These people are chosen by the gods, they can offer sacrifices and equipment, and invite the gods...

   No wonder it was able to kill the five people in the BM area, because it turned out to have this skill.

   Sacrifice, please God this skill: Sacrifice a piece of legendary equipment? Attributes can reach an alarming level, and operations can also increase substantially.

  In the early game? Yuye has once owned and used it, very powerful.

   Level 50 sacrifice again? Sacrifice high-level legendary equipment? The power that the gods can flood into the player's body will be more and more powerful.

   No wonder this team wants to be called a god.

   is interesting, really interesting.

   A special idea suddenly appeared in Yuye's mind, and he couldn't wait to experiment.

   "Gentle? Don't move, watch the theater quietly."

   hum, a faint fluctuation spread, and the breath of the gods surged.

   A smile appeared at the corner of Rainy Night's mouth, offering sacrifice to an artifact in his backpack and asking the plague **** to come.

   The artifact in Zhengzhou’s backpack could not be used, but the players on the team woke him up, reminding him of this skill.

  The gods soared the attributes of the five members of the team and their breaths to the extreme, and the unique coercion of the gods exuded.

   The players on the stands can't feel it, but the rainy night and gentleness are the first to be among them, it feels almost suffocating.

   soon? The coercion was cleared by the plague magic god, and the rainy night, gentle breathing returned to normal.

   An illusory figure appeared behind the rainy night, looking at the five players in front of him indifferently. No, it was the five gods to be precise.

   "War? No?"

   Plague law **** bone rubbed two words. Starting

  The five members of the God General’s team can clearly feel the trembling of the gods and the timid heart, and a deep incomprehension emerges in their hearts.

  The gods controlled the five people forcibly and displayed fighting intentions, but the gods were unwilling to attack.

  The plague magic **** understood, a gray plague appeared, covering five people.

   ticked, time passed one second, the figures of the five people disappeared, and the breath of the five gods also disappeared.

   "What happened? What happened to the battle on the field?"

   "Only a gray shadow appeared behind the Holy Dragon, and the battle ended? What happened?"

   "I don't understand, I don't understand, is there a supernatural event?"

   The players were puzzled and frowned.

  Ding, congratulations on your victory in the battle.

   Rainy night, a gentle figure appeared on the arena stands.

   "Saya? What skill is this? Who is behind you?"

   The old man opened his head in shock.

  "Sacrifice equipment, please go to the upper body of the gods, similar to the strongest skills of the five gods, this battle? It seems to be our battle, but in fact it is a battle between gods. Obviously?

   The five gods invited by the team of the gods are not as strong as I invited, so they failed. It's that simple. "

   Rainy night opened the mouth to explain, the sound is not loud, all players inside and outside the game can hear, the doubt in the heart is relieved, so it is, no wonder the two sides are not fighting.

   The team of gods in the OM area is whispering at this moment:

   "The Holy Dragon is also the chosen person."

   "The five of us previously sacrificed legendary equipment, and the gods invited by the sacred dragon can crush us, let us ask the gods to tremble, and he sacrificed? At least it is also an artifact."

   "Then what shall we do next? Do you use the artifact?"

   "We only have one artifact, do you want to use it?"

   "Use, fight, or else the Holy Dragon will sacrifice again this time? Then we will lose."

   "The other semi-artifacts have also been sacrificed. Be safe."

   made up their minds, everyone decided to fight.



   The second battle? Rainy night re-used the sacrifice skills to summon the plague magic god.

  The **** general team also uses artifacts to please god, look at the momentum? The gods on both sides are of equal intensity.

   Four demi-god-level equipment sacrifices, the four deities reappeared, and the intensity was several times higher than before.

  From the momentum? The sacred dragon fell into the wind, but the **** invited by the sacrificial artifact? Still shivering, afraid to attack.

  The five members of the God General’s team were surprised and asked the Gods to attack.

  The plague magic **** waved his hand, and a combination of plague emerged, killing the five people in seconds and beheading the five gods.

  Ding, congratulations on your victory in the team game.

  The five gods were beheaded to death, and the puzzle still appeared in his mind, how could it be possible?

   are also gods summoned by sacrifice artifacts? Why can the plague magic **** kill the five gods in seconds? This is not scientific.

   The gods of the OM area asked the team for arbitration and asked for an explanation.

  Response from the final chapter: There is also a difference between gods and gods, and the quality of your sacrificed equipment is not enough for the saint dragon.

   The players responded: What about the ancient first god?

   After the victory? Rainy night leaves the arena space and heads to Wutian space to forge equipment.

  The combination of water and fire ended. With the help of artifacts, position and a little hole card, the Thunder team successfully beheaded, winning the team game and successfully advancing.

   The Thunder team in the BM zone is already weak, and the combination of water and fire is not an order of magnitude at all. Can they win? It was also expected Today, China only had two battles, and they won both games, which is a big crowd.

   Three days passed in a flash, and the second round of the world knockout round ended.

   There are still a hundred and five master players in the six regions, and each of them is a master player. There are still fifteen teams left in the team competition.

   There are still forty-five players participating in the singles in Huaxia District, nearly one-third, and the horror of Huaxia District is generally visible.

   There are thirty-two players left in the RH zone, and they are equally terrifying.

   There are twenty-five players left in the OM area, twenty-five players in the OZ area, and the remaining twenty-three? They are allocated for BM area and YD area respectively.

   The team competition in China is even more terrifying: Rainy night soft, water and fire combination, dark ghost hand combination, old Zhangtou four-person combination, long sword hate song combination? All five teams are promoted to the next round of the World Championship, which is extremely scary.

  With the strength of the Wudao team? Eventually it may be possible to fight a civil war.

   Monster Siege? It is activated every other day, but the monsters cannot appear from the leveling area at all, and they are all swallowed by the green plants, becoming the nutrients of the green plants, and enhancing the strength of the green plants.

   This is already an example of the green plant devouring a monster for the third time.

   is not just a mundane camp? The green plants of the Celestial camp are also devouring monsters.

   Rainy night was quenching ore in the Wutian space, and the figure of the plague magic **** suddenly appeared silently.

   "Master? Are you here?"

   After tempering a piece of ore in the rainy night, he turned his head and bowed towards the plague god.
