Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 793: Combat experience to make up for attribu

The fifth plague? In the 80th level area, a cave is occupied by an epic plague rat.

The plague rat was originally an ordinary little mouse. It happened to be found in the process of burrowing. According to the script? This little mouse should die immediately.

Unexpectedly, the mutation in this little mouse could contain the plague, absorb the plague, and transform the plague, so? Does the mouse keep cultivating beside this jade box? The strength is getting higher and higher, and finally promoted to epic.

This plague rat? Originally promoted to legend? There will be a special piece of expansion around it, plague ravages towns, players die inexplicably, and so on.

however? Now this plague rat ran into a rainy night, finally? It can only turn into white light and disappear.

Yuye picked up the plague jade box, put it in the backpack, and turned away.

Soon after the rainy night left? Another plague rat appeared, staring with hatred in the direction of the rainy night, looking at the momentum on his body? Not weaker than the previous epic plague rat.

If rainy night opens the jade box and integrates it into one's body? Can be found? The characteristic of this plague is the clone, which is divided into two, and each has the same attributes.

Stared for a while? The plague rat disappeared, dormant.

No one expected what kind of terrifying power this plague rat could erupt in the future.

After collecting the five plagues of the ordinary camp? Rainy night wandered the level eighty leveling area, studying the coordinates of the next plague.

Celestial camp? There are also five plagues.

Just when the rainy night took out the teleportation array and prepared to go? Suddenly a figure came into the eyes of the rainy night.

This figure? Fighting with the 80th-level BOSS——Dip-winged Leopard, and occupying the upper point, its damage? It's very high, it can be called a burst, and it doubles and improves every time. Very unfamiliar, not like a player in the Hall of Fame, nor a recent master.

See rainy night? The figure speaks directly:

"Hello? The disciple of the plague law god's "Holy Dragon" over there? Come and help me kill this epic monster."

His voice is crisp and young, he is instantly called Po Yuye's identity, with a smile on his mouth, look at his eyes? It seems to have known Yuye for a long time.

In the rainy night, a group of misfortunes flashed past, reducing the epic-level two-winged leopard's attributes by half, and another skill was issued to kill the two-winged leopard.

"Holy Dragon? Come here? Let's talk."

"Hmm? Who are you?"

Yuye stepped forward in confusion, looking at this figure? Rainy night in shock

This is a young player, depending on his age, will he not exceed thirty, his level? He has just passed level ten, its equipment? Only ten levels.

Looks like? Looks like a novice player who just walked out of the novice village, logically speaking? This player will be killed in an instant, but can he fight epic monsters? And have the upper hand? It's incredible.

Such a player? Why not participate in the World Championships and win glory for the country? Rainy night puzzled.

"Get to know, you can call me luck, and it won't be long before we meet again."

Yun said a puzzling sentence, Yuye ignored it and continued to ask.

"Are you really only level ten?"

"Strictly speaking, yes."

The crisp, young voice sounded again.

"Then how can your strength be so high? Can fight epic bosses."

"Level is nothing to me, as long as the combat experience is strong enough? The attributes can make up for it. I am here this time? I am here to tell you this news."

Rainy night said that he did not understand, how could it be possible?

Level 10 players kill the 80th level BOOS by walking in position? really.

This kind of thing? In Yuye’s gaming career, I have never encountered or heard of it. Yuye is already the strongest player in China? But still can't do it.

With only the most common skills? The most common equipment? Kill the epic boss? It's totally impossible.

"Don't you believe it? Then let's fight a fight?"

Yun speaks, want to fight Yuye, Yuye nodded? He was also very curious in his heart for agreeing to the battle, and wanted to fight with him, by the way, experience what is meant by combat experience to compensate for the attributes.



"are you ready?"

Yun continued to speak, his expression indifferent, with a smile on his lips.


Yuye just said this sentence? The wooden stick in the transporter hit Yuye's body.

Boom, the damage of -1 broke out, the damage was not high, but Yuye felt a strong force and directly pushed it down.

This? how is this possible?

Rainy night moves fast, wanting to counterattack.

Boom, the damage of -2 burst out, hitting the same position on the rainy night, and the rainy night was limp to the ground.

Luck didn't seem to have moved, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

Yuye wondered, climbed up from the ground to continue the fight, his figure moved quickly, turning into a gust of wind, waving a sickle in his hand to attack Yun Yun.

Boom, when the sickle is only three centimeters away from the top of Yun's head? The transported stick hit the same part of the rainy night again, exploding -4 damage.

Amplitude properties? Rainy night continued to attack.

Boom, the intensity of luck soared again, and the rainy night flew out in shock.

"Your attributes are high? But in front of me like a child, there is no resistance."


Yuye does not believe in evil, and has a strong desire to win in his heart. Equipped with all the equipment, the attribute amplitude is maximized, and the strongest operation is used-between life and death.

This is the peak of the rainy night, and it will definitely be able to defeat luck, even the third-order gods will hate under this trick.

But the next moment? The transported wooden stick still hit the same position of Mu Chen.

-8, the rainy night flew out three feet before stopping.

"How is it possible? This is horrible."

Yuye has never been as shocked as today, doubting himself as much as today, and as inferior as today.

Can rich combat experience make up for the lack of attributes? Rainy night is believed.

But want to progress to the level of luck? This is too ridiculous.

grade ten? Eighty level? Among them, there is a gap of 70 levels.

"Believe it now? Combat experience can make up for the attributes?"

Yun smiled.

"I believe it."

Sitting in the well and watching the sky, it is still unknowable, and a deep sense of frustration appeared on the body of the rainy night.

"Can I learn from you?"

"You don't need to learn from me? Because in the near future? You who have experienced the baptism of war? You can reach my level, even stronger than me, waiting for you."

Luck finished? Smiling and waving his hand, it disappeared like a bubble.

Rainy night is a little trance, what's the situation?

Such an offline method? It's definitely not something the player can have. Is it possible that the previous one was not a player? Is it an NPC?

No, it's definitely not an NPC. NPC has a unique aura? But the previous luck didn't have this breath at all.

Player? NPC? Rainy night is not clear.

operating? Combat experience? Attributes? Rainy night is also confused.

Feeling a paste inside on rainy night? And what does the last sentence mean?

Several mysteries entangled the rainy night, unconsciously? Rainy night, return to Town No. 48, and find Gentleness.

"Brother? What's wrong? Why are you so unhappy?"

Qingrou noticed the rainy night for the first time, and asked worriedly.

Yu Ye fell silent, staring at a certain place silently, digesting the previous battle in his mind.

Lao Zhang and others come around? Expressed puzzled.

After a long time? Rainy night took a deep breath and said:

"I was killed in a second, and there was no way to fight back."

Hear this? A deep shock appeared on the faces of Lao Zhang and the others, expressing disbelief.

"How is it possible? Xiao Ye? Someone kills you in seconds?"

"Is it the players? Or NPC?"

Old Zhao caught the key point and asked.

"Is a player whose name is Yun. Compared to me? I am as immature as a child, in front of him? I have no room to fight back."

"Could it be that his attributes are higher than yours? Or a high-level artifact? Or is there any horrible item?"

Speak softly and give a series of guesses.

"No, luck is only level ten, and the equipment is very common. It is only a black iron-level wooden stick, but he told me one thing: combat experience is higher than attributes."

"how is this possible?"

"Absolutely impossible."

"Brother? Do you have a fever."

"I do not believe."

Four gentlemen? No one wants to believe it.

How many people has the Saint Dragon always been the benchmark? It is the benchmark of the China Association, and even the benchmark of the entire Huaxia District. No one wants to believe that the Holy Dragon will be killed in seconds.

But in the end? Yuye put a video screen in front of them for them to watch. The video screen recorded the previous battle in detail.

With four sticks, each stick is hit in the same position, and the strength is greater than that of each time, and the damage doubles.

"how can that be?"

In the video? Everyone can see: At first, keep your hands on the rainy night to avoid accidental injury, but in the end, it is absolutely 100% strength in the rainy night. The speed moves to the point of frightening, but it is still hit.

It seems that the rainy night was deliberately hit.

The last scene where Yun disappeared? Everyone watched carefully and finally concluded:

"Brother? This is definitely not a player, but an NPC. It's okay to be defeated by an NPC. Maybe it was the final chapter deliberately attacking you."

"Yeah, Xiao Ye? Don't worry about it at all, this is all fake, definitely an NPC."

"Don't think too much, Xiao Ye."

Hear these comforts? Yuye didn't feel happy, the previous battles kept appearing in front of him, and he still couldn't let go.

for a long time? Yuye got up, took out the teleportation array and entered it and disappeared.

The first stop when Yu Ye appeared was by Changjian Henge, asking her a question:

"Do you believe that combat experience can make up for attributes?"

"Believe, always believe."

"Do you believe that a level 10 player can kill a level 80 boss with only a black iron level stick?"

"No, I don't believe it."

This is the answer of Changjian Hengge, and Mu Chen sent the previous battle video of himself and luck to Changjian Hengge.

After reading it? Changjian Hengge couldn't close his mouth for a long time.

The second stop? Yuye appeared next to the real man and the real man and asked the same question.

"Trust, I'm an example."