Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 796: Plague assessment

Phew, what I lose is not combat experience, not operation, but time. After you want to understand? Rainy night bid farewell to Ai Liren and turned away. The plague of the Celestial camp in the rear battlefield has not yet been collected.

Looking at the figure leaving on the rainy night? Ai Liren's lips buzzed, as if he wanted to say something.

"Brother Saint Dragon? That celebrity teenager back then? The name is Ye, the night of rainy night... And when fighting the ninth-tier god? The twin sickles used..."

Rainy night did not know this information.

It took three hours? Taking nine bottles of medicine, Yuye successfully collected the five plagues of the Celestial camp.

An episode occurred in it, which caused time to be delayed for so long:

Yuye went to a place in the Celestial Camp and found a hidden ruin in the level ninety leveling area, a long-closed ruin, the name of the ruin is-Divine Fall, meaning: the land of the fall of the gods.

See the monster attributes inside? This should be a level ninety? Even a 100-level copy, but because of rainy night? I was met by rainy night early.

The attributes of the rainy night? Deal with such ruins? Naturally there is no problem.

It took an hour? Successfully beheaded a large number of legendary monsters and god-level bosses, and promoted to the forty-eighth level, leaving only the last two levels from the fifty-level mark.

Don't know if you have upgraded to level fifty? Will there be a second turn.

The guardian BOSS of the ruins is the heroic soul of the fallen gods in ancient times-Minghu, who should be a third-tier **** during his lifetime.

Beat it? A system prompt sounded:

Ding, congratulations on successfully defeating the soul of the **** Ming fox, so you get its approval.

Ding, are you willing to inherit the godhead of the **** "Minghu"? God position?

Note: Have Godhead and Godhead? Your strength will blow out.

Rainy night fell into hesitation, do you want to accept it? Strength blowout? The temptation is great.

finally? The plague magic **** appeared and made a decision instead of Yuye, crushed this godhead, kept the position of the god, and put it in Yuye's backpack.

"Don't be stupid, these influential gods? They will only limit your future.

from now on? You are not allowed to accept any godhood, godhead? As for the godhead in your backpack? I will find a way to melt into your plague, let your plague carry the spirit of God, it will be more terrifying. "

The plague magic **** spoke, extremely despising those garbage gods.

"Master? Can I give these godheads to my partner?"

"You want to harm your partner? Just take it, Godhead? Not a good thing."

"Yeah, I see, Master."

After collecting the plague in the ruins, rainy night went out to look for another plague.

The heroic soul guarding the ruins died, the ruins collapsed, and they could no longer be restored.

Rainy night? Inadvertently destroy a chance for the future of the remaining players.

If there is no interference from the rainy night, maybe some players will inherit the godhead of the third-order Shenming Fox in a few years, become a god, and write a good story.

but now? nothing at all.

Another plague? In the treasure house of the lord’s mansion in the town of Tenjin III.

Entering Town No. 3 on a rainy night? The players are very enthusiastic and don't take the boundary between the gods and the commonplace seriously, but the NPCs can't. They attack directly, wanting to capture and kill Yuye.

Uh? Now? What else can we do on rainy night? You can only kill all the NPCs of the city guard, and kill the NPCs in the city lord’s mansion, leaving the city lord alone and let him take himself to the treasure house.

There is a reason not to kill the city lord: once the city lord is killed? The players in Town No. 3 have suffered, and their attributes have been reduced by 50% for no reason.

Collect the plague of the city lord's mansion, and leave on rainy night.

At this point, the ten plagues scattered in the rear town were all collected by the rainy night, all of them were thrown into the plague bag for conversion, and the rainy night went to the front battlefield to collect the plague.

Follow the signs on the map? The plagues in the battlefield ahead are dotted with more than a thousand, and some are busy on rainy nights.

Constantly looking for the plague, constantly swallowing the medicine, the number of plagues in the plague bag continued to increase, and the attributes of the rainy night increased rapidly.

Three days passed in a flash, hunting for the plague while being hunted down several times in the rainy night? Encountered a fourth-order god? On the rainy night, he turned his head and ran into the negative zero space without lingering.

But what if you encounter a **** of Tier 3 and below? Yuye directly experimented with the new plague's power. Some plagues were so terrifying that they directly killed the third-order gods, and some threatened the third-order gods.

More experiments? The more Yuye knew about the newly acquired plague.

Three days? There are definitely more than one hundred Tier 3 gods who died under Yuye, this data? It's chilling.

Every time a Tier 3 **** dies? The ransom on the rainy night increased by one point, to the present? Kill Yuye directly to obtain a complete set of Tier 6 artifacts.

The harvest of slaying Yuye is very rich, but there are fewer and fewer gods willing to take orders. Gods above Tier 5 cannot attack Yuye, otherwise they will be directly hit by the plague magic god, and it will not be directly erased from the third party. for sure.

As for the fourth-order god? Can't cause damage to the slippery rainy night, the third-order god? To die one by one? How to play this?

The other gods also tried to form a team to besiege the rainy night, but the final result? He was still beheaded and ran away in the rainy night, even if he had a restricted artifact.

Sixty plagues were collected in three days, which is relatively fast.

The plague on the battlefield ahead? There are assessments for each course, but most of the assessments are not very difficult.

It's similar to refining an artifact, defeating a monster of a third-order god, etc... It can be done in rainy night.

There are also some very scary assessments? Kill the eighth-order god? Refining a Tier 9 artifact? Isn't this deliberately embarrassing? Who can do it? It’s impossible to complete, After this period of collection? The rainy night also found the pattern, the more difficult the assessment task? The more plagues, the more terrifying, plague spirits? This is the best example.

The task was difficult to kill ten Tier 3 gods, and Yuye was successfully completed.

Plague ‘Spirit’ effect: It can forcibly weaken the target ten times in four dimensions.

Decrease ten times? The terrifying fourth-order **** will become a more powerful third-order god. Rainy night can kill him, but after getting this plague? Rainy night has not been tested.

Ding, a system prompt sounded in Yuye's mind.

Ding, please go to the arena as soon as possible to participate in the battle.

Nowadays? It's a world game with one hundred and five to seventy-five. Every player will not be absent. They will appear in the arena on time and watch the battle.

This is the top 150 players at the peak of the six regions, and the degree of horror can be imagined.

Needless to say, players flocked into the live broadcast room.

"Brother? Are you here? Miss you, where did you go these days?" Gentle was very unhappy, complaining strongly, and continued: "Brother, no, you have to accompany me these days and can't leave."

Rainy night gently scratched the tip of the soft nose, and comforted:

Hey, these days I have ignored gentleness.