Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 804: King of Thunder

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Online game plague mage chapter 804 the king of thunder

The melon-eating people expressed their shock and turned their attention to other places.

Can the iron case be reversed? The Holy Dragon is really ruthless.

As for the previous players who helped Yuye put pressure on the final chapter? Silently did not speak, each was busy with each other, and did not ask the Holy Dragon for anything.

Brothers? No need to say more.

The players in the Huaxia District are like this, but the players in the other five major districts are blushing.

"Huh? This can be revoked? The real hammer can be revoked? I want to report? Huaxia District is acting for personal gain. It is obviously a fake match? Why can't the report be successful."

"How much energy should be behind the holy dragon? It's impossible to turn things out of iron? It's too fake."

"I don't accept this result, protest, protest, protest seriously."

"Return me justice, return me justice, and ban the Holy Dragon."

"There must be inside information, 100% inside information, check, I must check, no one is behind.",,

Players in the five regions are furious, keep talking, keep verbalizing, keep sending messages towards the final chapter, asking for justice.

"Hello? Really? Help me look up the incident with the Holy Dragon? What is going on?"

"Tron, help me ask your uncle? What's the matter with the Holy Dragon?"

"Ah? No news? How could it be?"

"Huh? Huaxia District blocked all the news? This is a cover."

"Grass, real hammer, I want to make Huaxia District change the sky."

Players with energy in the five regions have activated their own energy, learned the news from various channels, and obtained evidence? Report to the five major regions and request the five major regions to impose sanctions on the final chapter.

But these voices spread to the five regions? Just like the stone cow entering the sea, there is no reply at all. Only the absolute giant crocodile can get a piece of news: this matter? Don't worry about it, or you will burn your body.

For a time? The giant crocodiles closed their mouths and passed on the news layer by layer, voices questioning Yuye? Less and less, less and less movement.

finally? Only some players who don't know why are still clamoring, swearing, for such voices? The final chapter releases the system prompt:

Ding, about the Holy Dragon? There is absolutely no cover in the final chapter, who dares to talk nonsense? Will be banned.

"Seal your md? Trash final chapter, cheating still won't let Lao Tzu..."

Click, the player hasn't finished speaking yet, he was directly banned.

Ding? You have been banned for three hours due to your improper remarks. Please pay attention to your words and deeds. If you continue to publish improper remarks after unblocking? The title time will be doubled.

"Watch you m."

This sentence? Destined to never have a chance to speak out.

"Grass? Still titled? You call Laozi's account, not fair? Do you think I'm rare?"

"You don't need to block it? I just log out of the game, **** the game, I can never log in again."

"Right? Use you to seal Laozi? lj game."

"I'm so scared..."

What if the final chapter let it go and leave it alone? The resistance of the players will not be so serious, but the final chapter is directly given a title to threaten the players?

Ah? I won’t know in the final chapter, but the players have very hard bones, so they just choose to quit the game.

Some players who have been banned? After quitting the game, he began to write articles and satirize the final chapter, which caused a huge wave of retreats.

The players were filled with outrage, as if contagious, and quickly spread this emotion to every player in the final chapter.

This time the accident? The impact on the final chapter is very big, very big.

According to big data? The number of simultaneous online users in the final chapter of Huaxia District has dropped by 30 million, and this data continues to decline.

This is only the Huaxia District, and the same is true for the other five districts. The number of players online has dropped very quickly, and there is no sign of returning.

A promotional video for the final chapter? At most 50 million players have been attracted.

but now? The speed of returning visitors is much faster than the speed of joining the final chapter.

The headquarters of the Huaxia District Final Chapter is under tremendous pressure, not only from the players in the Huaxia District, but also from the other five regions.

"Stay steady, don't panic, there will be no major problems."

Agent Wang appeared to stabilize the military, and at the same time dialed Tao Yuan's communications to ask him how to break the game.

Tao Yuan replied lightly:

"Wait, time will dilute everything, now? The final chapter should do nothing, watch the development of the situation quietly, the best? Can some compensation be given to the title player.

By the way, send a message to the Holy Dragon to keep it low-key these days. It is best to withdraw from this world competition and temporarily disappear from the players’ sight. As for the reward? Awarded according to the championship reward? "


Mr. Wang knew it well, and he hurried to log in to the game to contact Yuye.

Rainy night did not leave the arena, but stayed quietly and softly by the side, enjoying a sweet time.

Suddenly a system prompt sounded in Yuye's mind:

Ding, the Thunder King of the special race requested to communicate with you? agree or not?

Ok? Yuye was puzzled, but still accepted the communication request.

"Hello, Shengshenlong? I am the acting general manager of Huaxia District——Wang Yu. Is it convenient for me to have a few words?"

"Hmm, yes."

"Then you come to this coordinate, let's talk."


Rainy night talked with a gentle voice and left the arena.

Appeared outside the arena? Take out the portal and enter it, waiting when it appears? Rainy night appeared in a sea of ​​thunder.

Looking at the surrounding scenes? Yu Ye was shocked.

The ocean of thunder intertwined, the castle made of thunder stones, everything around is so mysterious and dreamy.

"Welcome to the heart of Huaxia District."

suddenly? A **** full of thunder appeared, look at his aura? It was even more terrifying than Tier Nine God, absolutely reaching the level of "wing".

"What are you?"

Rainy night puzzled.

"Six districts? Each district has similar areas, each in charge of the six elements, while the Huaxia District? The Thunder Element is in charge.

This element? This area can only appear here when it becomes the general manager of the six regions, occupying the body of the npc of the king of thunder, and controlling this powerful force.

This location? The final chapter decides to inherit the first place in the Hall of Fame after three At the same time in charge of the final chapter China, you? Real men and real men are the best candidates.

This news? Is it still in a confidential stage? Please don't disclose it for now. "

Yuye was a little surprised and didn't understand why he had to say this to himself, although the news was shocking.

"Is there anything you want? I have something to say."

Rainy night speaks, a little anxious.

"In that case? Then I'll be straight to the point. I suggest that you withdraw from this World Championship and stay hidden for a while, whether it is a single or a team game. After all, the previous title events have been spread, and the final chapter is not good.

As for the reward? We will distribute to you in accordance with the rewards of the championship, and by the way, we will give you part of the compensation. You will never lose out. You can rest assured of this. "

The Thunder King spoke directly. Very simply.

The Plague Mage of Online Games