Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 808: Help from the Elves

sea? A place where all major races live together.

When the rainy night, gentle footsteps step on the first time? Several system prompts sounded in the gentle mind:

Ding, welcome to the land of the sea.

Ding, you have triggered a special task-the wonder of the Elf Queen? Do you accept it?


Objective: Please go to the clan land of the elves? Interview with the Elf Queen.

"Brother? Look at this mission? Do you know where the elves are?"

Speak softly, asking about rainy night.

"Huh? I know, I'll take you there. I just want to go to the Elf Clan to replenish some Elf Source."

"Then let's go together, brother."

Take out the final chapter? Adjust the coordinates, rainy night, gently go to the range of the elves.

The news that rainy night appeared in the land of the sea was the first to reach the ears of the gods of the Celestial camp. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The casualties on the Chaos Sickle? Counting on the rainy night, the gods of the Celestial camp have already discussed it? As long as who will kill the rainy night? Whoever can become the new lord of Celestial City.

Such a great power of temptation? Who can stay unmoved? The gods took action one after another, killing rainy nights along the way, where? Not only the sixth-order gods? There are also figures of seventh-order gods and even eighth-order gods.

Rainy night is dangerous this time...

As for the threat of the plague god? For the gods of the sea continent? It's not a big deal at all, the emperor is far away? What if the Holy Dragon is killed?

Step out of the portal? Yuye and Gentle appeared in the realm of the elf, and an elf with slender ears emerged, and timidly asked who Yuye was.

Yuye directly took out the token of the Elf family given by the Elf Queen in the backpack.

Last rainy night came? That was the patriarchal candidate representing the ‘Wing Man’s Kingdom’ and the Wing Man clan came to visit. The elves did not dare to neglect, and the elves queen personally greeted them and gave Zu Yuye face.

Rainy night is not a person who does not know good and bad? Put your attitude lower.

in this way? The guests enjoyed themselves and successfully raised the favorability of the elves to friendly, now come again? With the title of "the cutest person in the final chapter" on the forehead? Favorability increased again.

In a short while, the wood elder of the elves came out and gently welcomed the rainy night into it.

Yuye exchanged greetings with Elder Mu, and Elder Mu turned his eyes on Gentle and asked softly:

"This holy priest, is your teacher the **** Odinfiya?"

"Huh? Yes, it's Teacher Odinfiya."

Answer gently and truthfully.

"Sure enough."

A touch of surprise appeared between Elder Mu's eyebrows, a touch of reason.

"This pastor, I specially invite you to come this time? Is there something to ask for, specific matters? When we see the patriarch of the elves, we will talk in detail."

Elder Mu gave a brief introduction. His words were full of worries. He stepped up and took the rainy night to the World Tree gently.

world Tree? A spirit tree that has existed in ancient times and has survived to this day, it can go up to the heaven and the earth, and down to the Nine Netherworlds, protecting the elves all year round.

Although the World Tree does not have complete consciousness, it has been under the management of the elves for thousands of years? Able to display the strength of the ninth-tier **** that is not weak and the peak, and even be able to kill the ninth-tier god.

The elves? It is by virtue of the world tree? It has only been able to continue from ancient times to the present.

period? The World Tree has also suffered a devastating blow, and its power has been greatly reduced. It depends on the elves to overcome the difficulties and regain its vitality.

The elves are attached to the world tree. Does the world tree need the elves? This is a special existence.

These news? The rainy night keeps telling softly.

in fact? Just entered the Canghai area before? Gentle noticed this big tree, and asked what kind of tree it was on Rainy Night.

The branches of the World Tree are very sturdy and look like a broad city wall close up, with almost no edge in sight. There are many branches and leaves on it, every branch and leaf? They are all very strong, living in these many elves, coming in and out, so uncomfortable.

Juice collection of World Tree? Pests and many other issues need to be taken care of by the elves one by one. Qiqi novel first published on the whole network

The crown of the tree above? Is it even covering the sky? The sky is completely covered, no sunlight is visible. Fortunately, the sunstone emits light so that the surroundings can be seen clearly.

The center of the canopy? Building a city? That is the home base of the elves.

This city? Linked with the world tree, it can also be said to be a part of the world tree, which contains amazing power.

The city covers a large area, enough to accommodate tens of millions or even more elves living in it.

The situation in the town and Tenjin Castle? The common city is almost the same, and the elves are busy and peaceful.

Following the rainy night of Elder Mu, gently came to the center of the city, where the queen of the elves was: where the heart of the world tree was.

This is the core of the core of the Elf race, the key object of protection, generally speaking, the rest of the race will not be allowed to enter, but today? Elder Mu brought the two directly.

"Hello? Candidate for the Winged Patriarch, hello, holy god-Odinfiya chief."

The elf queen leaned slightly to greet the two.

In terms of identity? The Elf Queen doesn’t need to be like this, after all, it’s an but in terms of status? The three of them are of the same generation, even the rainy night, gentle generation is a bit taller.

The plague god? Holy God? Those are all powerful gods from ancient times, so far? Still affecting the situation in the final chapter continent, and the elf queen? It is passed down from generation to generation.

Gently raised his head and glanced at the Elf Queen, suddenly surprised.

This woman is too beautiful...

Tall figure, bright eyes, quiet breath, almost all the advantages are given to one person...

Seeing the Elf Queen for the second time? Rainy night still can't help being lost, this woman? Indispensable beauty.


The elf queen coughed softly, awakening the rainy night and softly from her absence.

Noting the gloomy rainy night, Gentle was slightly embarrassed, but soon the elf queen spoke to ease the embarrassment:

"I don't know how to call the two?"

"Oh, I am the Holy Dragon, this is Gentle, my sister."

Rainy night reacted, scratching his head and talking.

"Hmm, Holy Dragon? Gentle? I invite you to come this time? Actually, I have something to ask for."

The Elf Queen didn't mean anything, and spoke directly.

"Big sister, please tell me, as long as it can be done, I will not postpone it."

Speaking softly, it feels like a big deal.

"Look at it?"

The figure of the elf queen moved slightly to the left, exposing the heart of the world tree behind it.

A dignified look appeared from the corners of Yu Ye's originally puzzled eyebrows...

The heart of the world tree that should have been emerald green? Now there is a deadly yellow on the edge.

That yellow? It's the yellow that the trees are about to wither...

"There is a problem with the World Tree?"

Yuye asked, to verify his inner thoughts.
