Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 824: Promoted to Tier 9 God

As soon as the plague magic **** spoke, Yuye’s brain seemed to be hit by a sledgehammer, buzzing, and unable to respond for a long time, and the heart seemed to be suffocated.

what? To ancient times? how is this possible? Can time flow backwards? Can time be used? Ten thousand in Yuye's heart did not believe it.

"Master? Go to ancient times? Are you not joking?" Yuye asked tentatively.

"No? But want to go to ancient times? You need the space-time golden ship, and you want to control the space-time golden ship? Your strength must at least reach the level of a ninth-tier god."

The plague magic **** spoke again, rainy night suddenly, so it was.

"Why did you ask me to go to ancient times?"

Rainy night asked.

"Want to go to ancient times? You are still far away, now? Don't move? I want to improve your strength first, at least to the level of a ninth-order god."

"Hmm." The rainy night was like a woodcarving, motionless.

next moment? The plague magic **** took out a bottle of the power of the god, and spoke leisurely:

"The third profession in your body: Pluto? Strictly speaking? It is your own profession. Use it to improve? The most convenient."

Finished? Under the control of the plague god, the power of the underworld poured into the body of the rainy night/

The power of the Underworld enters the body, and the rainy night only feels like Mount Tai is pressing on the top, the pressure is huge, but the body is comfortable, and I only feel that it is acceptable. At this time, the system prompts:

Ding, congratulations on your successful approval of Pluto.

Ding, congratulations on your attainment of the **** position of Pluto.

Ding, congratulations on your success in consolidating the godhead of the Underworld.

Ding, congratulations on your successful promotion to Tier 1 God.

The system prompt sounded constantly, and the whole person was stunned by the rainy night, this promotion god? It's too simple, right? What is the Godhead?

Promoted to the gods? Skills, attributes, etc. are all upgraded to one level, and their power increases dramatically.

Just as the rainy night was in doubt, thousands of pitch-black jade bottles appeared in the hands of the plague magic god, and each of them contained the power of the **** of darkness.

then? If the plague magic **** took out the power of these gods to keep the gods behind? Can stay, but so? Can't make a rainy night, the two are right? The two decided to leave it to Yuye to help him become a high-level god.

The second power of Hades into the body? Rainy night, the first-order **** to promote the second-order god's experience value completed one-third, the power of the three gods enter the body? Yuye was directly promoted to the second-order god, and his attributes surged.

Feel this power in your body? It can be controlled at present.

The power of ten ghosts, the power of a hundred ghosts into the body? The Hades of Yuye is directly promoted to the fourth-order god.

The power of two hundred gods? Promoted to the fifth-order god.

The power of five hundred underworlds? Promoted to the sixth-order god.

The power of a thousand gods? Promoted to the seventh-order god.

Wait for all the power of the underworld to enter the body? Yuye was successfully promoted to the ninth-order god.

"Master? It's so uncomfortable, the power is about to explode."

Power circulated in the body, Yu Ye's body expanded nearly five times, almost bursting apart.

Such a powerful force? Taking rainy night at present? Can't control it at all.

"hold onto."

The plague magic **** uttered, the next moment six purple intent chaotic parts emerged from the rainy night's body? The rich purple envelops Yuye's body, increasing its strength and making it large enough to contain the power of the gods.

Ding, physique +1000000

Ding, physique +1000000

Ding, physique +1000000

The appearance of the chaotic component immediately relieved the pain of the rainy night, soon? There is no pain in the rainy night, feeling the powerful force in the body? Rainy night has a feeling of extreme strength.

now? Even if you face the ninth-tier god? Don't worry about rainy night at all? As for the eighth-order gods? Can be killed directly.

"Master? This force?"

Feel the power in your body? Excited on the rainy night, suspended in the sky and immersed in it? Feel it carefully.

Note: strength makes gods? Only then can it be suspended in the sky.

"Meditation, it's not over yet."

The plague magic **** opened his mouth and took out a fist-sized white feather, with thick feathers and thousands of pieces.

Inspiring the power of the Wing Man, the holy white light emerged and turned into streamer into the body of the rainy night.

at the same time? Yuye's body seemed to open a shackle, and a feeling of comfort suddenly emerged.

Ding, congratulations on your successful recognition of the ancestors of the Wing Man.

Ding, congratulations on your attainment of the eight-winged winged **** position.

Ding, congratulations on your successful assembly of the Eight-Winged Man Godhead.

Ding, congratulations on your successful promotion to Tier 1 God.

The system prompts sound, and the rainy night transforms into a winged figure, with four wings behind it, suspended in the sky.

A piece of wings disappeared, Yu Ye successfully promoted to the first-order god.

Three wings disappeared, and Yuye was successfully promoted to the second-order god.

Time passes, waiting for the wings of the plague magic **** to disappear? Turning into a streamer and blending into Yuye's body, the Wingman's career is the same as the Underworld? Advanced ninth-level god.

Yu Ye's body was blown into the size of a balloon again, and it was extremely painful.

The Ziyi Chaos components dissolve in Yuye's body, strengthening from the inside, and at the same time exuding chaos to clear the hidden dangers in Yuye's body.

The moment to be promoted to the ninth-tier god? Eight wings appeared behind the rainy night, and he was successfully promoted to eight wings.

Purple? The scarlet consciousness attached to the eight-winged man? It was immediately obliterated, and there was no resistance.

See this situation? The plague magic **** narrowed his eyes, relieved.

In a short while? Rainy night returned to its original state, with abundant, powerful, and unprecedented strength in his body. Rainy night never thought that he could be so strong one day.

"Master?" Yu Ye squeezed his fist and spoke in shock.

"Meditation, it's not over yet."

next moment? A head-sized plague ball formed by thousands of plagues appeared in the hands of the plague magic god.

In every plague? Both contain the power of Ruyuan and the origin of the gods.

The plague magic **** control force extracted one of them and injected it into Yuye’s body. A system prompt appeared in Yuye’s mind:

Ding, congratulations on your successful approval of the plague god.

Ding, congratulations on gaining the position of the plague god.

Ding, congratulations on your successful gathering of the Plague God Godhead.

Ding, congratulations on your successful promotion to Tier 1 God.

The system prompt sounded continuously, and the rainy night successfully obtained the position of the plague god. The class name that was originally the Plague Mage is advanced to the Plague Mage.

In a while? With the injection of thousands of plagues Rainy Night's body expanded again, this time? Inflated nearly ten times, the chaotic parts emerged, exuding a purple aura to enhance the strength of the rainy night.

One full hour? Yu Ye's body just returned to its original shape, the profession of the plague magic god? Was promoted to a ninth-order god.

Promoted to a ninth-tier god? Yuye only realized the horror of the profession of the plague magic god, and realized the horror of the plague magic god.

without any exaggeration? Just rely on the profession of the plague law god? Yuye was enough to kill a general ninth-order god, no doubt.

Until now? Yuye only knew why the plague magic **** was so terrifying, killing the same rank in seconds was like playing.

Even Rainy Night's promotion to a ninth-level **** is enough to kill the same level in seconds? Not to mention the plague magic **** who was immersed in the plague for several times.

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