Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 838: Historical overlap

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Online games: Plague Mage Chapter 838 overlapped history (fourth more)

How powerful is Heart Wing? Everyone learned of the tip of the iceberg.

Another ten years? Ten years later, ten years later, a hundred years passed in a blink of an eye.

these years? The number of battles in Yuye every day is getting less and less, and its strength has been upgraded to a ninth-level god.

Hundreds of battles with Tier 9 gods every day? Even Yuye could persist, but the rest of the ninth-tier gods could not persist, so the hundred battles decreased.

A hundred years of kung fu? Rainy night succeeded in eating all the nine professions.

"Rainy Night is really terrifying, and Heart Wing class is also really terrifying. Nine clones? Each strength is strong."

"Stunned to be afraid of the ninth-order **** of our Wingren clan? This rainy night is really murderous."

"You said? Will the Holy Dragon be designated as the patriarch of the Winged Clan?"

"Heartwing becomes the patriarch? This is the first time."

"Hey, the wing people have been silent for so long? When will they start fighting again."

The wing people in the wing people clan talked a lot, and the opinions were different.

In the room of the ancestor of the wing man? Sitting in the futon on the rainy night, with a smile on his mouth.

"How about? For the profession of Xinyi? Do you understand?"


Rainy night nodded heavily.

A hundred years of kung fu? Yuye has a new understanding of the nine professions of Wingmen, any one? Yuye's understanding of it has reached a very high level.

Not much else? The strength of the clone is not a problem with the wingmen of the same level, even the ninth-order **** is no exception, the nine clones? That is the Nine Dao Peak Ninth Tier God, terrifying.

"Leave the inheritance of heart wings, rainy night."


"Tomorrow I am going to start the battle against'Ming Ting Clan', do you want to participate?"


Rainy night nodded, such a big battle? Rainy night did not want to give up.

"Do you want to think clearly? This battle? According to what you said? But you are going to be sent to the end of life? Are you sure you still want to participate?"

"Participate, I will not be locked into the land of death, because there is no my legend in the future winged kingdom."

Uh? The ancestors of the wing man blushed, this man? Why are you so shameless?

"A hundred years? You should have a general understanding of the winged kingdom, today? I grant you the token of the patriarch of the winged clan? Tomorrow's battle? You are all in charge. Can you complete it?"

"I can only try, after all, I have never commanded a family's battle."

"It's okay, just hit it, you'll have to go to the end of life anyway."

The ancestors of the Wing Man expressed no pressure and even wanted to laugh.

"Okay, then you announce it." Yuye said.


next moment? The ancestor of the Yiren spoke: Feng Yuye is the patriarch of the Yiren clan.

Yuye began to convene the gods above the seventh-order gods in the Yiren clan for a meeting.

"Good patriarch."

"Good patriarch."

"Good patriarch."

The gods of the Winged Race are very convinced by Yuye, who will be the head of this Dao? No one opposed it, let alone appointed by the ancestors.

Although Yuye’s identity is unknown? But in the end? Rainy night is also a wing man.

"The old ancestor spoke before? Let me start the battle against the famous clan tomorrow, what is your opinion?"

Rainy night opened the door straight to the point.


"Finally wait until this day."

"Patriarch? You ordered? We have no opinion."

There are different opinions, but no one puts forward opinions, and everything follows the command of the patriarch.

Uh, hear these sounds? What can we say on rainy night? Open directly:

"If that's the case? Then declare war directly on the famous clan, let him fight the sunset plain tomorrow, the battle of the group's annihilation, and establish the creation **** contract."

"Patriarch? Isn't this bad?"

Hear this? The faces of the gods of the Winged Race were embarrassed.

"Yes, the God of Creation once said: The Final Chapter Continent does not allow large-scale battles to break out, not to mention the battle of ethnic annihilation."

"Patriarch? How about two whole dishes for you?"

"This decision is unwise."

The voices of opposition, Yuye smiled mysteriously, and directly released the final chapter:

Ding, the patriarch of the Wingmen clan declared war on the Mingting clan, the clan is annihilated, dare not to accept? Send the head of the patriarch directly to the Wing Ren clan.

Uh? This sentence comes out? The whole final chapter is boiling over the continent.

A smile appeared on the corner of the ancestor of the Wing Human Race? Ok? Good-tempered, good-natured, like a family of winged people.

The **** in a meeting in the Wing Human Race? Hear this voice? A wry smile appeared in his eyes, soon? A war spirit appeared on his face, a decisive expression appeared.

"Patriarch? Since you decide? Then fight."

"Fighting? Winged humans are never empty."

"Wait for the response of the clan, what if the head of the patriarch is sent over? Haha."

war? This is the attitude of the seventh-tier gods to the ninth-tier gods, and the attitude of the rest of the winged human race.

In the Winged Race? One heart? No one opposed the decision of the patriarch.

The other eight clans on the continent? Snacks are already ready, and watch this big show quietly.

One minute after the news on rainy night? Mingting family replied: fighting. tomorrow? See or leave.

"If you sign the Creation God contract, if you don't come? The whole group will be wiped out."

Facing the aggressiveness of the winged people? The creation **** said indifferently: "No fighting is allowed."

For this voice? The second family doesn't care at all.

Ten big clans lift the power of the whole clan? Maybe you can break your wrist with the **** of creation, this is where the ten great clans are emboldened.

Coming the next day? In the sunset plain? The two clans were ready, and the battle was about to start.

A battle of tens of millions? Yuye couldn't command it at all, and could only rely on the command of high-level gods, and he was in order.

Such a war? In order to ensure victory, Yuye transformed into a plague magic god, and various skills and various plagues were continuously released.

The horror of the plague god? It was shown for the first time, and at the same time it left a mark in the history of the Wing People: the plague magic **** once helped the Wing People.

Any help from Yuye? The Wingmen clan played an absolute advantage in an instant.

Just fifty minutes? Yuye cooperated with the Wing Human Race to kill hundreds of ninth-tier gods of the Mingting Race, playing an absolute advantage, and the high-level death? Mingting clan was defeated.

This battle? The outcome has been Just when the Wingmen are chasing down? The God of Creation appeared, speaking in an extremely indifferent tone:

"Ignore the majesty of the God of Creation? The Clan of Responsible Wings and the Clan of Famous Courts enter the land of death."

In the next instant, a stalwart power emerged, enveloping every player in the Winged Kingdom, throwing them all into the land of the old, and the ancestors of the Winged Kingdom were no exception.

Rainy night is also locked? But the next moment? Yuye transformed his career into a **** of darkness, and the feeling of being locked in suddenly disappeared.

For a moment? The Yiren clan and Mingting clan disappeared in the final chapter continent, leaving Yuye alone.

The other eight clans shuddered and had a clear understanding of the horror of the God of Creation, and did not dare to offend the majesty of the God of Creation again.

In the land of death? The ancestor of the Wing Man did not look at the surrounding situation, and immediately asked: "Is the patriarch Yuye here?"

The Plague Mage of Online Games