Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 84: War of blood and fire

Note: The Gray Mist Master is too simple, and Yuye did not use the Eyesight Technique twice to paste, but dictated it.

"Orion" didn't have any doubts about this, after all, the rainy night had already brushed it once, and he took a high look at the rainy night's ability to remember the blood volume and attack power.

But he would not have thought: Yu Ye said it by looking at the screenshot, and did not recite it.

"It's still Xiaoye's wisdom eye technique that can withstand the test. At this moment, after knowing the skill, you can also prescribe the right medicine. Everyone pays attention to it." Changjian Hengge briefly praised the rainy night, and then exhorted.

Generally speaking, these five skills are not bad, with offensive and defensive skills. As long as the bull is not stupid at the critical moment, and the scholars in the green shirt are not mentally retarded, they can still pass the level.

The fatal blow is a bit annoying, and it can make me deform to resist it, it's not a problem.

Several people from the Dragon Touring Guild also took the opportunity to praise the rainy night, and then entered a state of battle with scorching eyes.

"Orion" looked around like a guilty conscience, and found that everyone did not seem to be taunting in his imagination, so his restless heart was calmed down again.

Take a long breath and prepare to fight...

Note: When you care about something and think that others will care too, but in fact, people don't care at all, or even take it in mind.

At this moment, "Orion" calmed down and looked at the sender of the picture. Hey, it turned out to be the Holy Dragon. There are so many secrets in this kid. Thinking of this, the eyes of "Orion" stayed on Rainy Night.

"Uncle Hei, your binocular spectroscopy is so handsome, but it's not so good." Uh, I don't know what's wrong on the rainy night today, just know the truth, but he still envied the opening of binocular spectroscopy.

A swish shot out a light from her eyes. Would she be envious if she let Gentle see it? Haha, rainy night thinks so.

Three black lines floated above "Orion". Can this kid beat him? No, assaulting a minor seems to be going to jail, no, this is a game, and it doesn’t matter if you beat him.


Although these things are slow to talk about, they are actually a matter of seconds.

The heroic generals have completely gathered, ten people can see his face clearly, his face is red and white, he is a little handsome, but the iron and blood on his face poured out without cover, and then a pair of black eyes flashed out. A ray of wisdom.

He looked at the direction of the ten people for the first time but did not launch an attack. Instead, he turned around on one knee and bowed his head towards the northwest, as if he was debriefing, as if in grief. Ten seconds later, there seemed to be a tear in the corner of his eye. Slowly converge.

The desolate breath in the air was slowly replaced by the pain, and the dragon guild in the distance seemed to be able to feel it.

But where can there be tears in the body of the heroic spirit?

The next moment the picture changed, several people were forced to enter a scene.

Yu Ye was a little flustered, he was pulled into the expansion for the first time, but the gentle and peaceful voice of Changjian Henge soon came: "Don't be afraid of Xiaoye, this is just a picture."

"Yeah." Yu Ye's heart settled down and started watching.

The ten people's vision is from the perspective of God, suspended in the air and quietly watched everything that happened on the ground:

In a certain year, certain month, and certain day, the specific era is unclear, but war seems to be an eternal theme, and the eyes are full of yellow sand and blood.

Kill, rush.

The rushing sound and the roar are like giant drums formed between the heavens and the earth, shaking people's hearts one by one, and hitting the soul with each other.

The sound of weapon handover and the sound of sharp blades in the body spread out a picture of the baptism of war, which makes people indulge in it and feel unbearable.

The fallen corpse and soaring bloodstains compose a gloomy and silent song that makes the listener cry and sadden the listener.

Rainy night saw such a scene for the first time, and was immediately shocked, his small eyes rotated quickly, wanting to keep such a picture firmly in his mind.

This special effect ‘Orion’ scored ninety-nine points, and the remaining one was afraid of her pride.

None of the ten people spoke at the moment, and everyone was immersed in the epic and grand scenes, taking their place in the war of blood and fire.

How did they experience this in peace times? And the skill of those directors is far worse than the special effects of the final chapter.

The eyes of the few people quickly shifted to the place where the heroic general:

The heroic general stood high above the chariot and watched the surroundings. He kept his sword and slashed the surrounding enemies. His gaze was very calm. He was not mad because of his brother’s death, nor was he caused by the departure of his subordinates. Lost.

He understands...He understands that the whole army will be defeated if he is in a chaos...He understands...

And he... just wanted to kill as many enemies as possible before he died, and clean up more gangsters, to make his death more valuable, and his brothers death more valuable...

The battle did not last long. Three minutes later... the general died... the soldier died...

At the end of the expansion, the consciousness of the ten people returned to their bodies. When everyone opened their eyes to look at the heroic general, it was all complicated and very rich.

Such a general is worthy of admiration, support, and love.

But such a general should not be desecrated, should not be called out again, and should not be a tool of evil spirits.

The eyes of the few people suddenly turned red, and they couldn't wait to rush to the third level to solve the last boss, the minions of the gods.

Changjian Hengge, the bold female man, was exaggerated and shouted at this moment: "General, I will help you complete your last wish, and I will help you rest in peace with your soul." After that, she changed her clothes: all changed. For the golden equipment, at the same time raise the great sword to launch an attack.

Several other people also screamed and launched an attack frantically.

At this moment they are high-spirited, at this moment they are impassioned, at this moment they are full of confidence.

The spirits and spirits gathered in one place, and the combat effectiveness rose by 100%.

'Orion' stared at the golden equipment on Changjian Henge's body, and couldn't help being a little surprised. This Nizi still has some goods. It seems that this year's Hall of Fame ranking, she can also be among the top 50~ ~ Orion's operation after watching the Long Sword Hate Song gave the most pertinent judgment.

Yuye subconsciously used the Bane of Monoliths, but the gestures had been made but suddenly discovered that the Disaster of the Monoliths was in the dim sealing period and could not be used. Can only be used in conjunction with the raging flu, and the plague aura burns and hits the damage.

Everyone knew that the scourge of a single body could not be used on the boss, and did not have much hope for the rainy night.

‘Orion’ sighed and felt a big rock fall on the ground: Phew, fortunately, I can’t use it on the boss, otherwise I would really become a soy saucer.

"Orion" was hit hard today, but once he entered the battle, his mind was completely empty and he would command from time to time.

Everyone played in an orderly manner and without disorder.

"Retreat."'Orion' stared at the commanding command of the Heroic General, and the people surrounding the Heroic General retreated instantly, without any muddling. I want to chat with more like-minded people about "The Plague Master of Online Games", WeChat pays attention to "Excellent Literature", read novels, talk about life, and find friends~