Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 843: The second hand of the plague god

   However, the hatred in the eyes of the God of Creation has already been planted. As long as it is in charge of the final chapter, the Night Demon cannot escape and will undoubtedly die.

   Seeing it in the rainy night, seeing the plague and seeing it, and Gulan seeing it, but the Night Demon alone? Ridiculous.

   Gulan left and returned to Gulan City for layout.

this time? Gulan knew that he would definitely die, but the tribe needed to settle down. What if he died? No backhand? The ancient city of Gulan must decay, and it is in the long river of history...

  The plague magic god, Yuye tried to attack the altar again? But none of the attacks succeeded, and the two of them could only helplessly watch the creation **** merge into the final chapter.

   Forty percent...


   Sixty percent...

   Further back? The slower the speed of integration, hundreds of years have passed? Nearly 80% of the **** of creation has been integrated, the suppression of heaven is getting more and more serious, and the strength of the plague **** is getting lower and lower, and it has already fallen to a ninth-order god.

   Rainy night strength is no exception? Fall to the ninth-tier god? The remaining half-step creation god? The strength is also reduced.

  The other ninth-tier gods? I only felt that a solid barrier emerged, and I could no longer break through to the half-step creation god, some 9th-tier gods with a foreboding breakthrough? No more breakthrough.

   "Plague Law God? The last 20% is your death date."

"I am waiting."

   Several years passed in a flash, and the fusion reached 90%. A panic appeared in the Creator God's heart, always feeling that something bad happened.

   "Plague Magic God? Have you left behind?"

  The God of Creation is looking at the plague god? The feeling of bad and flustered in my heart became serious.

  "Creation God? This altar of yours? I can't crack it, but I can see a trace of loopholes that merge to 90%? The altar can no longer be reversed.

   cannot be reversed? Is it the moment I did it, God of Creation? This round? You lose, can't I kill you? But I can seal you, this day? I changed my appointment. "

   finished? The plague magic **** took out another 10% of the colorful **** stone and carved cumbersome inscriptions on it.

   "You? Are you a time and space inscription? How is it possible?"

   Chuangshi Shen was full of shock, and he was in a mess trying to completely reverse the altar, but it was too late.

   The altar has progressed to 90%, and it cannot be reversed.

   "Plague Law God? No, don't do this, we can discuss something."

   Chuangshi panicked, a little begging for mercy.

  The plague law **** was unmoved, and continued to engrave time and space inscriptions on the colorful creation stone.

   Decades of work have passed, and the plague magic **** has attached dense time and space inscriptions on the colorful creation stone, overlapping one layer after another.

   And now? The creation **** has already merged to ninety-nine percent, which is still the last touch...

   The final chapter of the whole film The mainland is somber, dark clouds all over the sky, without any light, lasting for decades? All the vegetation withered, and the breath of life was reduced to the extreme.

   Regardless of race? As long as the strength does not reach the gods, the deaths will begin in fragments, and the human race will suffer heavy damage.

   The whole mainlanders were panicked, not knowing what to do, let alone what happened.

   later life? Call this century: the end...

   "Creation God? Your end is here."

   The Plague Magic God was busy for a while, squeezing the loopholes in the altar, and integrated 70% of the colorful sacred stones with time and space inscriptions into the altar.

   One time? The degree of fusion was reduced to 90%, and the altar was still irreversible.

   into the final chapter? The overlapping time and space inscriptions spread out and spread to the final chapter, obstructing the God of Creation.

   Wait for the altar fusion to increase to ninety-nine? The plague magic **** once again incorporated the remaining 30% of the colorful **** stones into the altar.

   "Creation God? Sleep, the future? Your strength is weakened to the extreme? That's the moment I killed you."

   "Plague Magic God? This time it was my missed move, but this day? You still can't change this continent? It's still the final continent."

   Kaka, the altar was completed, a flash of light flashed, and a breath of majesty flashed by, and the God of Creation was completely integrated into the final chapter continent, becoming the will of the final chapter continent.

   Just become the will to dominate? The creation **** can't overcome any storms either.

   The moment when the altar was completed? The time and space inscriptions circulate, covering the entire final chapter continent, and the power of time and space is activated, completely sealing the creation god, causing it to fall into a deep sleep with no ability.

   After falling asleep? The power of time and space flowed, slowly reducing the strength of the creation god.

  In an instant? In the final chapter, the dark clouds in the sky of the mainland dispersed, and a ray of sunlight illuminated the earth again.

   The limitation of previously unable to achieve the creation god? It still exists, and the power of the half-step creation gods such as the plague magic **** still cannot be restored.

   But can you feel the rainy night? This restriction is gradually declining. How long will it take? Will be able to restore the strength of the God of Creation.

   "Master? How can you inscribe time and space?"

   When everything is finished and the dust settles, the rainy night asks.

   "When you return from the future? I got the token that the plague **** asked you to bring back. It records the power of time and space and also records how to deal with the **** of creation."

   Rainy night nodded, everything suddenly realized, so it was, but immediately deeper doubts appeared in his mind.

   time and space? Sometimes it is so elusive.

  The plague magic **** of the future will give the past plague magic idea through himself? Form a perfect cycle.

   "Master? What shall we do now?"

   "One hundred years of darkness? The number of continents in the final chapter has died nearly 40%, and the aura concentration has dropped by 40%. Starting today? The ancient period is the end, and the ancient period officially entered.

   The next time? I will live in seclusion and no longer govern the affairs of the final chapter mainland; and you? The task is arduous, and you have to help all races return to normal. "

  Ding, the plague magic **** (ancient) has released a mission to you: save the final chapter continent and restore prosperity.

   task reward: time and space golden ship.

   "Master? Can you refine the space-time golden ship?" This rainy night was shocked, a little unbelievable. UU Reading

   "Well, it's recorded in the token, but these years? You have to be busy. By the way, here is this..."

   The Plague Magic God spoke, and a stream of memories merged into the sea of ​​knowledge in the rainy night.

  Ding, congratulations on your career as a pharmacist...

  Ding, congratulations on upgrading your pharmacist career to a ninth-tier god...The fastest computer terminal of the new 81 Chinese website: https://

  Ding, congratulations on getting the thieves profession...ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

  Ding, congratulations on upgrading your thieves class to a ninth-tier god...

  Ding, congratulations on your career as an engraver...

  Ding, congratulations on your promotion to the rank of 9th-order god...



  In an instant? There are tens of thousands of secondary occupations and thousands of occupations on the rainy night, covering almost all the occupations, hidden occupations, and secondary occupations in the final chapter mainland...

   "These hidden professions? Professions? Every way must have inheritors, the more the more; the more you pass them on? The task is completed, I wait for your good news."

   "Hmm, yes, master."

   Get the guarantee of rainy night? The plague magic **** nodded and left.

   Leaving the place where the altar was, and taking the lead in the rainy night to the human race; on the way? See the terrible state of the mainland ethnic group in the final chapter? Yuye's heart trembled, and even nauseously wanted to vomit.
