Online Games Plague Master

v2 Chapter 844: Encounter Wutian

   is not enough to describe the tragedy...

   Rainy night has never been the same as today? The anger in his heart rushed straight into the sky, listing the God of Creation as one of the must kill.

  Creation God? Ignore life? Regarding life as grass? But the rainy night is not a success, the rainy night is a human race of integrity, a living human race.

   When the rainy night returns to the human race? Tears almost drained.

  After more than a thousand years of development? The scale of the human race finally broke one billion, but this one hundred year disaster? Directly reduce the number of human races to tens of millions...

   The overall strength of the human race is the weakest. The 990 million human races are all mortals and died.

leftover? If it weren't for the rainy night to help secretly these years? The back hand of the arrangement played a role? Then the human race might die out directly.

   Return on rainy night? Most of the clansmen were buried, but the remaining clansmen? It is not too much to be called a corpse, and tears appeared in the corner of the rainy night's eyes again.

  The troubled human race...

   "Patriarch? You are finally back."

   An old sixth-order **** appeared in front of the rainy night, crying loudly.

   In response to this disaster? Save more human races? The sixth-order **** almost paid the price of life.

  With its fate? In exchange for the life of the tribe.

   "Are you a little plum?"

   Yuye was shocked and opened her mouth, some can't believe it...

   This is just a hundred years? How could it be so?

   "Patriarch? Are you here?"

   "Patriarch? We suffer."

   "The end is finally over, patriarch? Why didn't you show up during the catastrophe?"

   Thousands of gods came around, crying and watching the rainy night; how do they look? All old.

  Promote to the gods? You can stay young forever, and your life span is almost infinite, but for the people? These people are willing to disappear and give themselves.

   "Thanks for your hard work."

   Waved in the rainy night, gathering the power of life to supplement the source of everyone's loss.

   Although you can't restore them to their original condition? But it can extend their lifespan.

   "I'm coming back this time? I won't leave. I specialize in cultivating tribes, human tribes? One day I can become the first big tribe in the final chapter."



   "We believe in you, patriarch."

   There were tears from the corners of the eyes of thousands of gods, as if they saw the grand occasion of tomorrow...ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

   "Rectify the human race? The dead are gone, everything is empty, but those who are alive? Need to keep working hard."


   Get the order? The gods disperse and rectify the human race...

   ten years? Human race is back on track, but the sadness remains...

   One hundred years? The Terran multiplied 50 million, and the grief weakened...

   Millennium time? Human race recovered one billion or more, and the sadness completely disappeared. It seems that history? Is it a false general, new born human race? No one mentioned.

  Only gods of the older generation? During busy time? Will remember for a while. Starting

these years? Thousands of gods emerged from the Terran, the strongest? Has reached the seventh-order god...

these years? Yuye felt that the profession of the human race was very chaotic, and urgently needed to establish a profession level.

   Yu Ye planned for the human race in accordance with the future nine professional system, under the strong promotion of high-level gods and Yu Ye? After ten thousand years? The nine-professional system appeared embryonic form.

   Ten thousand years have passed again? The scale of the nine-professional system...

   After these years of development? The number has increased sharply, reaching the level of hundreds of billions, the number has increased, the migration of migration, the invasion of aggression, the territories of the human race continue to increase.

   As for the top level? The first ninth-tier **** appeared...

   Rainy night thing? It is an absolute secret for the members of the lower human race, but for the gods above the sixth-order gods? Not a secret.

   Everyone knows: There is an ancestor in the human race, this is where the human race dares to expand.

   As long as the ancestors do not die? Then the human race will not fall, as for the position of the patriarch? It has been rainy night, the rest of the gods? No one can take it.

  The newly promoted ninth-tier god? Want to compete with rainy night? The result was a direct defeat.

these years? Rainy night has passed down thousands of professions in the human race, and a lot of deputy professions.

simply put? Without the help of rainy night? It is absolutely impossible for Terran to develop so fast.

   Rainy night suspended in the sky of this human territory, with a big wave of his hand, he turned the former residence of the human race into an ancestral land, leaving countless inheritances.

   Ten thousand years have passed again...

this day? Walking in the ancestral land of the human race on a rainy night, admiring the landscape and magnificence of the human race today, suddenly a voice will be heard:

   "No, it can't be forged like this, it should be."

   A tender voice sounded, Yuye cast his eyes over...

   This voice? It sounds like Otian's voice...

   Enter the eye? The yellow-haired child came into view, holding the forging hammer, looking at the piece of ore in his hand and said.

   "What do you know, continue to refine the ore."

   A rough man opened his mouth and slapped the child on the head.

   "No, really can't be forged like this."

   There are tears in the corner of the child's eyes, but he still speaks stubbornly.

   slap again, the child continued to speak, insisting on his own opinion.

   slap, another slap.

   slap, another slap.

   The child's face flushed, he clutched his swollen cheek, and continued to speak: "It really can't be forged like this."

   The man seemed to be tired, he took a look at the child and forged himself.

   The child raised the forging hammer, soared up the flame, and forged the material in his hand. He wanted to prove his correctness.

   "Go away, waste Lao Tzu's materials, break the apprentice? You will be expelled from today."

   The man opened his mouth and kicked the child away very violently.

Uh? Such a thing? The rainy night could not be stopped, so I could only watch faintly, a forging force emerged and poured into the child's body to heal his injuries.

"What's your name?"

   appeared next to the child on a rainy night and lifted it from the ground and said.

   "My name is Otian..."

As soon as    came out, the smile on the corner of Yuye’s mouth became even worse.

   "The forging method you mentioned earlier? Do you have confidence?"

   "Yes, if I follow my forging method? The quality of the equipment can definitely be improved by 30%."

   "Come with me, I will take you to experiment with your ideas."



   Wutian followed the rainy night to a large forging room, Wutian entered it and started forging.

  Looking at Otian’s forging method? Yuye sighed.

   Too immature, totally outrageous, if you want to become the first forger in the mainland of the final chapter? There is still a long, long way to go.

   "Wutian? I want to accept you as a disciple, are you willing?"

   Wutian turned his eyes and said: "Yes, but I have to look at your forging skills first, and then decide whether to apprentice a teacher."

   heard this? A smile appeared at the corner of Yu Ye's mouth, and he took out a piece of Tier Nine Divine Ore, lightly swung a hammer, and the power of forging melted into it.

   Next second? The golden light was released, a ninth-order artifact forged, and the breath radiated out like a fake replacement.

   "How about? Do you want to worship me as a teacher now? Otian?"

   "The master is here, and be respected by me"

   Wutian instantly figured out the strength of Yuye and knelt down.

   "Hmm, these years? You refine these ores first."
